Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2919 - Chapter 2919: Falling Out with Lin Yuan!

Chapter 2919: Falling Out with Lin Yuan!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Yi Xue paused for a moment before continuing. “Feng Xuan is bold and reckless because of his link to you. Some of Feng Xuan’s actions have tarnished you.

Feng Xuan is a Chaos Wind Demon Wolf. The Chaos Wind Demon Wolves are a subsidiary of the Andra Clan. I plan to make the entire species apologize to you!”

The corners of Lin Yuan’s mouth twitched when he heard this, and he looked at Yi Xue speechlessly.

Yi Xue was really good at talking. The Andra clan had already gotten rid of Feng Xuan, yet he was still able to implicate him!

He did want to make use of Feng Xuan. But even if he did so, there was no relationship between him, the two of them, let alone a deep bond!

No matter what Feng Xuan did, it would not affect him.

Yi Xue wanted to get rid of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves because he felt that they were disobedient. However, he made it sound like it was for Lin Yuan’s sake!

Lin Yuan hated Yi Xue’s behavior. Did he really look like a fool?

Without needing Lin Yuan to say anything, Jin Chen released his aura, completely suppressing Yi Xue.

“Yi Xue, the puny Chaos Wind Demon Wolves can’t be considered related to the Elise clan. Do you have an issue with the Elise clan? Is that why you’re lumping us together with the likes of them?

“It’s up to you if you want to kill or torture your own dependent species. Our clan’s dependent species would never do anything that goes against the clan’s interests, much less interfere with our collaborations with other species!”


Jin Chen’s words were merciless, causing Yi Xue’s expression to change several times.

If this was any other time, Shi Mei would definitely speak up for Yi Xue. But this time, she did not do so. She would be delighted if Lin Yuan feuded with the Andra clan. Only then would the Allen clan have more opportunities to interact with Lin Yuan.

Yi Xue was rarely rebuked like this. He had assumed Spring, Winter, Kani, Jin Chen, and the others were Lin Yuan’s blood servants.

Lin Yuan had not stopped Jin Chen from contradicting him, meaning that Lin Yuan was definitely very unhappy with him.

Yi Xue knew his place and quickly admitted defeat, “Your Excellency Black, you’ve misunderstood me. No matter how capable the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves are, they could never be associated with the Elise clan. I misspoke just now. Please forgive me!”

Lin Yuan sneered in the way elites would. “Yi Xue, our clans are cooperating, but mutual respect is still necessary. If something like this happens again, the Elise clan will no longer consider the Andra clan as friends.

“I’ve always been curious about the distance between the Lonely River and the Scarlet Territory. How did the species from the Lonely River end up cooperating with the Andra clan?”

Yi Xue was originally shocked and furious by Lin Yuan’s words. But when Lin Yuan changed the topic, Yi Xue’s expression became more natural.

Yi Xue knew the answer to Lin Yuan’s question, so he quickly answered it truthfully.

In order to ameliorate his relationship with Lin Yuan, Yi Xue explained the situation in detail.

When he was done, Lin Yuan asked, “In that case, the Andra Clan and the

Lonely River’s four major species are also friends with the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves.”

When Yi Xue heard Lin Yuan mention Fan Lou, he thought that Lin Yuan wanted to target Fan Lou because of the Andra clan. As such, he hastily pulled away from Fan Lou.

“Your Excellency Black, you might not know this, but Fan Lou was originally an external member of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves. But he was bestowed with the blood essence of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves because he made a huge contribution to the species.

“However, the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves treated Fan Lou extremely badly. He almost died at their hands. The Andra clan intends to make Fan Lou a Bloodian.”

Lin Yuan’s expression changed slightly before he smiled and said, “Oh? I didn’t expect the Andra clan to think so highly of Fan Lou. You’re even willing to spend your blood essence to help him transform his bloodline. Hearing you say that, I really want to get to know this guy called Fan Lou! Let’s go. When we return to the Andra clan, introduce Fan Lou to me!”

