Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2707 Lin Yuan's Dimensional Wall!

Chapter 2707 Lin Yuan's Dimensional Wall!

"My name is Du Xing. I also intend to form a team. Everyone in the team will be an equal, and we will do our best to look out for each other. I swear on my Willpower Rune that all competition will be fair!"

Du Xing knew of his own situation. Unlike Mu Yan, he could not speak of honor and glory.

He had been part of a C-level guild club in the past. But before he could recruit Qin Dong, Yang Nuanxin, and the rest to join him and participate in the tournament, the C-level guild club was bought by a B-level guild club.

The B-level guild club had taken away the C-level guild club's right to form teams. Hence, if Du Xing and the rest wanted to participate in tournaments, their only option was to participate in the lower-tier league.

Eventually, Du Xing left the guild club and even had to pay a handsome fee to dissolve his contract.

He could not use his accomplishments to drive his recruitment, nor did he proclaim Yang Nuanxin as his team's signature.

The people present were not stupid and could see the difference in level between the two teams.

The biggest gesture of sincerity that Du Xing could make was swearing on his Willpower Rune that the competition between his team's members would be fair.

A few participants who had been on the fence eventually chose to join Du Xing after a moment of pondering.

Yang Nuanxin's irreplaceable abilities were important. Furthermore, he had guaranteed that the team would be a just one.

Mu Yan's promise had been that she would not try to shave down the size of the team or hurt the members' profits.

It was plain to see which team was offering more sincerity.

The size of the team might not be shaved down, but My Yan could still use her status as the leader to assign some members to handle the more dangerous or difficult tasks.

Mu Yan had managed to gather more than 20 people, while Du Xing had only managed to gather slightly more than ten.

Mu Yan did not show any displeasure at Du Xing managing to attract some members to his team. Rather, once the teams were formed, she walked over to him and reached out her hand with a smile.

"We have more members in our team, so it'll be easier for us to look out for each other during combat."

Du Xing, Yang Nuanxin, Qin Dong, and the rest assumed that Mu Yan was trying to throw down the gauntlet to establish her position as the head honcho.

However, Mu Yan went on to say, "I hope our two teams can work together. We will protect your team members, and your team will share the Cleansing Rain Sky Crane's ability to clear death aura. But it will be up to the individual teams to hunt for themselves!"

Du Xing was momentarily stunned before he smiled at her with amazement.

She truly deserved to be someone who had stood out in the previous Radiance Hundred Sequence selection and earned a spot in the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

With Lin Yuan and Gao Feng in the previous Radiance Hundred Sequence selection, there were truly only eight spots to fight for.

Mu Yan's actions allowed her to come off as having a better character as well as being more masterful than him.

Once she realized that she would have to compete against him, she decided not to try and push him out but to work together instead. This helped her to protect her team, but it was also a skillful military move.

Yang Nuanxin's Cleansing Rain Sky Crane was indeed capable of protecting 30 to 40 people, but Mu Yan's team was much larger than Du Xing's own, meaning that their hunting capabilities also differed significantly.

When spirit qi professionals worked together, they would be able to produce a multiplier effect.

Du Xing took a deep breath before he reached out his large hand to grasp Mu Yan's smaller one.

Mu Yan was both trying to cooperate and scheme against him.

Regardless, he needed to take her up on her offer or risk losing the match.

This was a clash between leaders and not as ostentatious as one between fighters. They could have a dagger pressed up to the other's throat at any moment and without making a sound.

As things stood, he was on the losing side. But once all the participants gathered together, he still stood a chance of tipping the scales!

"Okay, I hope we work well together and hold up our own ends of the bargain!"

Mu Yan's lips twitched when she heard what Du Xing said.

If people were really fighting in the wilderness, those who trusted each other to keep their promises would be foolish. They needed to watch out for one another, even if they had made promises using Willpower Runes.

But now, they were in a test ground on Star Web, and all of them would keep their promises. They would be scorned for the rest of their lives if they went against their word in front of all the Radiance citizens.

Mu Yan was trying to secretly set up a ploy for Du Xing's failure.

