Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2744 Choice of the Priority Birth Horoscope!

Chapter 2744 Choice of the Priority Birth Horoscope!

The main world was in the midst of rebuilding after the dead spirits crisis. All sorts of issues could crop up at such a time that would require Lin Yuan to step in to address them.

Lin Yuan was well aware that he was only an A-rank spirit qi professional, so there was a large gap between him and the birth-horoscope level.

It would take too long if he used the Returning Saint Pool to cleanse and enlighten his birth horoscope. It was likely that the main world would have already changed drastically by the time he was done.

As things stood, Lin Yuan could not leave the main world alone.

Moreover, he still had resources to collect from the main world's lifeforms. He would be using the resources he collected from the main world's lifeforms to return benefits to them. If he fell into a state of slumber, this positive circulation of resources would halt.

Spring seriously told Lin Yuan, "Lord Saint, the Returning Saint Pool is root energy compatible with your body. Bathing in the Returning Saint Pool will improve your body.

"The enlightening of your birth horoscope is only a side effect of improving your body and won't take too much time. You will only need to spend less than a month bathing in the Returning Saint Pool. Once you emerge from the Returning Saint Pool, you will realize just how incredible your body has become!"

Spring could not tell Lin Yuan all this if he did not ask. But since he had asked, Spring could not give him a detailed explanation.

It went without saying that Spring was only divulging all this information because she was certain that Lin Yuan was the Saint. If Lin Yuan was not the Saint and entered the Returning Saint Pool, the energy in the Returning Saint Pool would short-circuit his body and cause it to explode.

The Body of All Spirits was one of the five pinnacle body types. It contained more energy than regular feys could even fathom.

The energy in the five pinnacle body types repelled each other and could never be properly fused!

Lin Yuan relaxed when he heard that.

He could spare a month.

After the Returning Saint Pool enlightened his birth horoscope, his feys would be able to evolve their grades and qualities without limits.

He would wait until then to allow Merciful Soul to absorb the calamity from here so it could evolve.

After that, he could begin his second round of resource collection and use the spirit qi crystals he harvested to evolve the powers of his other feys.

As Morbius' grade increased, the number of feys it could spirit lock increased as well.

However, Lin Yuan was in no rush to spirit lock these feys. He would wait until he arrived at the Sky Beyond the Clouds before he made subsequent plans.

"Spring, I've made my decision. Take me to Epoch God Palace! I want to enlighten my birth horoscope!"

Delight spread across Spring's face.

"Lord Saint, if you want to head to Epoch God Palace, allow me to lead the way! Summer has probably already told Autumn and Winter about you. They should be close to exploding with impatience now!"

This was not the first time Lin Yuan was hearing Spring bring up Autumn and Winter. He knew there were the four rulers of Epoch God Palace.

Of the four rulers, Winter was slightly stronger than the rest, but the other three had comparable levels of power.

Even now, Lin Yuan did not comprehensively understand Spring's power. He did not know exactly what level she was at. All he knew was that she had killed Crimson with no trouble. Crimson had essentially been helpless against Spring.

Lin Yuan could not wait to arrive at Epoch God Palace and meet with the rest of his followers.

Firstly, meeting with Autumn and Winter would allow Lin Yuan to gain a large amount of faith power that he could use to develop his divine kingdom.

Furthermore, they were part of his pillars of strength.

Before he made contact with the members of Epoch God Palace, Lin Yuan had been conservative in making his plans for his development in the Sky Beyond the Clouds. He was wary of being targeted.

But now, although he would still develop his power cautiously, he no longer had to worry about being targeted in the Sky Beyond the Clouds!

Even if he did catch negative attention from a faction, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter would step in to handle the trouble.

Lin Yuan enjoyed the feeling of having powerful followers to protect him. This would resolve a considerable number of concerns in future tasks.

Although he had decided to go to Epoch God Palace to enlighten his birth horoscope, Lin Yuan and Spring continued to clear out the space below Tower Canon's basement.

