Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2911 - Chapter 2911 The Dying Fan Lou!

Chapter 2911 The Dying Fan Lou!
There were billions of species in the Sky Beyond the Clouds, and many species had the same bloodline. This was because the same species presented differently in each of the four universes.

However, there was an obvious criterion when measuring bloodline level, which was the difficulty of increasing the bloodline’s strength and the upper limit of the bloodline’s strength.

On these two points, the Bloodians were much stronger than the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves!

Before meeting Lin Yuan, the Bloodians were a species that Fan Lou could never hope to cross paths with. Now, he finally had a chance to join their ranks! Fan Lou was looking forward to his future development.

With his bright future waiting for him, the grievances he suffered at the hands of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves were nothing!

Before Fan Lou joined Kong Huan, he had not been a Boundary Patrol Envoy but an ordinary member of the Boundary Patrol Team.

Back then, the Boundary Patrol Envoy Fan Lou reported to had a habit of taking on private jobs. They treated the members of the Boundary Patrol Team as mercenaries.

Fan Lou was often injured during missions. The injuries he suffered were not as serious as the ones he had now, but the pain was almost the same.

Fan Lou was more afraid of mediocrity than a challenging life.

Moreover, Lin Yuan would make up for all the hardships he had suffered. Fan Lou only hoped that Feng Qing and Feng Xuan would not cause trouble for him before Lin Yuan returned to the Andra clan.

Fan Lou knew very well why Feng Qing had not used the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves’ resources to heal him.

Ha! There was no way that after what had happened, Feng Qing still thought that Feng Xuan was loyal, right?

Part of the reason why Feng Qing arranged for him to stay in the Forbidden Wolf Team’s residence was because he was afraid that Feng Xuan would harm him.

However, Feng Qing was more concerned about the attitude of the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords towards the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves than for his own safety.

The news of him being severely injured by Feng Xuan would definitely have spread. Once the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords found out, they would definitely exert immense pressure on Feng Qing.

The pressure from the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords would be enough to protect his life before Lin Yuan returned!

Fan Lou could not come up with a precise strategy without knowing what plans Lin Yuan had for him.

Fan Lou placed his hand on his chest. The wounds on his chest and left leg had already been corroded by the chaotic wind. If the corrosion spread, his heart would eventually be compromised!

Fan Lou believed that Lin Yuan would be able to save him even if his heart was affected. However, Fan Lou did not want to end up in such a sorry state. If he could not even protect himself, he would appear very incompetent in front of Lin Yuan.

Fan Lou, who had been facing the wall for the past few days, struggled to sit up.

Fan Lou’s actions immediately alarmed the two members of the Forbidden Wolf Team who were at the door. The Forbidden Wolf Team had worked with Fan Lou before. While working together, Fan Lou had brought benefits to the Forbidden Wolf Team. The Forbidden Wolf Team was relatively friendly to Fan Lou.

The Forbidden Wolf Team was Feng Qing’s direct subordinate. The leader of the Forbidden Wolf Team, Feng Nuo, was Feng Qing’s trusted aide.

Feng Nuo had clearly explained Fan Lou’s importance to the members of the Forbidden Wolf Team, who were in charge of watching over him. He told them that Fan Lou was linked to the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords. Without Fan Lou, the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan would not have been able to become an esteemed guest of the Andra clan!

Feng Xuan was linked to a powerful Bloodian clan, but this powerful Bloodian clan’s attitude towards Feng Xuan was a mystery. It was true that they had cured Feng Xuan’s injured roots, but they had not confirmed Feng Xuan’s importance to them. Everything had been self-claimed by Feng Xuan.

Because of Feng Xuan, the Andra clan already had many issues with the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves.

The Chaos Wind Demon Wolves had always relied on the Andra clan. For this reason, the

Chaos Wind Demon Wolves’ main members were very upset with Feng Xuan.

Before the two members of the Forbidden Wolf Team could speak, Fan Lou said, “The wound on my chest is so deep that it’s about to damage my organs. I hope you will report this to Lord Feng Qing and ask him to give me some healing items!”

The two members of the Forbidden Wolf Team looked at each other but did not reject Fan Lou’s request.

“Alright, one of us will report to Lord Feng Qing while the other will continue standing guard here. You also have the bloodline of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves. You can circulate your bloodline power to resist the corrosion.”

Fan Lou laughed bitterly.