He would seem petty if he did not agree to work with her. This would damage his impression in the eyes of others.

But now that he had agreed to work with her, she could benefit from the Cleansing Rain Sky Crane.

Once they arrived at the main area and encountered the other participants, she and Du Xing could use the Cleansing Rain Sky Crane as bait to recruit team members!

Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow as he watched Du Xing and Mu Yan clash.

He had noticed Mu Yan's previous year's performance. She was far more mature now, and it was evident she had grown substantially in the past year.

With her power and leadership skills, there was a high chance she could return to the Radiance Hundred Sequence as long as no unexpected accidents cropped up while they were battling dead spirits.

This year, almost 15 members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence would have to exit, meaning that the competition within the Radiance Hundred Sequence would be flattened.

As long as Mu Yan could return to the Radiance Hundred Sequence, it was almost a sure thing she would make it to the top 90 ranks next year.

As for Du Xing, Lin Yuan did not have much experience with him.

He would only be able to get a better sense of Du Xing's abilities once all of the participants were gathered together.

In the few hours that the sea of flowers and sea of insects had been battling against the dead spirits, the Scholars whom Star Web had specially invited had conducted a detailed analysis of the dead spirits.

Most of the dead spirits were in insect form. The second-most common form was the beast form. The dead spirits in human form were the smallest in number but the most powerful. Many of the dead spirits in human form were able to command the dead spirits in beast form.

As for the specters, they all had relatively the same level of strength regardless of their form. They were immune to physical damage and could only be killed with elemental attacks.

The specters could not only affect the spirits of living creatures but their souls as well. They would even take over the bodies of dead spirits that had died.

As the dead spirits had only recently appeared in the main world, the Scholars were only able to come up with general categories for now. But it would not be long before they could draw up more detailed classifications.

The Radiance Federation had already started producing books related to the dead spirits and intended to incorporate them into the education curriculum from next year onward.

From now on, the grading of Creation Masters would also take their dead spirit knowledge into consideration. It was considered a part of the Fey Observer knowledge.

Once the Scholars examined the dead spirits' bodies and checked if any part of their body could be useful and thus worth harvesting, any spiritual ingredients that came from their bodies would also become part of the Spiritual Ingredient Analysts' curriculum.

The dead spirits crisis had only been ongoing for a few months, but it had already disrupted and changed the main world's culture.

The instant the participants from all areas gathered together, the fighting intensified. Both the open and hidden battles put human nature on full display.

Luckily, everyone knew that this was the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection and was relatively restrained. Nonetheless, their characters, tempers, and values could all be seen.

When Xia Qing spotted Lin Yuan, she walked over to him and said, "It's a good thing that you and Liu Jie are here. Otherwise, I would have no idea how to fend off the dead spirits and reduce the concentration of the death aura-saturated air. My Suck Burst Oxygen Toad's body can't hold on for too long!"

Lin Yuan first turned to look at Liu Jie and gave him a thumbs up before telling Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, you don't have to be self-deprecating. Feys will continuously improve while evolving their powers. There is a high chance that your feys will surprise you in all sorts of ways when they evolve to Creation Breed or Immortal Breed!"

Xia Qing smiled in a way that showed she neither agreed nor disagreed with him.

Xia Qing would never lose confidence in her future. She always kept her goals and expectations in mind!

Xia Qing wanted to protect the Radiance Federation just like her grandfather and parents had done.

However, she understood that her future prospects were tied to Lin Yuan. Because of the pure spirit qi and fire-elemental energy she had received from Lin Yuan, she managed to transform her feys' bloodlines numerous times.

As a general Liu Wencheng had appointed, Lin Yuan had been seriously observing the battles between the participants.

Du Xing had surprised him greatly.

In terms of leadership qualities, Du Xing was just as competent as Mu Yan. Moreover, he was skilled at managing the atmosphere of his team.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, Xia Qing, and the other invigilators were not the only ones judging the participants. The audience could also tell which participants were doing better than others.

