Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2251 - 2251 Does Marsh East Palace Have the Right to Refuse?

2251 Does Marsh East Palace Have the Right to Refuse?
The two purple-haired girls were pretty with lithe bodies. They were pleasant and elegant and gave off an air of opulent eliteness.

This aura was always associated with Second Born and Third Born, who were part of Dictator Everything’s camp.

Second Born and Third Born were wearing clothes made of precious materials that the Hundred Apostles Armor that Sucking Spike had created could not compare with them.

But it was also due to Second Born and Third Born’s species.


The Rosemary Purple Marten was one of the rare animal-type dimensional lifeforms in the marsh world. There were very few of them, and they were at least hundreds of times rarer than the Medusa Snake Demon.
The Snake Change Medusa represented the average population size of a regular species.

Second Born and Third Born were definitely not part of a regular species. In fact, they were the Rosemary Jade Martens, which were a rare breed of Rosemary Purple Marten.

Otherwise, they would never have caught the eye of Dictator Everything and nurtured them as her representatives.

Third Born had been worried about Dictator Everything all this time. But at the same time, she continued to remind herself that the Banquet of Everything was sure to go smoothly and would not stain the reputation of the Palace of Everything during Dictator Everything’s absence.

Because of these thoughts, Third Born appeared stubborn and tough in front of the veteran Apostles so that none of them had the chance to negotiate.

Second Born regarded all of this coldly from the side. But at the same time, her brow was slightly raised as though it was thinking about something.

If Third Born could see Second Born now, she would immediately realize that Second Born was trying to plot something.

Second Born appeared composed but had far more thoughts than others. There were times where even Third Born could not guess what was going through Second Born’s head.

The veteran Apostles in Marsh East Palace were currently looking at each other. A moment later, East Glow, who managed affairs in Marsh East Palace, said, “It is Marsh East Palace’s honor to be able to hold the Banquet of Everything. However, displaying trading items in the space between the main hall to the sacrificial lane is prohibited. That is the line we can’t cross! I’m sure the main palaces of the other marsh circles have the same rule!”

East Glow was filled with anxiousness when it said this.

The main palaces of other marsh circles had Dictators present to support them. Thus enabling them to have the authority to speak.

However, there were only Apostles and no Dictators in Marsh East Palace. Apostles were no different from insects in the eyes of Dictators.

Marsh East Palace did not have any standing to negotiate.

But since it had assumed this position, East Glow had no choice but to consider the pride of the entire Marsh East Circle. This was why it had said what it said.

After hearing what East Glow said, Third Born narrowed her charming eyes before her hand landed on the table in front of her and spoke as though she had been preparing for some time, “The central palaces of other marsh circles might have the right to say no, but does the Marsh East Palace have this right?”

Third Born’s words immediately tensed the atmosphere within the hall.

Star Splendor, known as the most beautiful Apostle in Marsh East Circle, was currently trying to lower its presence to appear as feeble as possible. Its beautiful face lost all of its usual confidence and high spirits.

Second Born turned to East Glow and said solemnly, “The Palace of Everything is willing to leave the Marsh East Palace with its pride, but the Marsh East Palace might do the same for us. Otherwise, we won’t be able to help it if Lordess Everything becomes angered!

“In the past, the Palace of Everything held the Banquets of Everything with the palaces from the other marsh circles. We will hold it on our own and make all the decisions this time. Do you have any thoughts on this?”

Second Born’s words caused the tense atmosphere to shift. As a result, East Glow and the rest were no longer as resistant.

Now that access to the area between the main hall and the sacrificial lane had been granted, the pride of the Marsh East Palace had been preserved.

It did not matter to Marsh East Palace whether the Palace of Everything held the Banquet of Everything on their own. In fact, this arrangement would save Marsh East Palace from providing helpers.

Although this would cause Marsh East Palace to lose some authority, the Palace of Everything had already compromised. It was only right that they took a step back too.

“Fine! We will do as the Palace of Everything says! You will be solely in charge of the Banquet of Everything!”

Second Born’s lips curved up slightly as though happy after achieving her goal.

Next to Second Born, Third Born was bewildered.

It would have been fine if First Born had been the one to say that, but it was strange that the words had come out from Second Born’s mouth instead.

Second Born had only ever been focused on increasing her own power. How could she be bothered to involve herself with such matters? Furthermore, why did she want sole control of the Banquet of Everything all at once?

The support from the Marsh East Palace had always been of great help to the Banquet of Everything.

The Banquet of Everything was just one of the many banquets held in the marsh world. A large amount of manpower was needed to carry out security, auctioning, and trades.

If there were any issues, it was not just the Banquet of Everything that would be affected. The Palace of Everything’s reputation would be blemished as well.

First Born could indeed find enough manpower to carry out all the tasks associated with the Banquet of Everything. However, with every extra person, there was added protection against risk.

There was no need to take the managing rights from the Marsh East Palace!

Furthermore, Dictator Everything was always gentle and unbothered by such trivial matters.

Dictator Everything would not be bothered in the slightest, even if the Palace of Everything requested to have full control but was turned down by the Marsh East Palace.

Second Born had spoken of Dictator Everything.

Since when did Second Born start to bring up Dictator Everything’s name in order to accomplish tasks?

Bringing up Dictator Everything’s name to lend power to her words and put pressure on others was very disrespectful to Dictator Everything.

Third Born decided to have a good talk with Second Born once the Banquet of Everything was over. If First Born found out about this, Second Born would surely be punished!

A thought immediately struck East Glow, and it hurriedly spoke.


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