“When Feng Xuan attacked me, he was ruthless and cut off many of my body’s spirit qi channels. I can’t circulate my bloodline at all now! If I could expel the chaotic wind, I wouldn’t have let it corrode my roots! It’s very likely that I’ll die if the chaos wind invades my heart. Please tell this to Lord Feng Qing!”

Fan Lou was not playing the emotional card against Feng Qing, nor was he holding out hope for Feng Qing. It was just that Fan Lou wanted to save himself.

Fan Lou needed something to heal his injuries. When Feng Xuan attacked him, he also took away his spatial equipment.

Once Fan Lou died, the locks on Fan Lou’s spatial equipment would be undone.

Fan Lou’s spatial equipment contained the spirit qi crystals he had received as rewards from Lin Yuan. Otherwise, he would have been able to retrieve healing items from his own spatial equipment.

Fortunately, Fan Lou had brought the Thoughts Letter Paper with him instead of storing it in his spatial equipment.

If Feng Qing was unwilling to give him healing supplies to save his life, Feng Xuan would use the Thoughts Letter Paper to contact the envoys of the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords and tell them to continue pressuring Feng Qing.

Just like how Feng Qing compromised when Feng Xuan pressured him, Feng Qing would also choose to compromise when he was pressured by the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords’ envoys!

If he ended up with no other choice, Fan Lou could still ask Lin Yuan for help.

Fan Lou stroked his wound and sighed to himself. He was still too weak! If he was stronger than Feng Xuan, Feng Xuan would not have been able to injure him!

Soon, the Forbidden Wolf Team member who had sent the news to Feng Qing returned.

This member of the Forbidden Wolf Team had bumped into Feng Xuan when he went to see Feng Qing.

After explaining Fan Lou’s situation, Feng Xuan disagreed with healing Fan Lou. He mentioned the Elise clan multiple times, giving Feng Qing a headache.

Feng Xuan did not stop emphasizing his relationship with the Elise clan.

Since Feng Qing was willing to trust Feng Xuan’s relationship with the Elise clan, it would not be good to make Feng Xuan unhappy because of Fan Lou.

Not only was Feng Xuan less respectful to Feng Qing than before, but he was even edging on arrogance. He constantly used the Elise clan to shoot down Feng Qing. As a result, Feng Qing wanted nothing more than to kill Feng Xuan!

If he had gotten rid of Feng Xuan after Andre brought Feng Xuan back and expressed his dissatisfaction, he would not only have appeased the anger of the Andra clan, but there would not be so many things happening now.

The Chaos Wind Demon Wolves had already formed a good relationship with the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords, including the Dark Pufferfish.

Cooperating with species of similar strength and supporting each other could allow the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves to gain the dignity they deserved. Feng Qing preferred to form such relationships!

If Feng Xuan had really become close to the Elise clan, the Elise clan would only hold the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves in even more contempt than the Andra clan had!

Feng Qing sought out Feng Nuo, the leader of the Forbidden Wolf Squad, after Feng Xuan left.

He handed the medicine to Feng Nuo and told Feng Nuo to bring it to Fan Lou personally as a form of comfort to Fan Lou.

Fan Lou was unaware of Feng Qing’s plan. After Fan Lou found out about Feng Qing’s decision, he silently lay back on the bed with his back facing the Forbidden Wolf Team members.

The Forbidden Wolf Team, who had come to relay the news, sighed when he saw Fan Lou’s appearance.

Fan Lou had indeed been an outsider at the beginning. He had obtained the bloodline of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves because he was favored by Feng Qing.

At that time, Fan Lou could be said to have been hated by all the members of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves,

However, Fan Lou had indeed brought a lot of benefits to the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves since then.

The deal with the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords could be said to have benefited every Chaos Wind Demon Wolf.

In particular, the Forbidden Wolf Team and Fan Lou had gone to the Lonely River together. As the leader of this mission, Fan Lou had taken full responsibility instead of shoving all the responsibility to the Forbidden Wolf Team.

The Forbidden Wolf Team had also collaborated with Feng Xuan before. When they did well, all credit went to Feng Xuan. When they did not do well, the Forbidden Wolf Team always took the blame!

Compared to Feng Xuan, Fan Lou was a diligent worker. It was a pity that Lord Feng Qing abandoned Fan Lou just like that!

