Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2659 Attack of the Hundred Sequence!

Chapter 2659 Attack of the Hundred Sequence!

But now, Dazzling Silver was getting better at thinking from a managerial standpoint. She liked to analyze managerial issues from a manager's perspective and understood what Lin Yuan needed was not powerful Samsara Realm Dictators.

He had many Samsara Realm Dictators under him, but he always showed a preference for those who were capable of accomplishing tasks.

This was why East Glow was so heavily relied on by Lin Yuan despite only having just become a Dictator.

Lin Yuan nodded and replied, "Samsara Realm Dictators must indeed guard this sea of flowers. You are currently the strongest water world dimensional lifeform, so you can be the one to make the arrangements for this matter!

"Dazzling Silver, you must ensure this sea of flowers is well protected. It is essential for my future plans, so no carelessness or mistakes will be tolerated!"

Lin Yuan was nurturing Silver Corona to eventually take it to the Sky Beyond the Clouds. Hence, he wanted it to grow the most and the best that it could.

With Silver Corona's sea of flowers sitting on the Dead Spirits Wells, it would easily be damaged by powerful dead spirits if attention was taken off of it.

Lin Yuan still said what he said despite knowing that Dazzling Silver would definitely take good care of the sea of flowers because he wanted to put pressure on her.

This was the first time that Dazzling Silver was hearing Lin Yuan speak of a matter with such solemnity.

Dazzling Silver hurriedly gave Lin Yuan her guarantee.

Once Silver Corona was done producing the sea of bone lotus flowers, Lin Yuan was done with all he needed to do in the water world.

The other human federations were all living in the dimensional worlds and did not have to worry about battling the dead spirits.

After they relocated, they focused their efforts on constructing infrastructure, leaving the Radiance Federation to take the full brunt of battling the dead spirits.

After all, the Radiance Federation was part of the main world, and its ley lines had also been severely contaminated.

It was good that the other human federations could immediately delve into building infrastructure after they migrated without having to burden themselves with the invasion of the dead spirits.

If the dead spirits also rose out of the ground in the dimensional worlds, it would be difficult for the other human federations to fight them.

The Moon Empress had already distributed resources. Once the experts from the human federations received the resources, they immediately began increasing their power.

The Moon Empress had made a request when she gave out these resources. Any expert with feys that were about to experience the World Cleansings or Trials of World Creation had to wait for Lin Yuan to collect a portion of their feys' World Graces or Creation World Ley Lines.

Most of those human federations upheld their promise to the Moon Empress, but there were still a small portion of them who went against their word.

Thus, the Moon Empress sent the knights under the Moon Servants to keep a lookout while they were patrolling in the other federations.

If they discovered any expert who broke this agreement, not only would the Moon Empress reduce the amount of resources that the federation that the expert came from received, but she would punish the experts by requesting their federations to compensate the Radiance Federation three times the amount of resources that they had received.

Ever since he returned from checking on the sea clans, Lin Yuan had been in the Spirit Lock spatial zone using spirit qi crystals to nurture promising feys to high-quality Bronze.

These feys would be given to the Radiance Federation's troops.

The troops that were able to fight the dead spirits on the Radiance Federation's behalf would be able to use their service to trade for a significant amount of resources, and they were capable enough to nurture these high-quality Bronze feys.

Regardless of what happened, they would be able to nurture the high-quality Bronze feys to Suzerain/Myth in the next few decades and provide Lin Yuan with a large amount of spirit qi crystals.

The dead spirits crisis would definitely last for a long time!

Aside from using the spirit qi crystals to nurture feys, Lin Yuan also took a look at how Hu Quan was progressing with decorating the Spirit Lock spatial zone.

Since Lin Yuan assigned the Land Imps to Hu Quan, the Spirit Lock spatial zone's construction began progressing rapidly.

Hu Quan was already done with building the living and working spaces for the Hundred Questions Beasts. The size of the Hundred Questions Beasts would soon reach the millions.

The millions of Hundred Questions Beasts, which were the equivalent of Class 3 and 4 Creation Masters, would definitely be able to solve numerous issues for Lin Yuan.

