Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2638 - 2638 The Vast Sea Labyrinth's Request!

2638 The Vast Sea Labyrinth’s Request!
Even if it caused disruptions, it would be the Sky Beyond the Clouds that would be affected. Given the Sky Beyond the Clouds’ level, small disruptions like this would not mean much! They might even have similar treasures themselves.

For example, Keira used her own bloodline to create the alien insect species. She also managed to use reincarnation to extend her own lifespan by thousands of years.

This would be akin to possessing pills of immortality when your family and friends had to contend with death. At that point, no one would be thinking about whether the immortality pills violated natural law!

Lin Yuan wanted to ask the Moon Empress if she needed the Lifespan Mice. If she did, he would be able to nurture the Lifespan Mice and supply them to the Radiance Federation.

In the face of this crisis that would affect the entire main world and trigger a changing of epochs, it would be necessary to have people with endless lifespans to see the main world through the entire event!

Lin Yuan’s current power had reached the peak of the main world, but he did not know much about the main world’s bigshots. Rather, he was more familiar with factions like the Heavenly Family Cottage, which was composed fully of Heavenly Family Feys.

For example, in the Radiance Federation, besides the Moon Empress, Night Leaning Moon, and Chef Supreme, Lin Yuan had only met and exchanged words with the Bamboo Monarch, Cicada Song, and the Spacetime Elder a few times. There were even members of royalty whom Lin Yuan had never seen before.

He had never met a single bigshot from another federation.

As such, it would be much more suitable for him to give the Lifespan Mice to the Moon Empress so she could distribute them accordingly.

After Lin Yuan sat down, the Moon Empress poured out a cup of tea for him and asked softly, “Little Yuan, do you have anything to ask me? I have time now, so I can help you with anything you might need.

“The federation representatives who left will need some time to relocate their citizens to the Radiance Federation. Even after they do, Cicada Song will be administering the operation!”

Lin Yuan hurriedly shook his head.

The Moon Empress was his Master, and he would only go to her with questions. He would never assign tasks to her.

“Master, do you remember the Lifespan Mouse? It is the fey that both you and the Spacetime Elder have contracted.”

The Moon Empress’ expression changed when she heard what Lin Yuan said. She began closely observing the expressions on his face.

Was Lin Yuan bringing up the Lifespan Mouse because he knew about Chef Supreme’s lifespan coming to an end?

But the Moon Empress could not discern any pain from his expression.

If Lin Yuan intended to give the Lifespan Mouse to Chef Supreme, he should not be acting so calmly.

But if he did not know about Chef Supreme’s limited lifespan, why would he bring up the Lifespan Mouse to her?

The Moon Empress nodded to indicate she remembered the Lifespan Mouse.

To the Moon Empress, the Lifespan Mouse was a precious treasure that no amount of resources could replace.

The Earth Center Fine Milk had a place on the list of most precious treasures, but it could only increase one’s lifespan by a year or two. Moreover, its effects would be discounted after the first use!

Even Class 2 Creation Masters could utilize spiritual ingredients that contained vitality, much less Class 5 Creation Masters.

Thus, using the Lifespan Mouse to increase one’s lifespan came at a very small cost!

When the Moon Empress nodded, Lin Yuan smiled and asked, “Master, do you need the Lifespan Mice? Uncle Mystic and Auntie Cold still have long lifespans, but they can eventually use the Lifespan Mouse. Why don’t we use this time before the crisis of dead spirits to help them—”

Before Lin Yuan could finish speaking, the Moon Empress sternly cut him off.

“Little Yuan, I’m sure you know how precious the Lifespan Mouse is. I am aware of your affection for Mystic Moon and Cold Moon, but you should keep such a resource to yourself and use it for your own needs! They are my left and right arms, but not yours.

“Liu Jie and Wen Yu are your left and right arms! If you have a surplus of the Lifespan Mice, you can give them to Liu Jie and Wen Yu rather than Mystic Moon and Cold Moon.

“When you go to the Sky Beyond the Clouds, don’t reveal the existence of treasures that can extend lifespans, like the Lifespan Mouse, unless it’s absolutely necessary. There’s no way to tell what people are truly thinking. You should try your best to prevent anyone from coming after you because of the resources you possess!”

