Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2240 - 2240 Dictator Everything Has Disappeared!

2240 Dictator Everything Has Disappeared!
The source totems that Return to Ruins possessed were very suitable for it. This was why he had the courage to cause trouble for Dictator Everything in a bid to break through.

“Ring Silver and Ring Gold, release the news that from tomorrow onward, I will no longer be allowing any Apostles to enter the palace. I will head to Marsh East Circle to attend the Banquet of Everything.”

Dictators did whatever they wanted, and there was no need to make things clear to those Apostles.

Return to Ruins gave such an instruction because he wanted the news to get out that he was attending the Banquet of Everything.

The news of a Dictator attending another Dictator’s banquet would become the talking point of all the lifeforms in the marsh world.

It was likely that many Apostles who had not intended to attend the Banquet of Everything would change their minds in the hopes of attaining an opportunity.

Even some Apostles from the Polar Sea Large Lake would head to Marsh East Circle to participate in the Banquet of Everything to stay close to Return to Ruins.

However, Return to Ruins did not intend for the news to reach these people. The only one he wanted to hear about the news was Dictator Everything.

The Dictators in the marsh world usually never cross paths. But once any one of them made a move, the others would have to react.

If Dictator Everything did not hesitate to show itself after learning that Return to Ruins was heading to the Banquet of Everything, Dictator Everything could openly ask for help. He could even negotiate an exchange to pay Dictator Everything for the aid.

But if Dictator Everything continued to hide, it would send a valuable signal.

If a Dictator was confident of being able to take on another Dictator, they would not give up their pride.

Once Dictator Everything showed a hint of weakness, Dictator Return to Ruins would do whatever it took to hunt Dictator Everything down. He would then use his secret weapons and the source totem left behind by that veteran Dictator he had killed to take down Dictator Everything.

Even if he did not manage to find a way to enter the Turning Wheel Realm through Dictator Everything, the source totem left behind by Dictator Everything who had entered the Turning Wheel Realm would ensure that his efforts did not go to waste.

Dictator Return to Ruins preferred to walk in the light rather than the shadows. One could hide in the shadows but not in the light.

When they heard what their Dictator said, the two Apostles called Ring Silver and Ring Gold blinked their multicolored eyes and said respectfully, “Lord Dictator, we will send out the message. Who are you planning on taking with you to the Marsh East Circle?”

After asking the question, Ring Silver and Ring Gold looked rather anxious. It was as though they were afraid that Dictator Return to Ruins would name someone besides them.

Dictator Return to Ruins looked up at the dark green blurry images on the ceiling before saying decidedly, “All 80 teams and troops under the Return to Ruins Palace will follow me in secret. As for the Apostles who have been kneeling outside, there isn’t a need to try and stop those who want to follow.”

The hopefulness and anxiousness in Ring Silver and Ring Gold’s eyes immediately changed into excited enthusiasm.

They finally had the chance to be used by Dictator Return to Ruins. Their Dictator was about to begin a magnificent battle.

Many years had passed since the last magnificent battle between the factions of Dictators.

Each battle ended in great tragedy and was accompanied by rivers of blood and corpses.

But after the battle, the winning side would take over the fruits of victory and thus become much stronger than they used to be.

All of the lifeforms in the marsh world were born into struggle and fighting. They were only able to lead peaceful lives once they became Apostles.

Every dimensional lifeform had an intense yearning for combat.

With how much Ring Silver and Ring Gold worshiped Dictator Return to Ruins, there was no way they would even entertain the thought of Dictator Return to Ruins losing.

Dictator Return to Ruins’ order to send out the announcement was using them to begin preparing for the battle.

Ring Silver and Ring Gold were very competent. They quickly got a handle on their emotions and announced exactly what Dictator Return to Ruins had said.

After Ring Silver and Ring Gold left, Dictator Return to Ruins extracted the blurry, dark green image from the ceiling.

Once the green image left the ceiling, it immediately turned into nine-colored lights.

Even Dictator Return to Ruins could not see the blurry green figure’s real appearance past the nine-colored lights.

But Dictator Return to Ruins was well aware of how deadly the item hidden within the nine-colored ball of light was. In the past, he had almost died at its hands.

But after his victory, he turned the green figure into his weapon.


Dictator Return to Ruins slowly adjusted his simple but still presentable clothing. This movement resembled that of a gentleman.
After adjusting his clothes, Dictator Return to Ruins Palace strode out of the palace he had not left for the past 6,000 years.

The instant that he stepped out of the palace, Dictator Return to Ruins Palace looked up at the sky.

In an instant, blue flames appeared that seemed to lock up the entire world.

The pressurizing and terrifying blue flames seemed to destroy anything they touched and reduced them to nothing.

Dictator Everything’s reputation might not have spread throughout the entire marsh world, but lifeforms of a certain level in Marsh East Circle had all heard of her.

The Palace of Everything only hosted the Banquet of Everything once every century. It had long become the main event of the Marsh East Circle.

The Banquet of Everything was held in a different location each time, and there were currently an untold number of Apostles who were rushing to this year’s location.

But no one knew that the elites of the Palace of Everything, which had always been considered powerful beings shrouded in mystery, were currently in a state of bewilderment. This was because 80 years ago, Dictator Everything disappeared, and there had been no trace of her since.

The Banquet of Everything was being held as per schedule this year because the Palace of Everything’s elites wanted to keep up appearances. They did not want the others to start to panic and make decisions on their own.

Three girls with light purple hair were sitting in front of a large vine table with many rainbow masses. They distractedly played with these rainbow masses.

A moment later, the girl, who was clearly younger, could not help but say, “First Sister, Second Sister, Lordess Everything was clearly fine at first after stepping into the Turning Wheel Realm. But she suddenly disappeared, and not even we can catch any wind of her news. Do you think something has happened to Lordess Everything…”


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