The Moon Empress usually never left Leaning Moon Mountain. But now, she spent almost all of her time in the imperial court. She attended numerous imperial meetings each day to solve a variety of issues.

The Radiance Federation wanted to set up a reward and punishment system for the troops who were fighting the dead spirits. They also needed to attend to the federations who were asking for help.

There were many federations who asked to borrow resources from the Radiance Federation because they lacked resources of their own to build bases. Not every federation was able to pay back what they borrowed. The Moon Empress did not hesitate to lend resources to such federations even if she knew they could not pay them back.

This imperial meeting was initially meant to discuss the formation of the troops around the Dead Spirits Wells.

At first, there were 15 teams assigned to every Dead Spirits Well, and they took shifts to defend the Dead Spirits Wells.

But now that they had the Dead Decay Earthworms, there was no need to station so many troops to each Dead Spirits Wells.

The Moon Empress was currently in the midst of a discussion with the other members of royalty about how many troops should be part of the new and smaller formations.

It was not easy to make such an order. They had to conduct careful tests. Otherwise, there was a high chance that the wrong decision would result in unimaginable damage!

The Radiance Federation's royalty were fully responsible for the safety of their troops. Otherwise, they would not have held three imperial meetings with this matter as the main agenda!

Night Leaning Moon proposed to reduce the number to nine teams. Eight of the nine teams would battle the dead spirits in three-hour shifts while the last team would be on standby. If, at any instance, the eruption of dead spirits from the Dead Spirits Wells was too violent, the team on standby could step in to help.

Night Leaning Moon was the Chief Guard of the Spirit Guards. Thus, she had more experience than the other members of royalty when it came to organizing troops.

Night Leaning Moon felt that after all the resources that Lin Yuan was providing the troops to help them fight the dead spirits, it was only right for her to put some pressure on the troops. This way, the dead spirits crisis would become an opportunity for them to train themselves.

It would not be long before the Radiance Federation's troops' overall power multiplied.

Liu Wencheng rarely gave his input during recent imperial meetings. Because of the dead spirits crisis and the fusing of the five dimensional worlds with the main world, no more dimensional rifts opened in the main world.

The schools had all lost their best training environments. Liu Wencheng was currently requesting that every city set a Dead Spirits Well aside to serve as a training site for the students.

The fifth epoch was now a thing of the past. The dead spirits crisis had triggered a changing of epochs.

The Radiance Federation would need to adjust to the changing times if it wanted to continue developing in the new epoch.

It was very important that the students gained an understanding of and were able to make contact with dead spirits during their education.

Liu Wencheng was very anxious to begin introducing classes related to dead spirits from the elementary school level.

He was the only member of royalty who managed Radiance Sacred Hall. Thus, he had to handle this matter all on his own.

The other members of royalty were also very busy, and he could not bring himself to bother them.

The group that was the most representative of the Radiance Federation was the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

At such a time, the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence needed to set the example and become involved in the defense and rescue efforts of the various cities.

Liu Wencheng used this imperial meeting to bring up this matter.

"As all of you know, I have been busy trying to change the education system. I suggest every city provide schools with one or two Dead Spirits Wells. I have already brought up this matter with Cicada Song and Night Leaning Moon, and they have supported this decision!

"The earlier we incorporate education on the dead spirits, the better. This way, the schools under Radiance Sacred Hall will be able to nurture the best soldiers for the Radiance Federation. Otherwise, these students won't be able to move directly from school to the battlefield.

"Aside from changing the education structure, I would like the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence to become flag bearers and be sent to the various cities to protect them.

"Furthermore, now that the Major Federation Union is established, there is no longer any need for the Major Federation Meeting. However, the Radiance Federation should still maintain the tradition of selecting Radiance Envoys.

"When the Radiance Hundred Sequence members are sent to the various cities to help with the battle against the dead spirits, I will pick five of the best-performing members and recommend that they become Radiance Envoys. As long as they can defeat the current Radiance Envoys, they will be able to become official Radiance Envoys!"

After Liu Wencheng spoke, every member of royalty, including the Moon Empress and Night Leaning Moon, were all stunned.