Yi Xue was stunned when he heard this and instinctively wanted to refuse.He thought that Lin Yuan had taken a fancy to the Lonely River’s four major species and wanted to compete with the Andra clan for the opportunity to collaborate with them.

There was no doubt that the Elise clan was stronger than the Andra clan

The Andra clan could not compete with the Elise clan when it came to being a collaborative partner.

However, Yi Xue believed that Lin Yuan would not stay in the Andra clan for long.

Even if Lin Yuan took the initiative to befriend the Lonely River’s four major species, they would definitely be wary and not interact with him directly.

The Lonely River’s four major species were unaware of the Elisa clan. As long as he did not introduce Lin Yuan to them, it would be fine.

Ever since the Lonely River’s four major species came to the Scarlet Territory, they had been in contact with the Andra clan. It was likely that only the Andra clan could give them a sense of security. BroN0vel. com

With the strength of the Elise clan, they would not take the initiative to befriend the Lonely River’s four major species.

The strength of the Lonely River’s four major species was comparable to that of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves. They were only at the level of dependent species.

The Andra clan had Holy Spirit experts, but the strongest expert of the Lonely River’s four major species was only at the pinnacle Divine Kingdom level. There was an insurmountable gap between them.

It would be degrading for the Elise clan to initiate a friendship with the Lonely River’s four major species!

Yi Xue did not have a good impression of the Lonely River’s four major species.

They were rather arrogant.

Such arrogance should not come into contact with the Andra clan.

The Lonely River’s four major species probably thought that the Bloodians needed the help of the Dark Pufferfish for their operation against the mermaids. But in truth, most of the Bloodian clans never counted on the venom produced by the Dark Pufferfish. A species without a Holy Spirit expert could only be considered a tool at best.

“Your Excellency Black, since you want to get to know Fan Lou, I would be glad to introduce him to you! However, I heard that Fan Lou is a bootlicker. You have to be careful not to be deceived when you interact with him!”

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows. Fan Lou was indeed an insignificant figure in Yi Xue’s eyes.

However, Yi Xue had probably forgotten that he had just said that the Andra clan intended to turn Fan Lou into a Bloodian.

This could be said to be the greatest reward the Bloodians could give to their dependent species. Even Feng Qing had never received such kindness!

Yi Xue wanted to give this preferential treatment to Fan Lou because he saw Fan Lou’s potential value.

Yi Xue was afraid that the Lonely River’s four major species, whom he had gotten to know through Fan Lou, would be interested in Fan Lou and compete with the Andra clan!

From Yi Xue’s words, Lin Yuan could confirm that Yi Xue lacked foresight. Otherwise, as the leader of a clan, Yi Xue would not have done something so disjointed.

It would have been fine if he had been unaware of Yi Xue’s thoughts. However, Yi Xue had allowed him to see the scheme he was cooking up.

Lin Yuan did not always have to be the smartest person in the room, but he would not allow himself to be treated as a fool.

If others treated him as a fool, he would look stupid if he did not expose this person!

“Hehe, you sure know how to joke! You just said that you’re preparing to transform Fan Lou into a Bloodian. How could Fan Lou be as terrible as you said? If you are unwilling to introduce me, then forget it. I’m not interested in getting to know a fellow from your dependent species!”

It was, indeed, as Lin Yuan had said. There was no need for Lin Yuan to meet Fan Lou.

At most, Lin Yuan would have Winter secretly deliver the reward to Fan Lou.

The Andra clan’s members were not powerful enough to detect Winter’s presence.

Yi Xue’s face alternated between red and white. He looked at Shi Mei for help, clearly hoping she would speak up for him.

Shi Mei rolled her eyes at him. Yi Xue had not even been willing to introduce her to Lin Yuan. How did he have the gall to seek her help now? Could it be that he wanted her to stand up for him and tell Lin Yuan that he had no such intention?

She heard what Yi Xue had just said. Wasn’t Yi Xue afraid that Lin Yuan would vent his anger on him?