Lin Yuan did not shift his focus to the subsequent duels after the large-scale selection. Instead, he was concentrating on building the bases in the dimensional worlds' territories.

Bai Qinghuan had sent a message to him to say that the Land Imps had worked hard and were done building the walls that traversed the five dimensional worlds.

The walls were tightly connected and formed an enormous protective net. They split the main world and the dimensional worlds it had fused with into two. There was now the world within the dimensional walls and the world outside of it.

All of the humans were living within the dimensional wall and were protected by it, while the dimensional lifeforms were all placed outside of the dimensional wall.

After Lin Yuan's observation, he noticed that it was difficult for the dimensional lifeforms to coexist with the humans because many of the dimensional lifeforms were venomous.

It would take a very long time before the dimensional lifeforms could acclimate to living in the main world and be transformed by the spirit qi.

Selfishly, Lin Yuan also preferred the dimensional lifeforms to be the ones to fight the dead spirits. This would protect the humans while increasing the dimensional lifeforms' evolution rate.

[Bai Qinghuan]: Young Master, the dimensional world that cuts through this world is much stronger than I expected! There are many spatial traps below the dimensional wall. Once any lifeform outside of the wall steps into the spatial traps, they will be sent to the banishment space created by the Space-Cracking Crystals! I have allocated two Samsara Realm Dictators to guard the banishment space. They will handle the lifeforms sent to the banishment space accordingly.

Ever since Lin Yuan took control of the subterranean world and attained various high-grade metal spiritual ingredients, he used them to accomplish many tasks he could not achieve in the past.

This dimensional wall would not have been built if he had not discovered the Space-Cracking Crystal mineral veins.

[Lin Yuan]: Covering the ground with spatial traps will prevent the dead dimensional lifeforms and dead spirits from crossing over into the human world. But the spatial traps won't be able to stop them from going over the wall! You should be done building the aerial defenses as well, right?

Lin Yuan had used the dimensional treasures to take absolute control of the dimensional lifeforms.

But after the dimensional worlds were fused with the main world, the dimensional treasures were joined with the main world. This meant that Lin Yuan could not use those dimensional treasures to take control of new dimensional lifeforms.

The dimensional lifeforms continuously reproduced after the dimensional worlds were fused with the main world. As subsequent generations of dimensional lifeforms were born, Lin Yuan's control over them would diminish.

Low-grade dimensional lifeforms had very low intelligence, so Lin Yuan wanted to prevent them from causing harm to the humans.

When Bai Qinghuan saw Lin Yuan's message, she hurriedly responded.

[Bai Qinghuan]: Don't worry, Young Master. I would never send a message to you unless the aerial defenses have been completed! I embedded a large amount of Gravity Secret Silver and Attract Magnetic Force Ores. Together, they magnify the Attract Magnetic Force Ores' effects!

[Bai Qinghuan]: The dead spirits and dimensional lifeforms won't be able to cross the dimensional wall unless they are stronger than Creation Breed. The gravitational forces will drag them down. If there are dead dimensional lifeforms and dead spirits that are stronger than Creation Breed, the Attract Magnetic Force Ores's magnetic field will be triggered and alert the experts close to the wall!

Bai Qinghuan had perfectly accomplished the task that Lin Yuan had given her.

[Lin Yuan]: Qinghuan, take the Land Imps with you and go along the wall to help the weak human federations build their bases. I will send help to you. Don't forget that your future won't be limited to this Class 2 world!

Initially, Bai Qinghuan only wanted to receive more tasks from Lin Yuan. If he gave her more tasks, it would mean he acknowledged her.

The more capable people joined Lin Yuan, the fewer opportunities each would get to be sent out on tasks.

But not only had Lin Yuan assigned a new task to her, but he had also given her a promise.

Bai Qinghuan already knew that Lin Yuan had set his sights beyond this world.

Given what he said, he would take her with him when he went to the other world!

While Lin Yuan was communicating with Bai Qinghuan through the Thoughts Letter Paper, two figures appeared at the Four Seasons Mountain's foot. They stared up at the imposing mountain with trepidation.


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