The Moon Empress had never said such things to Lin Yuan before. It was similar to what mothers in Lin Yuan’s previous life told their children before leaving for university. Only those who truly cared about you would say such things!

The Moon Empress believed she could protect Lin Yuan in the main world. But she would not have this confidence once he left for the Sky Beyond the Clouds!

It was possible that when they went to the Sky Beyond the Clouds, their positions would be switched. He would have to be the one to protect her instead!

Lin Yuan smiled at what the Moon Empress said before he took out a thermos box made of crystal. It contained 20 Lifespan Mice that were covered by orangey-red fur.

The Moon Empress looked shocked when she saw this box of Lifespan Mice. But she was also happy.

Lin Yuan noticed the happiness in her eyes and realized there was someone who badly needed the Lifespan Mouse!

“Master, the Lifespan Mouse can be nurtured. However, the process is very tedious and requires both effort and resources. I managed to nurture a few. I am leaving these Lifespan Mice with you. I’m sure you understand my meaning. You can give them to those who need them.
“I think Uncle Mystic, Auntie Cold, your four Moon Servants, and four tea attendants should have Lifespan Mice reserved for them!”

Lin Yuan paused before he asked the Moon Empress with a serious expression, “Master, if your friend’s lifespan is coming to an end and you don’t have enough of the Lifespan Mice, feel free to ask me for more!”

From Lin Yuan’s words, the Moon Empress knew he had noticed something in her gaze.

Since there was no lack of the Lifespan Mice, all problems could be solved!

Since Lin Yuan was willing to give away the Lifespan Mice, Chef Supreme definitely had the abilities, power, and track record to make him deserving of receiving the Lifespan Mouse!

As such, the Moon Empress started telling Lin Yuan about Chef Supreme.

“Little Yuan, the Kitchen Fragrance Palace sent word that Chef Supreme only has around five years left in his lifespan. He personally declared during an imperial meeting that he would enter seclusion to concoct more potions to maximize his value. He also said to send any dangerous tasks his way first!”

When the Moon Empress’ lifespan was ending, her main emotion had been indignance. But Chef Supreme was much more resigned and accepting. The past few centuries of his life had been exciting enough.

Chef Supreme was very cavalier, but the same could not be said for the others. Tian Feng was on good terms with Chef Supreme and had shed a waterfall of tears.

“Little Yuan, I will send the Lifespan Mouse to Kitchen Fragrance Palace in your name. If you aren’t busy, you can deliver it there yourself, too!”

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment before he said softly, “Master, I think you should help me to deliver it. Once we meet with the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s people and settle our discussions with them, I have many other plans that I need to see to.”

The Moon Empress instinctively tousled the top of Lin Yuan’s head. He had only just celebrated his 19th birthday but did not sound like a 19-year-old at all.

“Little Yuan, no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to take care of yourself! If you overstrain yourself and damage your roots, you will need to make up for it when the time comes for you to awaken your birth horoscope!”

The Moon Empress’ tone was solemn.

She had experienced what it was like to have seriously damaged roots, which caused her to suffer unexpectedly when she tried to awaken her birth horoscope. It was natural that she did not want Lin Yuan to go through the same experience.

The Moon Empress had brought this up with Lin Yuan more than once.

Because of his injured roots, the Class 5 Creation Master Weng Queji was still unable to awaken his birth horoscope, even with Lin Yuan’s help.

Hence, Lin Yuan was well aware of the consequences of damaging his roots. He would never knowingly harm himself.

“Master, don’t worry. I won’t overextend myself.”

It was true that Lin Yuan was busy, but he could squeeze out pockets of free time.

He did not want to go to the Kitchen Fragrance Palace personally because he was afraid of being profusely thanked by Uncle Li and Auntie Zhang.

Regardless of what happened, Lin Yuan felt he would never be able to repay Auntie Zhang and Uncle Li for all they had done for him when he was younger.

Although Lin Yuan and Chu Ci could have survived without Auntie Zhang and Uncle Li, the two of them had brought warmth into Lin Yuan’s life. Because of them, he felt as though he still had people to rely on, even during the toughest times!

