After working on the layout for the star fortress, I speak with Senior Pao on a few more details regarding the building and foundation strengthening processes.

An unnoticed, but important piece in sect-level infrastructure, as the stresses that things go through here are much higher than what my world would normally have. He seems quite surprised at my ‘knowledge’ but adapts as we work through each one.

Step by step, we complete the details on all the different aspects of the layout.

However, the moment the rest of his staff leaves, he leans in toward me.

“Disciple Delinion, you seem to have great insight into this industry. I wonder if you are aware of the ‘hidden room’ concept?”

I give a nod, as it’s a similar idea to the panic rooms of my world, being a hardened, secret space for emergencies.

Unlike the ones of my world, the higher end ones could probably handle multiple direct strikes from a tactical nuke, comparable to a Late Core Formation attack. And more.

As expected, something of that level would be the worth more than several small sects combined. Adding to that, they aren’t on any blueprints and are built in a way to hide from searchers.

The question is, why is he bringing this up?

“Excellent. They have given me permission to attempt a variation of the concept on your towers, with your additional permission, of course. Something meant for an alternate form of public emergency protection. Similar to the Fortress of Healing.”

… and there it is. The catch to all of this.

The hospital. The additional investment. Them going along with my defensive building plans. It was all for this aspect.

They want this as a backup or alternate defense area in case of a sect attack.

This whole time, I’ve been introducing different options to him, some defensive, others not.

 They weighed and gave each of the suggestions a leaning toward a defensive position. While it would be easy to assume they were working off my personal bias and tailoring it to that, they were going to suggest some defensive aspects, anyway.

My leaning into, only made it easier for them to go for it completely.

I don’t blame them, though. It’s not like many of the prominent forces in the sect will open their facility doors to people outside their factions. Most core disciples, elders, and clan families have their defenses oriented to personal safety. For only them and in their groups.

So, this is a test.

Even if I decline their offer of emergency protection formations, they’ll finish the current job correctly and move on. No harm, no foul.

 If I accept it, though, I’m simultaneously showing my intention of being open to having this area being used for emergency protection and my support of the sect as a whole.

… and vice versa.

There are several factions in the sect, all of which support the sect in some way. However, there isn’t one that really could be considered the ‘sect’ faction. They may be trying to change that.

Getting both the macro and the micro aspects under their control.

I’ll have to be careful in my response, to make this relationship go in a direction favorable for my group.

“… I agree and am happy to help make sure our fellow sect members are safe, if the worst occurs. Though, I’m assuming I will have the ability to filter any individuals out who would be an issue or would be unwanted in the facility.”

For the briefest moment, his eyes squint, before shifting them away with a sigh.

“… Of course. Though, in an emergency, leaders of the sect will have the ability to do so as well.”

I’m not seeing a way out of this one. He’s essentially saying that elders and up will be able to override my decisions with the formation. Even if I don’t want someone to enter, they can still allow them in. They definitely won’t give up on that point.

Which is why I’m surprised when I see him subtly tap a talisman on his chest, causing a small invisible bubble to surround us both. A sound isolation bubble.

“If you can heal my son in your hospital, I’ll personally make sure you’ll have a large enough separate hidden room for those you trust.”

Before I can answer, the talisman silently disappears.

He immediately starts speaking, as if he said nothing.

“With that being the case, we’ll start work now. Let me know if there are any adjustments you need during the process.”

He gives a bow and turns away, moving toward his coworkers.

Hmm… I’m not sure if that was from his own decision or a pre-made judgement made with the Sect Patriarch’s permission. It could go either way in this sort of situation.

My eyes drift up toward the Sect Patriarch, who is still looking over the area.

In some ways, his presence here is a message to all here and those who will hear later.

‘This core disciple is special. They have my recognition and support.’

I feel he may not have stayed for much longer if I hadn’t accepted it. Which would have sent its own messages. Showing respect and recognition, but the timing of when he leaves is just as important as the fact that he came.

I can tell that I won’t need to give any more input. There are a few things I’ll need to go over with everyone, but now’s not the time to do so.

There are too many eyes and ears here. Not that there’s much urgency to talk to them right now, as everyone is helping in the building process.

On my side, there are a few things I’ll need to do in the hospital to help ‘pay’ for much of the labor that has come in.

Heading inside, I can tell it follows a similar layout to the hospital building at the Fortress, albeit much smaller.

Wei is already in the entranceway and is waiting for me there.

“Master Delinion, I’ve setup the people in group rooms and have directed some of your people to watch over them, per your orders.”

… when did she start calling me Master?

“Okay, good. I need to go treat the families of those who are working today, but hop into one room and I’ll heal you as well. I’ll be saving the victims you brought in for later, as they’ll need a specific focus, so don’t worry about them too much.”

Ah, right. Since she’s getting optimized and is close to reaching Foundation Establishment, I need to warn her, so we don’t have another Sister Nuan situation.

I lean in closer to her, keeping my voice low. She leans in curiously.

“Make sure to watch your qi when I’m done. We don’t want you to have a sudden breakthrough with everyone here, after all.”

As I lean back, I notice she leans even more forward to match my speed back. I look over at her to see why, but her eyes are closed with a dopey face. Her nose twitching.  

It hardly takes half a second before she instantly straightens her back and speaks, her face red and flustered.

“R-r-room, yes. I’ll. Ah. Breakthrough, g-got it. Yes. Thank you!”

She turns around and dashes away, her back still straight like a rod.

… I’m should really use my qi barrier to cover up my scent. Though, even my scan shows it provides constant benefits and I have to say, the reactions are quite entertaining…

Quite the hard decision.

Irrespective of my thoughts, I follow through on my previous words, sending my cultivation technique out to heal everyone of their ills.

As I reach out to numerous people, I find that the majority have ailments that a conventional healer or alchemist could remedy. However, there are several exceptional circumstances within the group.

Curses, spirit beast parasite infections, spiritual root issues. And several other strange situations. Some of which plainly are tests of my abilities.

All of which are solved by the technique.

Starting from here, I won’t be hiding the extent of my healing aspect, in terms of the breadth and depth of it. The only thing I’ll be cautious of is the renewing of qi reserves and, to a lesser extent, optimizations.

They already have suspicions of some of it, but no need to confirm them.

With that done, I travel over to Wei’s medical room to fulfill my promise.

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