Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2908 - Chapter 2908 Qin Yu's Transformation!

Chapter 2908 Qin Yu’s Transformation!
Qin Yu was relieved to hear Lin Yuan’s words.

Once the star pirates started dispersing, Rula would not chase after them.

After stabilizing the situation, he would definitely retreat to the vicinity of the blood pool to protect himself and prevent anyone from affecting him. If Rula truly did not care about his own life and chased after those star pirates, it would spell the end of his life.

Qin Yu calmed down and began focusing on absorbing the energy in the blood pool!

The blood pool formed a huge vortex with Qin Yu at the center. The blood-type energy in the blood pool transformed into blood-colored torrents that flowed into Qin Yu’s body, causing him to let out a soft moan of happiness. The feeling of blood-type energy pouring into his body to enable him to break through the bloodline barrier was wonderful!

This joy did not last long. After absorbing too much blood-type energy, Qin Yu’s body became bloated state due to the excessive energy. Every cell in Qin Yu’s body showed signs of tearing away.

There had been more than one Bloodian Queen in the Elisa clan. The Elisa clan’s records documented the process of how a king transformed into a queen.

Once the body entered this state, it needed to absorb pure spirit qi in order to absorb more blood-type energy!

Pure spirit qi existed in many forms. Every Creator had their own special methods of preparing pure spirit qi. Among them, the most common way to store spirit qi was through the preparation of potions.

Qin Yu absorbed this relatively pure spirit qi and drew more blood-type energy from the blood pool into his body.

The more spirit qi that Qin Yu, who was originally full of confidence, consumed, the more solemn his expression became.

Qin Yu realized that more than half of the pure spirit qi he had prepared in advance had already been consumed. However, his body had yet to show any signs of transforming.

He was a male Bloodian who had not even reached the stage of gender change. How could he become a true Bloodian Queen?

With the pure spirit qi being gradually exhausted, Qin Yu’s heart plummeted.

At this moment, Qin Yu realized that it was unknown if he could even survive, let alone become a Bloodian Queen!

Even if he was not controlled by the Elise clan, he would still end up dead and skeletonized at the bottom of the blood pool.

The process of advancing to Bloodian Queen could not stop once it began. The blood-type energy that had entered Qin Yu’s body would explode without the suppression of the blood pool. Qin Yu’s body would be blasted full of holes. It was just like how the blood pool could not be closed once it was activated!

Feeling the chaotic blood energy in the blood pool, Qin Yu closed his eyes in despair.

At this moment, Qin Yu felt himself enveloped by majestic pure spirit qi. The purity of this spirit qi was even higher than the one he had prepared.

Qin Yu realized that Lin Yuan was helping him complete his bloodline transformation.

Qin Yu looked at Lin Yuan gratefully and was about to thank him when he heard him shout in a serious tone, “Remember not to be distracted while advancing your bloodline. Have you realized that the speed at which you absorb blood energy is slower than the speed at which you absorb spirit qi?

“Even if I give you pure spirit qi, you will end up at a stalled stage where your body is broken. This is because the purity of the spirit qi you absorbed previously is too low. It caused your body to be filled with too many impurities!

“The only way to change this is to use spirit qi to temper your physique first. You don’t have to worry about the consumption of spirit qi. This is the only way your bloodline will be able to transform!”

As he spoke, Lin Yuan arrived behind Qin Yu and placed his palm on his back.

He circulated the Body of All Spirits and injected the pure spirit qi into Qin Yu’s body, thereby cleansing the impurities in his body.

Lin Yuan’s words exposed his predicament and allowed Qin Yu to discover his problem.

Lin Yuan injected more spirit qi into his body, allowing Qin Yu to use the spirit qi to expel the impurities from his body.

Qin Yu had always thought that the cleansing of the body recorded in the secret manual meant that one had to cleanse the body before entering the blood pool and that this prevented impure energies from polluting the blood pool.

But now, he understood that cleansing the body meant that there could not be any impurities in the body. This was an impossible task!

The Scarlet Territory did not lack blood-type energy but had always lacked spirit qi. It was no wonder that the current Bloodian Queen’s clan in the Scarlet Territory had been cooperating with factions outside the Scarlet Territory to hoard resources related to spirit qi.

