Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1733 - 1733 Battle Style!

1733 Battle Style!

But Liu Yifan’s addition made up for this gap. He was the best candidate to protect the team.

Lin Yuan was so confident in Liu Yifan, not just because Liu Yifan was a Radiance Envoy or because of the Peach Prosper Jay. It was actually due to the Gem Witch.

The Gem Witch was a 7 Stars sacred source lifeform with three abilities.

Emerald’s Protection would allow the Gem Witch to protect its friends.

The abilities of sacred source lifeforms were akin to truth.

According to the information about Emerald’s Protection on True Daya, the emeralds would be able to absorb any damage aimed at a target and become a shield that protected them.

There had to be a limit to the emeralds’ absorption of damage.

The more the Gem Witch evolved, the higher the limit would be raised.

In the upcoming battle against the Freedom Federation envoy group, the only person who could stand toe to toe with Liu Yifan was Qian Yu.

This meant that the Gem Witch could use its emeralds to defend against all the attacks from their opponents.

As for Citrine’s Guide, it was an ability that a fey should not have.

This ability would be able to accurately judge whether a person was being honest.

There were many different possibilities of untruths.

For example, hypnotism and illusion would also cause a person to be in a dishonest state.

Citrine’s Guide would allow a target to make the right decision even if he was immersed in an illusion.

This ability was extremely useful in a team and helped to balance the scales during a fight.

As for Lavender Agate’s Reconstruction, Lin Yuan felt that it was overwhelmingly strong.

For example, during the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection, all the contestants’ hands and feet had either been exploded apart or crippled by the alien beasts.

If the Gem Witch had tossed one lavender agate at them, it would have fused with their flesh to reconstruct and make up for their lost limb.

This would have allowed the contestants to continue fighting.

Moreover, the reconstructed body part made of lavender agate would have much higher defense abilities than the original body part.

This ability would be invaluable in a battle to the death.

However, it was almost useless in a fight on Star Web because there was no risk of death or injury on Star Web.

However, Lavender Agate Reconstruction would be very useful in the upcoming fight.

The Jasmine Lily had the ability Severed Limbs Growth that could use a target’s genetic model to regrow their injured or missing body part.

It was much better than Lavender Agate Reconstruction because the body part reconstructed with lavender agate would disappear after the battle.

On the other hand, the limb regrown by Severed Limbs Growth would be permanent.

However, compared to Lavender Agate Reconstruction, it took a lot more vitality for the Jasmine Lily to heal a fey.

As such, it was much easier for the Gem Witch to use Lavender Agate Reconstruction to reconstruct the body part of a fey.

The Freedom Federation’s choice of having five participants worked out perfectly for the Radiance Federation.

Zong Ze and Liu Jie were power offense-type spirit qi professionals who could take care of attacking.

Liu Yifan was a defense-type spirit qi professional who would take care of protecting them.

Gao Feng was a support-type spirit qi professional and would be in charge of providing support.

Lin Yuan planned on returning to his original healing-type spirit qi professional role.

When Lin Yuan registered Black’s identity, he had just contracted the Jasmine Lily.

Chimey and Genius were still completely unable to fight.

At that time, Lin Yuan had truly been a healing-type spirit qi professional.

Lin Yuan’s combat ability now went far beyond healing.

But even with just the abilities Heal and Severed Limbs Growth, the Jasmine Lily was already much stronger than most healing-type feys.

Moreover, Lin Yuan’s Sacred Sword also had the healing-type Sword Skill from the Sacred Cure White Deer’s World Crystal.

When Lin Yuan used True Data to check on the Gem Witch, Liu Yifan told Liu Jie, Zong Ze, and Gao Feng about the Gem Witch’s abilities.

After they learned about the Peach Prosper Jay and Gem Witch’s abilities, the three of them started to think.

At that moment, Liu Yifan said, “Black, Zong Ze, Liu Jie, the three of you will be the main attackers. What are your strategies for the fight?”

As a Radiance Envoy, Liu Yifan had the authority to issue orders to the team.

However, he did not do so and was asking for Lin Yuan, Zong Ze, and Liu Jie’s input because he did not understand their feys.

Moreover, in a fight to the death, a team needed to have sufficient offensive ability.

They would not be able to win by only defending themselves.

Hence, it was usually the power offense-type spirit qi professionals who gave orders to a team to organize the attack.

Liu Yifan had not hesitated to give up his authority.

In the short span of half an hour, Lin Yuan came to understand what kind of person Liu Yifan was.

Lin Yuan immediately answered, “Liu Jie and I are skilled at formation battles. My Source Sand can work with Liu Jie’s insect army. If I summon the sea of flowers, it will definitely be able to restrict our opponents and give us enough ground to work with. Thus, I suggest we stand our ground wherever we are transported and immediately start setting up our formations.

“Liu Jie’s Hurricane Owlet Moths will take the sky, while my Source Sand will take the ground. This will enable us to effectively scout out our surroundings.”

In the case of the insect army, they only needed to focus on their center.

It did not matter which direction the enemy came from because the insect army would consume them all.

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