The Dark Pufferfish had sent envoys to the Scarlet Territory to repay Fan Lou’s kindness. The members of the Forbidden Wolf Team were very worried that Fan Lou would affect the trade between the Dark Pufferfish and the Andra clan.

The two members of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Forbidden Wolf Team sighed and returned to the door to continue guarding. Fan Lou’s roots had been injured so he was probably not long for this world.

Fan Lou had already used the Thoughts Letter Paper to contact the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords’ envoys. After explaining the situation, Fan Lou stored away the Thoughts Letter Paper that was stained with his blood and waited for Feng Qing to send someone over with the medicine.

The Four Species Overlords of the Lonely River would pressure Feng Qing first. If Feng Qing could withstand the pressure, the Four Species Overlords of the Lonely River would go on to pressure the Andra clan.

No matter what, he would be able to protect his life.

The Andra clan and the Dark Pufferfish’s trade was involved with the Bloodian’s next major plan. It was not something that Feng Xuan could control!

Knowing this, Fan Lou was not worried at all!

Feng Qing forcefully suppressed his rage and said to Feng Xuan, “Feng Xuan, I understand your hatred for Fan Lou. You’ve always felt that Fan Lou had stolen for you and that he’s the reason for your current state! But don’t forget that Fan Lou is linked to the partnership between the Andra clan and the Lonely River’s four major species. As a Chaos Wind Demon Wolf, you should think about the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves whenever you encounter issues!”

Feng Xuan’s mind was filled with hatred for Fan Lou.

Fan Lou had almost gained control of his life. This feeling constantly disturbed Feng Xuan, making him exceptionally angry!

Rather than saying that Feng Xuan was envious of Fan Lou, it would be more accurate to say that he was envious of Feng Qing’s favoritism towards Fan Lou.

Feng Qing suppressed his deadly anger towards Feng Xuan, and the latter also suppressed his dissatisfaction with Feng Qing.

This dissatisfaction had already caused Feng Xuan to lose his respectful tone towards Feng Qing!

“I grew up under you. You taught me to prioritize the interests of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves. I’ve always worked myself to the bone for this. But I’ve always had a question. I hope you can give me an explanation for this.

“I want to know why you started valuing Fan Lou so heavily from the moment he appeared. Could it be that I fell short of Fan Lou and disappointed you? If I really did something wrong, I hope you’ll tell me what it was.”

When Feng Qing heard Feng Xuan’s words, the anger that he had forcefully suppressed surged again.

He had the freedom to decide who he favored. Feng Xuan’s words sounded like he was questioning his choice. Feng Xuan had no say in who he valued.

If he had not given Feng Xuan a chance, how could Feng Xuan have achieved such a high status among the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves? Could Feng Xuan actually think that he had been born with that status?

Feng Qing did not respond to Feng Xuan. Instead, he said in a casual tone, “Feng Xuan, you have to understand one thing. I have chosen you over Fan Lou and am going with your wish of not healing Fan Lou’s injured roots. If Fan Lou’s death affects the partnership between the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves and the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords, you will have to take responsibility!”

Feng Qing’s words made Feng Xuan’s heart skip a beat. Feng Xuan was a bystander who had been observing the attitude of the Lonely River’s Four Species Overlords towards Fan Lou. It was precisely because of this that Feng Xuan felt so anxious now.

Even if the other three species did not react to Fan Lou’s death, the Dark Pufferfish would definitely pursue the matter!

While Feng Xuan was hesitating on whether he should give Fan Lou the medicine to heal his injuries, Feng Qing continued speaking, “Feng Xuan, there’s one more thing. You are the most aware of how you became acquainted with the Elise clan and the value you hold to them. Even if you’re indignant and want to prove yourself, you shouldn’t harm your species!

“This is my advice to you. If you harm the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves, your branch of the species will be removed. You won’t be alone. Your entire branch will be considered sinners in the Chaos Wind Demon Wolves’ history!”

Feng Qing’s words shocked Feng Xuan so much that he broke out in a cold sweat. But he soon calmed down.

He had indeed embellished his relationship with the Elise clan. There were many things that the Elise clan had not told him.

However, he would not have been able to achieve his goal if he had not said that. After all, it was a fact that Lord Black Elise had healed his injured roots and accepted his kowtow. He might not truly be considered part of Lord Black Elise’s camp, but he was still worthy of speaking in his presence.

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