There were no issues with any of Liu Wencheng's suggestions. The members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence were the faith of the Radiance Federation's younger generation. Each of them had celebrity status in the Radiance Federation. It was only right that they took up the necessary responsibilities during such a catastrophe.

However, the Radiance Hundred's royalty could not bear to put the Radiance Hundred Sequence in such danger.

There was a high chance that the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence would end up losing their lives when they were sent to various cities to fight the dead spirits.

Normally, no one treasured the Radiance Hundred Sequence more than Liu Wencheng. It was truly surprising that such a suggestion had come from him!

While the other members of royalty were silent, Iron Prison said, "I support this decision. This is exactly the time when we should be bolstering confidence. The best way to do that is to send the Radiance Hundred Sequence into battle.

"Since the Moon Empress is going to pump resources into the troops on the frontlines, the Radiance Hundred Sequence will also be eligible to claim some of these resources if they were sent to battle."

Liu Wencheng was thankful that Iron Prison was the first one to voice his support.

But it was not long before Liu Wencheng furrowed his brow.

What did Iron Prison mean? Did he think I was trying to help the Radiance Hundred Sequence gain some of the resources meant for the frontline troops?

Even if Iron Prison did not have such an intention, it was easy to misunderstand his meaning.

However, Iron Prison had no inkling of this at all.

Cicada Song shot Iron Prison a silent look before he helped Iron Prison to add on, "Iron Prison is hoping that this opportunity will help the Radiance Hundred Sequence to grow. The members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence are also part of the Radiance Federation's troops.

"I hope that after this, the experience they gain will enable the Radiance Hundred Sequence to become true leaders of the Radiance Federation and that their influence will extend past just the younger generation."

Liu Wencheng's expression lightened significantly after he heard what Cicada Song said.

Iron Prison did not have any of the intentions that Liu Wencheng thought he did.

When Liu Wencheng made his decision, the Moon Empress had not yet announced her decision to provide resources to the Radiance Federation's troops!

Although the members of the Radiance Federation's royalty were silent, none felt any opposition toward Liu Wencheng's decision. The strongest emotion they felt was that the idea was rather radical.

Luckily, experts were guarding every Dead Spirits Well.

These experts could help to look out for the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence!

The Moon Empress said decisively, "That is a good idea. Wencheng, you can pass on this decision as an announcement! The Radiance Hundred Sequence should set an example for the Radiance Federation at such a time."

The Moon Empress intended to tell Lin Yuan about this to check if he was available. If he was busy with other matters, he would not need to spend time on this assignment for the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

Every second of Lin Yuan's time was very precious.

Lin Yuan had saved not only the Radiance Federation, but also the main world. No one had done more for the main world than Lin Yuan.

However, at the end of the day, the Moon Empress still hoped that he could become a Radiance Envoy and stand in the same position she used to stand in!

If Lin Yuan did not participate in this assignment for the Radiance Hundred Sequence, he would lose the eligibility to become a Radiance Envoy.

After all, the selection for the Radiance Envoys had to be fair. Otherwise, the original meaning would be lost.

Since Liu Wencheng was willing to send the Radiance Hundred Sequence out to train, the Moon Empress decided to give him a helping hand.

Every member of the Radiance Hundred Sequence had been carefully chosen. They had all been enjoying the best resources the Radiance Federation offered. The best use of these precious resources was to give them to the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

Aside from the resources that Lin Yuan had given her, the Moon Empress also had a large store of high-class Creation Master resources that she had concocted herself.

She had initially been saving these resources for Lin Yuan, but she now knew that he did not need her resources.

If that were the case, there would be no harm in her giving the resources to the Radiance Hundred Sequence!

As such, the Moon Empress said seriously, "I will establish a prize pool. The resources will be allocated to the Radiance Hundred Sequence members.

"The members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence will be able to attain the resources based on their contributions. The stronger they are, the more resources they'll receive.

"We haven't conducted this year's Radiance Hundred Sequence selection. The dead spirits crisis is no reason to stop the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection from happening.

"Let's hold the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection before we send out the members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence to the cities to help with the fight against the dead spirits! This will also give us a chance to distract the citizens and boost their morale!"

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