Lin Yuan collected a fair volume of resources from the castle, but they were only useful to dead dimensional lifeforms and were too niche.

Lin Yuan would have to wait until he took control of the dead world's roots and decided on a lucky dead dimensional lifeform to nurture before these resources could be used.

Just as Spring predicted, the bottom of the castle reached the ley lines.

The main world's ley lines were originally milky white and emanated a lustrously pure spirit. But after being infected by the dead world's roots, the ley lines had turned grayish-black and radiated the cold and barren loneliness of death.

Spring paused next to the ley lines for a moment before she said with a smile, "Lord Saint, it's just as I predicted. Tower Canon indeed lacked the power to fuse the dead world's roots with this Class 2 world's roots!

"It's a good thing that you evolved this Class 1 world to Class 2. Otherwise, the complete fusing of the dead world's roots with the main world's roots would have caused severe damage to the main world's roots. Even if they are separated later on, there will still be problems with the main world's roots."

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed before he asked, "Spring, based on what you just said, does this mean that it's still possible to extract the dead world's roots?"

Spring pressed her hand on the ley line and said a moment later, "Lord Saint, give me five days, and I'll be able to fully extract the dead world's roots. You can temporarily store the dead world's roots after being extracted.

"After enlightening your birth horoscope in the Returning Saint Pool, you can then pick a dead dimensional lifeform and nurture it with the dead world's roots!"

Lin Yuan knew that the death aura in the ley lines would lose their source once Spring extracted the dead world's roots.

A thought struck Lin Yuan, and he asked, "What if I don't use the dead world's roots to nurture a dead dimensional lifeform? Instead, I'll feed it to my two feys. What do you think?"

Spring shook her head, saying seriously, "Lord Saint, I know you want the two fairies to evolve their bloodlines. The two fairies are able to absorb death aura as a source of energy. That's why I suggested that you use the death aura to nurture them!

"However, the dead world's roots are very different from death aura. If you use the dead world's roots to nurture your two feys, their fairy bloodlines might mutate and their future development might be affected.

"The best way for fairies to increase their power is for them to absorb fairy bloodlines stronger than their own. Fairy bloodlines are easily obtainable in the Sky Beyond the Clouds through trading with factions. If you still want to nurture your two fairies then, you can use your resources to trade for fairy bloodlines with a powerful faction!"

As such, Lin Yuan discarded the idea of using the dead world's roots to nurture Red Thorn and Silver Corona.

Keira had already recommended dead dimensional lifeforms he could consider nurturing.

There was a dead dimensional lifeform called the Parasite Death Dark Infant. When it was triggered, it would mutate two to three times in succession. It was a dead dimensional lifeform that mutated easily!

The Parasite Death Dark Infant would attach itself to other lifeforms and begin using its own root energy to decay the main body's roots. Then, it would take over the body and gain control over the host's soul and mind.

The Parasite Death Dark Infant had very strong imitating abilities. After taking over its target, it would retract its own energy and imitate an energy similar to the target's own. This made it very difficult for other lifeforms to notice the Parasite Death Dark Infant's presence.

There were many good choices for targets among the dead dimensional lifeforms.

Lin Yuan thought about choosing the Parasite Death Dark Infant because his next trip to the Sky Beyond the Clouds would also be his first one, and he did not know anything about the place. The Parasite Death Dark Infant would allow Lin Yuan to take control of other targets there and use these targets to gain information.

Rather than being attracted by the Parasite Death Dark Infant's power, he was interested in its abilities.

For the past few months, Lin Yuan's main objective was collecting resources.

People from all over the main world wanted to interact with Lin Yuan, but he did not have the time to speak with every single one of them.

For the next few days when Spring was absorbing the dead world's roots, Lin Yuan could find the time to speak with these people.

These people were not looking for Lin Yuan because of urgent matters. If they were, Lin Yuan would have replied to them regardless of how busy he was.

