Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 940 - Reaping the Benefits of the Prudent Heroes

Chapter 940: Reaping the Benefits of the Prudent Heroes

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Yuan had to support the entire Sky City, and he eventually planned on expanding into the marsh world and Startling Lines Continent.

Although both the marsh world and the Startling Lines Continent were troves from which Lin Yuan would obtain treasures, he needed to spend a significant sum before he could expand into those areas.

Thus, he had to earn as much as he could from the trades.

He immediately used the points he had accumulated to exchange for a one-time posting of his trade message on Star Web News.

The Purchase With No Loss store had always remained a Class 1 store, but after all this time of selling elite feys and conducting blind trades, it had accumulated 40,000 points. This was enough for the Purchase With No Loss store to promote to Class 4 and was just shy of being able to promote to Class 5.

It cost 10,000 points to post the trade message on Star Web News.

Even Class 5 stores were only willing to post messages on Star Web News when they were holding events.

Now that the Purchase With No Loss store’s trade message was posted on Star Web News, anyone who went to read Star Web News would immediately see the message.

Lin Yuan read the trade message with satisfaction and decided to contact Sun Ningxiang next.

However, he had no idea that his trade message had immediately stirred up the entire Star Web. Countless people were staring in shock at the trade message.

This was the first time in Star Web history that a store posted a trade message saying that they would help Myth Breed feys overcome the World Cleansing.

Many users of Star Web had never even seen a Fantasy Breed fey before, much less Myth Breed feys.

The Purchase With No Loss store’s trade message seemed intimidating to most users, and even the members of veteran and top factions felt that this Class 1 store’s trade message seemed to carry the charisma of veteran and top factions.

Even veteran and top factions were unwilling to help feys overcome the World Cleansing unless they had something to gain from it or had personal reasons.

An emperor-class expert had a 70% chance of being able to help a strong fey overcome the World Cleansing.

Two emperor-class experts combined only had a 50% chance of helping a fey with strong abilities, but weak defensive skills overcome the World Cleansing.

Although an emperor-class expert would be able to sustain the first attack from the World Cleansing, to help a fey overcome the World Cleansing was not to defeat the World Cleansing but to sustain its attacks for some time.

The goal was to break down the World Cleansing’s attack into many smaller attacks, which would give the evolving fey a chance to recover.

However, the attacks from World Cleansing eventually needed to hit the evolving fey.

Feys with weaker abilities would require more external help for this, and there was even a chance that the feys of the emperor-class expert who was helping it would get hurt.

If a Creation Breed helped the fey overcome the World Cleansing, there would be nothing to talk about because it would be able to protect the fey in a cage of law worlds.

By using the power of law worlds to defend against the World Cleansing, the evolving fey would be able to accept the World Grace while remaining unhurt.

However, not even top factions used the power of Creation Breed feys flippantly, much less used it to help other feys overcome the World Cleansing.

There were not many merits to helping other feys to overcome the World Cleansing.

The members of veteran and top factions who were aware of the Purchase With No Loss store started to blow an internal raspberry.

The Purchase With No Loss store is overflowing with wealth. Just what kind of martial force are they hiding? But the store owner has to be some kind of stupid to put out a sure-loss deal like that, no matter how wealthy he is.

Many feys stuck at Suzerain/Fantasy V and looking for experts to help them were delighted to see the trade message. This trade message was a glimmer of hope for them.

However, this was a serious matter. As famous as the Purchase With No Loss store had become on Star Web, not many experts were brave enough to gamble with their feys’ lives and futures.

Although none of the experts moved, they started to look into the Purchase With No Loss store and found that the store was conducting blind trades. They could not help but buy some of the items through the blind trade.

After all, Flower Brocade Pearls were extremely popular amongst Creation Masters and never fell in value.

Through the blind trades, these experts joined the Purchase With No Loss store fan club. They thoroughly explored the ins and outs of the Purchase With No Loss store before deciding if they would respond to the trade message.

These experts suppressed their feys and prevented them from evolving to Myth Breed.

From a positive perspective, these experts could be called prudent heroes.

But from a negative perspective, they had become used to turning a blind eye.

Without a guarantee, it was difficult to convince those who had already become used to turning a blind eye to their situation to take risks.

However, Suzerain/Fantasy V feys were able to comprehend willpowers to a certain extent, and it was possible to suppress themselves from experiencing the World Cleansing. If they used spiritual ingredients that could relieve the pressure in their body, they would even be able to hold the World Cleansing off for seven or eight years without any issue.

Nonetheless, it would not become so easy once decades passed. Even if spiritual ingredients were used to relieve the pressure in their body, the feys’ potential and roots would start to decay.

At that point, it would no longer be a matter of if they were brave enough to experience the World Cleansing but if they were even still viable to do so.

The Purchase With No Loss store’s trade message on Star Web News was a door that these experts could open that would lead them to success.

Lin Yuan, who was about to leave Star Web, suddenly noticed that someone had already responded to the trade message and had started to message him privately.

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