Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2897 - Chapter 2897 New Battle Fortress!

Chapter 2897 New Battle Fortress!
The Andra clan’s leader, Yi Xue, had been waiting for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan spent nearly four days in the Hidden Book Pavilion. There were less than two days left before he would leave for the Elisa clan’s territory.

Yi Xue had wanted Andre to look for Lin Yuan more than once. If Lin Yuan stayed in the Hidden Book Pavilion for too long and delayed his journey, the Andra clan would not be able to wait for Lin Yuan and break their promise to the other Bloodian clans and Lonely River’s four major species. On the other hand, it was not appropriate to leave Lin Yuan there without care. In short, the Andra clan was in a difficult position!

As the leader of the Andra Clan, Yi Xue rarely hesitated like this. From the bottom of his heart, Yi Xue hoped to be on good terms with the Elise clan. It was a good thing for the Andra clan to be on good terms with a powerful Bloodian clan with a large amount of resources. It would be great if the Andra clan could seize an opportunity to obtain a lotus imprint from the Elise clan during their interaction.

This young Bloodian named Elise Black was the perfect candidate for a marriage alliance!

If Lin Yuan had not revealed his overwhelming strength, the Andra clan would have been prepared to attack him. They would most likely imprison Lin Yuan and use a method of reproduction to extract the essence of Elise’s bloodline from him.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan left the Hidden Book Pavilion as scheduled. Yi Xue brought Andre to find Lin Yuan personally.

Yi Xue told Lin Yuan with a bright smile, “Your Grace Black, I heard that you want to obtain some blood-type spiritual ingredients. Our Andra clan has abundant blood-type spiritual ingredients. As long as you’re willing, we can trade at any time!

“You have some blood-type spiritual ingredients in your hands. When absorbing the blood tide, use these ingredients as support to increase the effect of absorbing the blood tide!”

Upon hearing this, the corners of Lin Yuan’s mouth curled up slightly. He had not revealed the information to Andre. The fact that Yi Xue, the Andra clan’s leader, had taken the initiative to use blood-type spiritual ingredients to trade with him saved him the trouble of specifying what he wanted.

“I really need blood-type spiritual ingredients. They are a necessity for us Bloodians. However, blood-type spiritual ingredients are everywhere in the Scarlet Territory. I don’t want to be taken advantage of by trading with the Creator resources. If the Andra clan is sincere, I’m very willing to make a deal. However, if the Andra clan only wants to take advantage of me, it’s better not to talk about the deal. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

“There are so many Bloodian clans in the Scarlet Territory. It should be very easy for me to exchange Creator resources for blood-type spiritual ingredients. I wonder if Leader Yi Xue agrees with me?”

Lin Yuan’s words placed him in an extremely high position, adopting a somewhat condescending attitude toward the Andra clan. His high and mighty behavior made Yi Xue very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do. Lin Yuan’s side was much stronger than the Andra clan. Previously, they had attempted to scheme against him, but now the Andra clan was afraid that they would fall into Lin Yuan’s trap.

The resources allocated by the Creators in the Scarlet Territory, such as pure spirit qi and elemental energy, were indeed much more expensive than blood-type spiritual ingredients. Even though the Bloodians in the Scarlet Territory had powerful Creators, they still lacked Creator resources.

“Of course. Our Andra clan will definitely not take advantage of the other party if we cooperate with them. In the future, you’ll know how sincere our Andra clan is when you deal with the other clans!”

Upon hearing that, Lin Yuan did not personally head to the Andra clan’s treasure vault. Instead, he asked Jin Chen to trade with the Andra clan.

Lin Yuan had always felt that it was necessary for him to resume communication with Sky City, even though there were people he trusted, like Wen Yu and Liu Jie in Sky City. However, Lin Yuan had lost control of Sky City.

Even if he left Summer and Autumn in Sky City, who could greatly ensure its safety, Lin Yuan still felt somewhat uneasy. He had never let go of Sky City. Previously, he made all the decisions without exception.

The Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower had been accumulated by Lin Yuan with a large amount of resources. At present, it was finally producing child ramets. Once the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower produced a child ramet, the ortet would be able to connect with the child ramet from an extremely long distance.