Originally, Lin Yuan’s nightmare had robbed him of his freedom. Now, it seemed that Lin Yuan was actually saving him and giving him a chance to truly transform into a queen bloodline!

Qin Yu gathered his thoughts and accepted Lin Yuan’s help as he desperately washed away the impurities in his body.

The blood pool was turbulent, and the Elisa clan outside the blood pool had completely calmed down.

After Liu Chen and Liu Yao received Lin Yuan’s message, they immediately evacuated the star pirates.

Under Rula’s lead, the Elisa clan quickly took over the situation. The other Bloodian clans who had fled to the Elisa clan were all driven out.

While Helena and several core members of the Elisa clan were reporting the situation to Rula, one of the male members made a suggestion.

“Your Excellency Rula, not only did the other Bloodian clans not lend a helping hand when our Elisa clan faced the invasion of star pirates, but they also interfered with our resistance against the star pirates. I don’t think we should allow these clans to absorb the blood tide from our blood pool again. These people are not worthy of the Elisa clan’s benefits!”

Rula looked calmly at the male Bloodian who made the suggestion and rejected it outright.

“Think before you speak. The Elisa clan should prioritize Lord Qin Yu’s steady advancement to the queen bloodline now! Our forcefully dispersing of the other Bloodian clans will definitely cause a commotion. Investigate the factions that are currently outside our faction’s territory and pay attention to see if there are any suspicious individuals.”

Upon hearing Rula’s order, these core members immediately went to carry out the order, leaving only Helena behind.

Rula looked at Helena and asked, “You were the first to report the news of the star pirates’ invasion. When Lord Qin Yu’s bloodline advances, you will be rewarded. Do you have any more information to report?”

Hesitation flashed across Helena’s face, but it quickly turned into one of courage.

“Lord Rula, have you heard of the Elise clan? It was a young Bloodian from the Elise clan who helped me resist the star pirates’ attack. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had the chance to report the news to the clan!”

Seeing that Helena was not done speaking, Rula waved his hand and flew towards the blood pool.

Rula was not in the mood to care about the young Bloodian from the Elise clan. Every second she spent listening to Helena’s report would be a second wasted.

The most important thing was to return to the blood pool to meet up with Fancha and protect Lord Qin Yu together!

Helena pursed her lips tightly as she watched Rula leave. Then, she headed in the direction where Lin Yuan and the star pirates were fighting.

She only wanted to know if Lin Yuan, who was fighting the star pirates, was still alive.

The Andra clan had not suffered any losses, and neither had the Allen clan.

Yi Xue and Shi Mei did not want to use their clans’ strength for the sake of the Elisa clan.

They wanted to befriend Lin Yuan but had lost sight of him.

Yi Xue and Shi Mei had both seen Lin Yuan lead his blood servants in fighting the star pirates and protecting the Elisa clan.

If Lin Yuan was still alive, he would definitely meet up with the two of them. Since Lin Yuan had yet to appear, it most likely meant that his group was dead.

Yi Xue had seen the strength of the two blood servants beside Lin Yuan. His own investigation had failed to break through the two blood servants’ seals.

If Lin Yuan had not taken the initiative to fight the star pirates, there would have been no problems with such powerful blood servants protecting Lin Yuan!

Fortunately, the members of the Elisa clan had seen Lin Yuan protecting them. Otherwise, someone would have tried to besmirch and frame Lin Yuan’s sudden disappearance.

The source of all this was Lin Yuan, a Bloodian who did not belong to the Scarlet Territory.

At that time, those who had brought Lin Yuan here would definitely be implicated!

Five whole days had passed, but the Elisa clan’s blood pool was still releasing the blood tide.

However, these blood tides were becoming thinner and thinner. Either the energy in the blood pool had been exhausted, or the blood pool was about to close.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the blood pool could be open and surging for months.

If the Blood Tide only lasted for three to five days, it would not be worth so many Bloodian clans traveling all the way here!