Shi Mei hated selfish collaborators the most. Alas, the Andra clan had been on good terms with the Allen clan for nearly a thousand years.

Shi Mei was extremely regretful. If she had not supported the Andra clan back then, the Allen clan would definitely be gaining another solid ally now!

Based on the Andra clan’s current attitude towards the Allen clan, the Andra clan would not help the Allen clan if anything were to happen in the future! Shi Mei did not want to help Yi Xue, but she would not kick Yi Xue when he was down.

There were many things that Shi Mei needed to attend to. It would not be too late to split the relationship between the two clans after she was done!

Yi Xue looked rather annoyed when Shi Mei failed to respond to his plea for help. He felt that Shi Mei was coveting the Andra clan’s opportunities.

He had indeed forgotten how Shi Mei had helped the Andra clan.

He was more willing to take sole credit for the rise of the Andra clan! Yi Xue had always flaunted himself as the one who helped the Andra clan rise and revive.

Yi Xue could hear the unhappiness in Lin Yuan’s words. Just as Yi Xue was about to defend himself, Lin Yuan spoke. “Since the Andra clan isn’t sincere at all, I’d better take a trip to the Allen clan! The deal with the Andra clan is the same as the one with the Allen clan.”

At first, Shi Mei felt that it was a pity that she could not befriend Lin Yuan. She had not expected such a huge reversal.

This reversal caused the ever-composed Shi Mei to look excited. She hurriedly said, “The Allen clan is very willing to trade with the Elise clan. We will definitely treat you as our most honorable guest!”

Yi Xue had not expected this.

Yi Xue did not care that what he was about to say would anger Shi Mei. He hurriedly said, “Your Excellency Black, you’ve misunderstood me. I didn’t mean that at all. I hope you can understand what I truly mean! The Andra clan has always treated you as our most honorable guest!”

Without needing Lin Yuan to say anything, Shi Mei snapped, “Words aren’t enough to prove that you see him as an honorable guest. His Excellency Black Elise can experience it himself! With your attitude just now, no one can sense your so-called sincerity! Now that he has decided to go to the Allen clan’s territory, you should respect his decision!”

Shi Mei warmly invited Lin Yuan. Her attitude toward Lin Yuan was many times more enthusiastic than Yi Xue’s!

Shi Mei could humble herself better than Yi Xue could, especially when she was trying to befriend someone. Shi Mei cared a lot about the deal with Lin Yuan. If she could trade with Lin Yuan once, she would be able to understand the benefits of being on good terms with the Elise clan.

Lin Yuan ignored Yi Xue and left with Shi Mei.

Up until now, Lin Yuan had never interacted with Fan Lou, so it would actually be good not to see him. This would allow him to completely separate himself from Fan Lou.

Lin Yuan had already informed Qin Yu of the development path that he had arranged for Fan Lou. She would find a suitable opportunity to promote Fan Lou.

Lin Yuan’s reward would be delivered to Fan Lou tonight. The Andra clan had severed their relationship with him and could no longer rely on the Elise clan.

They could only make friends with the Lonely River’s four major species through Fan Lou!

The Allen clan, who had always been on good terms with the Andra clan, had clearly detached themselves from the Andra clan.

Yi Xue needed a place to vent after suffering such a huge blow. The Chaos Wind Demon Wolves became his best punching bag.

In spite of the Allen clan’s warm welcome, Lin Yuan did not stay for long.

Lin Yuan traded a pure spirit qi for a large amount of blood-type spiritual ingredients with the Allen clan. These blood-type spiritual ingredients would be enough for the Blood Love for a long time.

Shi Mei regarded her relationship with Lin Yuan as the luckiest thing that had happened to the Allen clan in the past 300 years.

Shi Mei was going to use the pure spirit qi she had traded to improve her strength.

The Allen clan was indeed a king clan, but this did not mean that they would be stuck in such a state forever.. If she could strengthen past pinnacle king bloodline, the Allen clan would rewrite history and obtain the same glory as the Elisa clan!

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