The Moon Empress sent a weekly message to Lin Yuan to confirm his condition. This weekly correspondence had become embedded into their relationship.

After a long voyage, Wo Lun finally arrived at the Radiance Federation.

Lin Yuan had asked the Moon Empress to be at the harbor to receive Wo Lun.

Wo Lun was even more useful for the main world's development than Lin Yuan was!

While Lin Yuan was the main world's protector, Wo Lun was the driver of structural change in the main world!

With the power of the Radiance Federation and the relationship between the humans and sea clans, the change to human voyage could take place without any issues.

In just the short span of a few decades, there would be no imbalance of power between the federations.

Boats were a tool that could easily be used to conduct migration and resource trading.

This would allow all the federations to enter a period of rapid development.

Lin Yuan thought deeply before deciding on the main world's development.

Different regions in the main world produced different resources.

Some of these resources were not compatible with human existence. Nonetheless, humans stubbornly insisted on staying there.

The development of trading would save these impoverished regions and would allow the main world's lifeforms to be connected through their resources.

In Lin Yuan's previous life, the trading of live resources led to the introduction of invasive species. However, this would not happen in the fey world.

There were differences in power between feys that deterred overt fights.

The biggest issue with trading was the possibility that it would lead to invasions.

The yoke of authority was securely in the hand of the Radiance Federation. It had the power to prevent such invasions from taking place.

Wo Lun had communicated any and all ideas he had to Lin Yuan.

After pointing Wo Lun in the right direction, Lin Yuan did not interfere with Wo Lun's plans.

If Wo Lun's ideas were constrained, his creativity would not surpass that of Lin Yuan's previous life.

Lin Yuan never assumed that a world's development would immediately take the best and optimal form.

It was possible that Wo Lun's creativity would surpass the development of the world in Lin Yuan's previous life!

This world's oceanic development was only just beginning. Everything was still in the early stages.

For the next few thousands of years, the people from this world would explode with boundless imaginative creativity that was linked to oceanic development.

With the Moon Empress' level and intelligence, she understood the importance of oceanic development. Without Lin Yuan having to provide too much of an explanation, the Moon Empress placed great importance on Wo Lun's presence.

The Moon Empress would provide Wo Lun with an abundance of resources.

The main world's territory expanded when it was promoted to Class 2. When the main world was combined with the five dimensional worlds, the humans gained a large amount of land to develop.

The Moon Empress encouraged the federations to develop the land and expand themselves.

The Radiance Federation's territory would also expand.

After the Moon Empress found out about the matter of Mang Shui, she did not comment on account of Tian Feng.

However, she began taking a personal interest in the manor in the north district. She also sent a tea attendant, five moon envoys, and Mystic Moon to personally check and ask about the manor's situation. This would guarantee that a similar situation never took place again.

The Moon Empress had interacted with Mang Shui in the past. Her impression of him was that he was careful and cautious while also being capable and thoughtful.

Without such a disposition, Mang Shui would not be so heavily used by Tian Feng, the most eccentric of all the members of royalty. People who could catch his eye had to be a cut above the rest.

Tian Feng was also aware of the importance of the manor in the north district. He had sent Mang Shui there because he felt that Mang Shui was reliable.

However, Mang Shui had changed beyond Tian Feng's control.

This allowed the Moon Empress to witness how temptation and desire could change a person. Once such a change took place, it would lead to extremely negative consequences unless it was reigned in in time.

This change usually took place in those who possessed power.

The Moon Empress would be investing a lot of energy into this issue from now on.

There was no one better than Iron Prison to handle this matter.

However, there was no question that Iron Prison could not handle this alone.

Night Leaning Moon was also suited for this type of job.

However, as the Chief Guard of the Spirit Guards, Night Leaning Moon was always extremely busy. She did not have time or energy to spend on this matter.

After thinking for a moment, the Moon Empress decided to set up an organization in the main world where its members would keep others in check.


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