The merchant lady’s words of shocked denial ring out a bit and even after the following quiet, still echo in others’ minds.

To say such a thing to your boss in this culture is unthinkable. But, so is what I just said.

Everyone was likely only expecting a small increase. The well-to-do people in cultivation are one thing, to have them grow massively in power. But for a bottom of the barrel to rise to the level that would be allowed into the inner courts in a quantity recruitment year?


So, even after her words, no one is really judging her.

As they are curious about it, too.

So, I decide to be frank with them all.

“This is what you signed up for. But even this is just a small part of what you’ll be getting as long as you do right by this group. For those who truly commit, I have so much more to help you progress in your cultivation journey.

“For now, though, here is what I offer so far.”

I gesture at the tables and the building itself.

What I’ve already provided should speak for itself.

I put a hand on the young man’s shoulder and grip it.

“It’s up to you now to show me if this investment is worth it.”

His face is tight, holding back tears as I can see it setting in for him now. He dashes to the next table, and the line moves quickly.

But the air has changed in the room, both for the better and worse.

It’s quiet.

The poor and downtrodden have a fire in their eyes, but the nobles and merchants have a small level of fear.

This is a potential ground for a revolution.

There are many benefits to being in the upper-class society, whether through money, birth, or connections. The healing takes some of those away if I chose not to give it to them.

And so, what I suspected that might happen occurs within the next hour.

I feel a shift in the contract and a person who’s a part of it.

The loud sound of a body dropping to a floor cause everyone to look toward the upper-class group. Everyone in the group parts away to reveal a woman lying on the ground, dead.

From a quick glance, this person is one of the lower ranked nobles.

Ugh. This is going to cause some waves…

Fear fills everyone’s faces, as one cultivator in the group checks for life signs.

There are none.

Before things can escalate, I speak to the group to explain the situation.

“It’s sad that it happened so soon, but this person had the intention of betraying the group.

“As you all know from the contract you signed, there are severe consequences of such an action. They were going to use this…”

I grab a talisman from their pocket and raise it for others to see.

“… Communication talisman, which was meant to reach out to someone outside of the group.”

If things were quiet before, now it is dead silent.

“Yes. This level of contract works off intent. Whether it is to purposely open yourself up to ‘accidentally’ reveal information or to do it directly, it will get you killed. With your cultivator soul dispersed.”

I let my face turn dark to convey the seriousness of the situation. Not that it is particularly needed.

“While it is very unfortunate that this happened, I hope this becomes a lesson for all of you.”

Right at that moment, Sister Nuan walks back into the tower, already heading over to the body.

She looks over the woman’s body and gives a quick nod before it is lifted into the air with her swords. Transparent wrappings cover it before she looks over at me to speak.

“I’ll return the body to the family with the explanation and handle that aspect.”

She gives a warning eye to the others.

“Hopefully, no one else tries such a stupid action from here on. Even if you could come back… let’s just say that death isn’t the only thing you’ll need to deal with.

 With that ominous comment, she hops on yet another sword and floats out of the building on it.

Things stay silent before I indicate for the line to continue.

The mirth in the room has all but cooled, but so has the anger from upper classes. All that remains is fear and cautiousness.

One by one, they move through the line silently. All until it is complete. Everyone has a single spirit stone, has had a concoction, and a talisman.

By the time we finish, the mood has gotten better overall.

I don’t even need my scan to know why.

I mean, what can they do about it? They’re not the ones that are planning anything and all they are receiving are benefits.

As long as they stay in line, there won’t be any issues.

Soon enough, everyone shuffles into the different residential floors that were already shown to them during the tour. Luckily enough, there was a pre-sorting system that was already set up based on the current group.

One room is now empty, though. A reminder of what will happen if they decide to betray the group.

It’s a little morose, but I’ll keep it empty.

Sometimes, it’s better to send a message to save future lives.

But with everyone taken care of, I can now focus on some other things.

Like the four women before me.

Ai, Lin, Shi, and Mei Lin.

While everyone else seems to move their stuff in, they headed on a beeline to me instead.

Following close behind is the hero group.

Now, while the spirit beasts above may protect the towers and everyone, there’s no way I’m going to leave the people I care about unprotected.

I’ll need to come up with a better method of this soon.

Before I do anything else, though, I had over to them 10 spirit stones each.

In each of their own ways, they are important to me. So, of course, I’m going to help them succeed. Even if I care about others, what use is it if I let the people close to me fall?  

And especially after what just happened, I feel guilty about how everything went… even if in all technicality; it went far smoother than it could have. There was always the possibility of all the nobles looking to betray me to give away the information, in fear of what could come.

Yeah, the potential of this won’t get past the upper classes, as things get out more and more. Sister Nuan, the three elders, and the relationship with Big Sis Crane will all be things I need to solidify and grow if I want to not have another, more informed assassination.

They come closer, and all of them have bright smiles.

Looking toward the future. And in their eyes, despite the risks, it is bright.

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