Just before I walk into the tower, I take another look at the formations that were setup with my scan. While I can still see the general foundation of the formation, such as preventing scrying, I’d need to do a much deeper dive to figure out the rest.

Luckily, I have a huge amount of time to do so, since I’ll be living here.

Since my scan gave me the bare minimum that there wasn’t anything dangerous or compromising with it, I mentally moved on from it.

What gives me pause is that the first thing I notice when I enter is that no one is here.

The first floor is completely empty.

But I quickly discover what happened with my scan. Sister Nuan is taking everyone on a tour of the facilities.

An elder of the sect. Showing people around a disciple’s tower. This is not normal.

The reason comes quickly.

She’s basking in the envious looks of the girls on her beautiful skin. Having a steady smugness from the shy and admiring looks of the guys.

Things she hasn’t had for a long time now.

While it might be a bit prideful, I don’t think less of her because of it. I know in my heart that I would feel the same urge if I went through even a small bit she had. Not even taking account the increased negative treatment that lacking ‘traditional’ youthful beauty has on women here.

While she does that, though, this gives me a perfect chance to work on the spirit stones and set up the room for the healing.

It is clear they built the tower to be accommodating to several events. Pressing panels on some walls reveals storage rooms filled with tables, chairs, and a number of different things to set the room up with.

Using my scan, strength, and movement techniques, I become a one-man event prep team. I also call down my three hero members; Dana, Ru Ning, Tai Ying, to assist me with this.

Previously, they were upstairs protecting Mei Lin and the group, but with Sister Nuan there and everyone under contract, it’s totally unnecessary.

We setup the first floor to be like an event hall, where I lay out tables for the members to pick up 1 spirit stone, one of the new talismans, and a minor concoction that should permanently boost with their cultivation speed by a small amount, after being healed.

How did I make enough of the concoction in such a small amount of time?

Funnily enough, I just diluted one of the large potions I had made and mixed it with another, along with some additional ingredients. The result was an extremely potent concoction, comprising a single drop of the volatile liquid.

It’s actually extremely dangerous stuff even after that.

Not in the sense of exploding, but more in what it could do to a person without completely pure meridians. Which they’ll have after I’m done with them. So, I’ll make sure that near the end of my healing, that they’ll drink it.

I’m not the first to come up with this mixture, though. I just used unconventional methods to reach the same spot.

Its real name is Angel’s Ooze.

As could be imagined… it’s pretty gooey. But luckily cultivators are used to eating strange things for more power. Just in case, I put a description on the table for it along with the name, so no one would get any strange ideas about the creamy white liquid in bottles.

Which was another surprising thing about the tower.

The panel I requested furniture from also provided simple items, like tiny glass vials. As many as I wanted.

I’m so curious to how it’s doing this.

And that all three towers have this functionality is amazing. It looks like simple material provisions won’t be an issue here, at least.

… which reminds me. I do not know if the food works the same way here.

I should probably find that out. Especially since I have a whole faction living here and all.

Soon enough, though, I can sense they’ll be coming down soon.

I pull out one of the superior spirit stones.

With a plop, it pops into my hand. My scan guides me into what I need to do next.

Reaching deep into the spirit stone with my sliver of qi, I can see the conversion needed. It’s strange, but it’s like the flip of a switch. Either combine or separate.

Here, I choose separate, which leads to the stone expanding in the space onto the table.

Well, it would have, if I hadn’t sucked it up with my bracelet and then redistributed it onto the table neatly into crates I had set up for this exact thing.

I can hear the hustle and bustle of the approaching people.

It begins.

The hero group moves into positions at each of the tables, while I sit at the first one, along with the concoction.

As they walk in, they seem a bit shocked to see everything out and ready for them.

Considering the culture of this nation, they rarely make things really welcoming for the lower status people. In a lot of ways, today is the best some of them have been treated in their entire lives.

“Okay, okay. Enough standing around. There’s a lot to go through and not much time. Get into a line and it doesn’t matter the order in front of this first table.”

I speak out to regain their attention.

There’s a brief shuffle as they all rush to form a line, while still respecting ‘outside’ statuses. Even in a group like this, where I’m trying to equalize things, they will probably continue to take those things into account.

I don’t blame them, though. As much as I wish that what happens in this group would keep out any hierarchies that exist outside of it, I know the truth.

These social structures don’t just go away because you provide incentives or disincentives to a group. It happens over time and by targeting the subconscious to be safe in certain situations, and then a variety of others.

It’ll take time, but I’m willing to wait.

First up, is unsurprisingly Shi Ji, the blonde-haired, red-eyed noble. Whose nose is still twitching happily as she gets closer to me.

Master James…”


That’ll take some getting used to. I liked the sound of that a little too much for comfort.

I hide my reaction, though, as she continues.

“Thank you for allowing us to join your group. I’ve heard a great many things about what you’ve been doing lately.”

She gives a little bow. Emphasizing certain aspects of herself.

I give a nod, and she quickly steps forward.

Putting my hands on her shoulders, I activate the healing aura and technique to improve her.

Hmm… she appears to have a Rose Man 8 spirit root.

Looks like she was going to be in the outer court if she hadn’t joined me. Which isn’t a bad thing.

She still would have been above average against most of the cultivators there, likely because of her body cultivation as a noble.

Either way, this should be an easy upgrade.

While ignoring the slight moans of pleasure, I end up getting her to Peony Earth 6, making her now a rare genius. Immediately after healing her, I have her drink the concoction and move on to the next tables.

The line has to keep moving, after all.

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