Lin Yuan would not know how to respond if they thanked him.

Aside from the Moon Empress, Uncle Li and Auntie Zhang were the elders whom Lin Yuan respected the most. Not even Mystic Moon and Cold Moon could compare to them.

“Master, why don’t you send three Lifespan Mice to the Kitchen Fragrance Palace? His daughter and son-in-law can contract the other two.”

The Moon Empress could not help but grin.

Lin Yuan’s suggestion once again proved what a sentimental person he was.

Those who only cared about profits would think of his sentimentality as stupid. But the Moon Empress admired this about him because she was the same.

In the past, the Moon Empress always asked Lin Yuan to wear the version of the coronation costume she had prepared for him when they met with members of other factions. This was so the other factions would know he was her disciple.

But she did not ask him to do so this time.

If the people from the main world learned about everything Lin Yuan had done, they would no longer talk about him as the Moon Empress’ disciple. Rather, they would talk about her as Lin Yuan’s Master.

Meanwhile, in a building situated in the Radiance Federation’s imperial court…

Three strange men were seated around a table. All of them were staring austerely at the resources the Radiance Federation had just given them.

The three of them were the true rulers of the sea clans, the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s leaders. All three of them had married members of the Heavenly Family Cottage and were notorious within the Vast Sea Labyrinth for being afraid of their wives.

But the three Heavenly Family Feys who married them knew that their fear actually came from a place of adoration and respect.

In actuality, the Heavenly Family Cottage could not compare to the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s might!

The Vast Sea Labyrinth had been ruling over the sea clans for millennia, and they controlled all of the resources produced in the sea. They owned thousands of the Island Whales the humans were so eager to nurture but found difficult to do so.

Although the Heavenly Family Cottage also had a long history, they had very few members. There were less than 100 Heavenly Family Feys in the entire world!

The three of them had already noticed changes happening to the ley lines at the bottom of the sea.

However, they had not thought much of it and were feeling great regret over that mistake. If they had discovered Tower Canon’s plot a little earlier, they might have been able to reverse this disaster.

They were also furious thinking about how they had previously worked with Tower Canon. Their cooperation with Tower Canon had been a major driving force in the Sleeper’s Revival plan.

Although the three of them were unaware of Tower Canon’s plot, they still felt guilty. They felt remorseful toward every lifeform in the main world.

Otherwise, the Vast Sea Labyrinth would never have neglected to make even a single request of the Radiance Federation during their negotiation.

The tall, skinny man with long black hair and an air of elegance around him asked the two other men, “First Brother and Second Brother, why are we hesitating? We must ask the Radiance Federation for help! The Radiance Federation has more power than they are letting on. I have investigated this!

“It’s true that a 50-centimeter-thick layer of metal-type stone boards has covered the bottom of the Radiance Federation. The sea clans are in greater danger than the humans! We also need to cover the bottom of the sea with these special metal-type stone boards. Otherwise, we won’t be able to take cover anywhere when the dead spirits rise from the sea!

“Don’t forget that all lifeforms lived in the sea during the first and second epochs. They only started making their way to the land during the third epoch.”

The black-haired man spoke in an agitated tone. Few things in this world could send a leader of the Vast Sea Labyrinth into a state of panic.

However, this matter was grave and concerned the survival of the sea clans.

The man with short and curly light-blue hair and two light-blue moles at the corner of his eye said, “Third Brother, you must maintain your composure at all times! We have come to the Radiance Federation to ask for their help. We have already demonstrated sufficient sincerity. Without our thousands of Island Whales, the humans would never have been able to successfully complete their migration.

“According to Sister Purple Love, the Radiance Federation is easy to communicate with. Moreover, we are on the same side as the humans in the dead spirits crisis. However, First Brother should still be the one to lead the conversation and decide what conditions we set for the humans!”

The silver-haired man with a burly physique and black scales on his face smiled wryly.

His brother was thinking about things way too simply!

Now that they were racing against time, asking the Radiance Federation for such help would be no different from trying to rob them of their means of survival.


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