Then, Lin Yuan could send the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower’s ortet back by sacrificing the Ethereal Jellyfish’s tentacles. Although this would cost Lin Yuan a lot, it would allow him to maintain contact with Sky City.

Sky City must have encountered some problems during his absence.

Just as Lin Yuan had expected, there were indeed some problems in Sky City. There were many problems that even the Moon Empress could not make a decision on.

When Lin Yuan left, Sky City was in need of rapid development. Many decisions could not be changed once the Moon Empress made them. At that moment, the Crimson Heaven and Spinning Wings White Falcons did not attack Sky City.

Keira, who led the demon insects, treated them as guardians of the faith country and had created a large number of them. These demon insects were constantly expanding outwards. To put it bluntly, their expansion served as a method of exploration in Sky City. They were expanding at an extremely fast speed without any sense of boundaries.

In the southwest of the King Blood Jackals’ territory, the demon insects discovered a powerful species. They were all huge lifeforms that were more than 100,000 meters long. Even the Bug-Consuming Thearch Emperor Lizards that Lin Yuan had nurtured as moving fortresses were inferior to them.

A body length of more than 100,000 meters was only a very basic state. Some powerful lifeforms in this species could easily grow to more than 400,000 meters.

In terms of size, they could not compare to the Land-Lifting Marsh Turtles. As long as there was marsh soil, the Land-Lifting Marsh Turtles could grow indefinitely because of their innate talent.

However, there was a limit to the existence of marsh soil in the marsh world. However, the number of marsh soil in the Sky Beyond the Clouds became even larger, allowing the Land-Lifting Marsh Turtles’ bodies to continue growing.

However, in terms of strategic significance, this species’ strategic significance was stronger. This was due to their ability to reproduce continuously and maintain a certain population size.

If he could subdue them, he could use this species as Sky City’s war fortress in the future.

After this species discovered the demon insects, they used their earth-type ability to manipulate the earth and killed all the demon insects. They did not take the demon insects seriously at all and did not bother to investigate their origins. The inception of this chapter’s publication is linked to n(0)vel(b)(j)(n).

However, after expelling the demon insects, many lifeforms of the species marked the surroundings of their territory. This marking method was the same as the marking method of many large lifeforms. They used excrement. The smell of this excrement would spread extremely far, and it was extremely intimidating to all kinds of lifeforms.

If not for the fact that Lin Yuan was behind the demon insects that Keira controlled, she would most likely have been shocked by the strong body odor.

When the Moon Empress, Wen Yu, and the others received Keira’s message, they understood the significance of this species. They were not aggressive, so there was no need to worry that they would invade the area under Sky City’s jurisdiction. However, if they could subdue them, it would be of great help to Sky City!

The reason the Moon Empress and the others were conflicted about whether to attack this species was firstly because they were not sure when the Crimson Heaven Falcons and the Spinning Wings White Falcons would choose to attack Sky City.

Sky City’s territory was vast, and the faith country had already been established. It was already difficult for Summer and Autumn to protect the huge Sky City. If they wanted to subdue this species, they would have to send out Sky City’s experts, which would greatly affect Sky City’s defense!

If the Crimson Heaven and Spinning Wings White Falcons were secretly observing the situation in the King Blood Jackals’ territory, they would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to attack Sky City! If such a problem occurred, neither the Moon Empress nor Wen Yu could bear the responsibility.

Furthermore, it was impossible to control a species relying on brute force alone. After intimidating the species with brute force, they would definitely need to use other methods to capture their heart. Lin Yuan had always been the one doing this. The Moon Empress, Wen Yu, and the other core members of Sky City could not come up with anything that could move them.

They were all waiting for Lin Yuan’s return. Without Lin Yuan, they seemed to have lost their backbone. However, Lin Yuan had yet to send back any news. Everyone believed that Lin Yuan’s safety would be ensured. However, believing that Lin Yuan was fine and hearing that he was fine were two completely different things.

Just as everyone was worried about Lin Yuan’s situation, the white-clothed followers, who had been guarding the transportation created by the Ethereal Jellyfish, handed a palm-sized special plant-type fey to Liu Jie.

