Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 667 - The Elite Faction’s Public Support

Chapter 667: The Elite Faction’s Public Support

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Yuan lifted his gaze toward Sun Ningxiang, only to see that she was already looking at him.

He nodded at her.

Sun Ningxiang’s face brightened with joy.

Although she was not planning on working with Connected Beast Park, it was still not a good idea for her to blatantly burn the bridge with Connected Beast Park here.

As long as her grandmother was still there, the Miao family would not be able to remove Condense Fairy Orchard as an elite faction.

However, the Miao family could exert pressure on Condense Fairy Orchard in various ways and make their already difficult circumstance even more challenging.

Sun Ningxiang had taken a risk by putting the purple-robed young man on the spot.

If Lin Yuan had not appreciated her gesture, Sun Ningxiang would have lost half the battle, and all her efforts up to that point would have been for naught.

Fortunately, she received a favorable reply so soon. This made Sun Ningxiang have an even better impression of Lin Yuan and Sky City.

However, what happened next made Sun Ningxiang ball her fists tightly.

The purple-robed young man glared maliciously at the gawkers, and the buzzing crowd immediately quietened.

The purple-robed young man ignored Sun Ningxiang’s attempt at making him feel bad. He turned to Lin Yuan and said, “I came here because the Miao family’s Connected Beast Park would like to collaborate with Sky City.”

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment before he looked at the purple-robed young man with bemusement.

“Collaborate? Sky City is more than willing to collaborate with other factions. We just established a friendly partnership with the Sea Bliss Clan. May I ask why Connected Beast Park wants to work with Sky City?”

While he was speaking, Lin Yuan had already started paving each step of his plan.

Since Lin Yuan was enemies with the Zheng family’s Second Young Master, he had automatically positioned himself against the Miao family.

Moreover, the Miao family had even sent a troublemaker.

Thus, it was impossible for Lin Yuan to collaborate with Connected Beast Park.

Lin Yuan had said what he said because he wanted to bait Sun Ningxiang. He did not know much about Condense Fairy Orchard and planned on getting Wen Yu to organize information on Condense Fairy Orchard when she returned.

A direct descendent of the Sun family had appeared the moment Sky City announced its role. Given the way she blended amongst the crowd to observe the situation, Lin Yuan could tell that the Sun family was desperate for Creation Master resources.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan wanted to dump the Sea Bliss Clan on Connected Beast Park.

The successful agreement to a collaboration between the Sea Bliss Clan and Sky City had been witnessed by many people.

The only business run by Sky City was this private faction territory on Star Web.

He could not do anything against the Miao family if they took action against him. However, the Sea Bliss Clan had an enormous business and could stand toe to toe with the Miao family.

Lin Yuan planned to work hard on his collaboration with the Sea Bliss Clan and help them evolve as many of their gestating Angelfish of Bliss as possible.

As such, the Sea Bliss Clan would increase their stock of baby Angelfish of Bliss.

The purple-robed young man was taken aback by Lin Yuan’s response.

Lin Yuan’s previous attitude had indicated that he would be opposed to the purple-robed young man’s proposition.

The purple-robed man mulled for a while before saying, “If Sky City agrees to work with Connected Beast Park, Connected Beast Park will ensure that Sky City will be able to continue its current role. However, Sky City needs to fulfill Connected Beast Park’s separation orders. Another member of Connected Beast Park will come to discuss the fee with you. Connected Beast Park will not treat Sky City unfairly.”

Lin Yuan had not finished listening to the purple-robed young man’s words before he rolled his eyes.

Connected Beast Park was too greedy—they clearly wanted to turn Sky City into their lackey!

Lin Yuan was staunchly opposed to this and did not want to waste any more time on the purple-robed young man.

However, he glimpsed at Sun Ningxiang’s tightly clenched fist and immediately said, “If the fee is suitable, I’ll consider your offer.”

After he was done talking, Lin Yuan counted backward from five in his mind.

By the time he counted to three, he heard Sun Ningxiang’s anxious voice exclaim, “The Miao family’s Connected Beast Park is so insincere. You’re coming off worse and worse. My Condense Fairy Orchard is much more earnest about wanting to work with Sky City.”

Lin Yuan was even more determined now.

The Sun family’s Condense Fairy Orchard was more thirsty for Creation Master resources than he initially thought.

Sun Ningxiang’s words caused the purple-robed young man’s expression to shift.

“Didn’t Condense Fairy Orchard already agree to work with Connected Beast Park? If you’re trying to find other factions, does this mean that Condense Fairy Orchard doesn’t trust Connected Beast Park’s power?”

Sun Ningxiang had decided to crush the purple-robed young man’s hopes. She was well aware of Connected Beast Park’s plans to bring down Condense Fairy Orchard. Thus, she already resented them.

At that moment, Sun Ningxiang viewed the purple-robed young man as a threat that could potentially prevent Condense Fairy Orchard from collaborating with Sky City.

As such, she could feel immense pressure beating down on her.

The pressure of managing an elite faction was already pushing the recently-of-age Sun Ningxiang to her limit. If she did not have Peach Witch and Apricot by her side, she would have crumbled long ago.

Now, she finally had a spark of hope, but Connected Beast Park was trying to steal it from her.

This caused Sun Ningxiang’s resentment to morph into a grudge.

Sun Ningxiang said coldly, “What’s wrong? Since when did the Miao family start interfering with the Sun family’s affairs? Is this even under the Miao family’s jurisdiction? If Connected Beast Park wants to work with Condense Fairy Orchard, you’ll have to wait for us to acquiesce. Right now, Condense Fairy Orchard sees Connected Beast Park as worthless, and we refuse to work with you! Do you have a problem with that?”

Lin Yuan furrowed his brow and could not help but think that this girl had a way with words.

She called Connected Beast Park worthless right to the face of a member of the Miao family and announced her desire to work with Sky City.

Sun Ningxiang had indicated that she viewed Sky City as more important than Connected Beast Park.

Condense Fairy Orchard was an elite faction, and a public proclamation like this indubitably humiliated Connected Beast Park.

She sacrificed Connected Beast Park’s reputation in order to support Sky City.

This was a large favor for Lin Yuan and Sky City.

The public endorsement from an elite faction established a reputation for Sky City that it should have taken years to attain.. It also shrouded the already mysterious Sky City with another layer of mystery.

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