The energy in the blood pool was indeed about to be sucked dry by Qin Yu. He had already become a genuine Bloodian Queen a day ago, and his bloodline had undergone a complete transformation.

Qin Yu’s transformation had consumed nearly 600,000 of Lin Yuan’s spirit qi crystals.

Luckily, Morbius had been helping Lin Yuan collect spirit qi crystals in the faith country. Otherwise, Lin Yuan would not have been able to supply so many spirit qi crystals to help Qin Yu evolve her bloodline.

After transforming into a Bloodian Queen, Qin Yu originally wanted to stop absorbing the energy in the blood pool and give all the remaining energy to Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan only took a portion of Qin Yu’s blood e and allowed her to continue absorbing the blood-type energy in the blood pool.

He also gave Qin Yu a large amount of spirit qi crystals to consolidate her realm and strengthen her bloodline.

Even if Qin Yu suffered injuries that threatened her roots, her bloodline would not be destabilized, and she would not transform back into a Bloodian king.

In the past five days, Qin Yu’s attitude and opinion of Lin Yuan had changed.

He had been forced to become Lin Yuan’s subordinate at the beginning but he was completely obedient to Lin Yuan now. Lin Yuan could give him much more benefits than he could create for himself.

The pure spirit qi provided by Lin Yuan had already far exceeded Qin Yu’s comprehension. The Elisa clan might not even be able to accumulate that much pure spirit qi in 100,000 years! Furthermore, this was even under the circumstances that the Elisa clan did not consume spirit qi daily.

While using the Body of All Spirits to help Qin Yu evolve, Lin Yuan gained a deep understanding of the Bloodian bloodline.

Lin Yuan could now confirm that compared to the mermaids, the Bloodians’ bloodline was indeed stronger!

The mermaids were only able to contend with the Bloodians because the Bloodians were always fighting with the mermaids in the sea. The mermaids had the geographical advantage. In the sea, water-element energy was inexhaustible.

The mermaid bloodline allowed the mermaids to replenish their energy from the sea.

At this moment, Qin Yu, whose bloodline had transformed into a queen, had shrunk. She was only about 1.7 meters tall now.

Her long golden hair fell to her waist, and her facial features and body proportions were exquisite.

Her blood-red eyes were soul-stirring. The three vertical pupils in the middle of her blood-red eyes made Qin Yu’s eyes appear very deep.

The two pairs of fangs in Qin Yu’s mouth were only revealed when she smiled.

Similar to the mermaids, the Bloodians were also humanoid creatures. Their beauty was similar, but the style was different.

Compared to absorbing blood-type energy to improve his bloodline, absorbing Qin Yu’s blood essence to improve his bloodline was much more convenient for Lin Yuan.

After leaving the blood pool and absorbing Qin Yu’s blood essence, Lin Yuan’s Bloodian bloodline would most likely reach the queen level. At that time, the Bloodian bloodline would become Lin Yuan’s strongest bloodline.

When Qin Yu depleted all the energy in the blood pool, Lin Yuan removed his hand from her back.

After using the Body of All Spirits continuously and without rest for the past few days, Lin Yuan was exceptionally tired.

Qin Yu knelt in front of Lin Yuan and offered him the highest etiquette of a Bloodian.

No Bloodian Queen had ever knelt on both knees before. Even a low-level Bloodian would only kneel on one knee when swearing allegiance to a high-level Bloodian!

“Young Master, I’ve successfully become a Bloodian Queen. I’ll be at your disposal in the future! May I ask if you have any plans for me? I will definitely try my best to finish the tasks you give me!”

Lin Yuan helped Qin Yu up from the ground and patted her shoulder.

“From now on, you only need to continue to be the queen of the Elisa clan in the Scarlet Territory. I’ll inform you through it if there’s anything you need to do in the future!”

As he spoke, Lin Yuan took out a ramet of the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower and handed it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was very grateful for Lin Yuan’s kindness and was willing to do anything for him.

However, Qin Yu preferred to stay in the Elisa clan to develop the Elisa clan rather than leave with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan’s words meant that he was willing to give her this chance.

Qin Yu stood up and examined her body. She was very satisfied with the new body she gained after becoming a queen.

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