Initially, he knew that people could be teleported through this transportation, but he did not expect that even feys that did not have the ability to move on their own could do so.

After Liu Jie obtained the young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower, he was finally able to communicate with Lin Yuan.

The Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower could be used by Fortune Treasure Palace to contact special honor guests. Its communication ability was extremely powerful, and it could perfectly satisfy the communication needs.

Unfortunately, there was only one young Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower, but it was enough to facilitate Lin Yuan’s connection with Sky City. The Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower could only transmit words, not sounds. Even so, Liu Jie was still excited for a long time, and he finally received news about Lin Yuan again.

Liu Jie easily understood how to use the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower as he sent a message to Lin Yuan to inform him that the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower had been teleported to Sky City. He hurriedly took the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower to look for the Moon Empress.

Now was not the time for him to reminisce with Lin Yuan. The Moon Empress had been worried about Lin Yuan’s situation, so Liu Jie wanted to let all the members of Sky City know that Lin Yuan was safe. Then, he would let the Moon Empress and Wen Yu communicate with Lin Yuan to determine how to implement some of Sky City’s plans.

After losing contact with Sky City for so long, Lin Yuan was very happy to receive Liu Jie’s message. He did not personally trade with the Andra clan because he wanted to use this time to communicate with his partners in Sky City.

Ever since Lin Yuan left, the Moon Empress had basically spent the entire day in the meeting hall dealing with various matters. She did not even have much time to concoct spirit fluids.

Core members of Sky City, like Liu Jie, Wen Yu, and Su Yiren, could freely enter and exit the meeting hall.

As soon as Liu Jie entered the meeting hall, he saw the Moon Empress flipping through the Thoughts Letter Paper with a tired expression. It was likely that Su Yiren and Luo Lan had encountered another problem when they were managing the faith country and needed the Moon Empress to make a decision.

For an expert, the stronger they were, the better their spirits would be. However, the Moon Empress’s current vitality was inferior to when she was in the main world.

After Lin Yuan left, every core member of Sky City felt the pressure, but in fact, the Moon Empress was the one bearing the most pressure in Sky City. Mystic Moon and Cold Moon’s conditions were similar to the Moon Empress’. They basically did not have any time to rest.

Liu Jie hurriedly raised the Fantasy Crystal Birth Stone Flower ramet in his hand and said to the Moon Empress, “Moon Empress, this is a communication fey that Lin Yuan sent back through the Ethereal Jellyfish. You can communicate with Lin Yuan through this communication fey!”

The Moon Empress, who had always been poised and calm, stood up from her seat when she heard Liu Jie’s words.

The Moon Empress had constantly been worrying about Lin Yuan’s safety. For example, Liu Jie, Wen Yu, and the rest worshiped Lin Yuan in their hearts, as if they had deified him and had complete trust in him. They believed that Lin Yuan would not encounter any safety problems.

The Moon Empress understood the laws of survival of the Sky Beyond the Clouds the moment she arrived. Under the laws of survival, where the strong preyed on the weak, the Sky Beyond the Clouds was much more dangerous than the main world.

Lin Yuan had just left the main world for the Sky Beyond the Clouds. No matter how many trump cards he had, it was very likely that he would be schemed against by an expert or species in the Sky Beyond the Clouds.

In Lin Yuan’s previous life, when a child had just reached adulthood and traveled far away to study, their parents would be worried and often think about their child. Some parents would only be at ease if they maintained a phone call once a day.

Lin Yuan seemed to have been training outside the main world, but apart from the battle with Tower Canon in the five dimensional worlds, he had always been under the Moon Empress’ care. While Lin Yuan embarked on this journey with confidence, it was a dangerous journey filled with too many dangers and uncertainties for the Moon Empress.

Now that Lin Yuan had finally sent back news, the Moon Empress knew that Lin Yuan was safe. She calmed herself down and did not ask Lin Yuan when he would be back. Her question would definitely make Lin Yuan worry about the situation in Sky City, and the Moon Empress did not want Lin Yuan to be worried when he was outside.

“Little Yuan, the situation is the same as before, with only a few minor incidents occurring. Sky City and the faith country are still operating well. Don’t worry!”

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