Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1123 - Change Fighting Style

Chapter 1123 Change Fighting Style

From the fierceness of Zhou Luo’s gaze, Endless Summer felt that his acting skills outperformed those of Fei Qianqiong.

Gu Han asked Zhou Luo and Endless Summer, “Are all the participants from Sky City present?”

Endless Summer did not speak for fear of wrecking Zhou Luo’s performance. It would leave the job of responding to Zhou Luo.

Zhou Luo muttered, “Yes.”

His words sounded cold, cynical, and casual.

Gu Han waited for Zhou Luo to say more. But when he did not, Gu Han pursed his lips in annoyance. I’m in charge of the ultimate fighting ground. How can he speak to me so haughtily?

Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan had glimpsed Zhou Luo’s eyes through his mask. They were shocked by his gaze.

Zhou Luo’s gaze screamed his stubborn determination.

This stunned Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan, and they instinctively circulated their spiritual power to test Zhou Luo’s power.

But almost immediately after, Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan felt as though they had been played with and humiliated.

He was just a puny king-class expert! How dare he act all high and mighty?

Neither Han Tianhe nor Liu Yanshan liked to make a scene, and they were only helping the Zheng family on Miao Zhenshan’s orders.

They knew how damaging it would be for the Miao family’s reputation if they helped with the Zheng family’s blood pact ultimate fight.

Hence, they had not wanted to come.

Moreover, both of them had bad tempers, Liu Yanshan especially.

His rage erupted when he heard Zhou Luo’s nonchalant response, and he roared, “Lord Gu Han, I want to request for a change in the fighting style of the blood pact ultimate fight. I want to change the one-on-one fights into a group battle. This will make the fight go faster.”

There were two styles of blood pact ultimate fights. The one that was most commonly used was the one-on-one style, where both sides would send out an expert to fight. The next expert would substitute the expert that died.

The expert that killed the other expert could decide whether or not he wanted to continue fighting or be substituted out.

This was the style that was unofficially recognized as the style of blood pact ultimate fights. If the competing factions did not make any special requests, the blood pact ultimate fight would automatically proceed with this style.

However, there was also another style of fighting, which was the group fight.

Group fights were not used often, and the competing factions rarely suggested it because it could allow the other group’s feys to work together and build on each other’s power.

Moreover, group fights could easily result in bloodshed and were more difficult to control than one-on-one fights.

Gu Han turned to look at Zhou Luo and Endless Summer as their agreement was required in order to proceed with the group fight style.

The moment Gu Han’s gaze landed on Endless Summer and Zhou Luo, Zheng Ji knew that Gu Han had utterly slighted him.

He was the leader of the Zheng family, yet Gu Han had not asked his opinion at all.

It was as though he was not part of this blood pact ultimate fight at all.

Endless Summer waited for Zhou Luo to respond again.

Zhou Luo scoffed and shook out his sleeves nonchalantly as he drawled, “Sky City doesn’t care about such trivial matters. It doesn’t matter how we fight because the result will be the same. Only the weak will care about the style of fighting because it makes no difference to the strong.”

Before Zhou Luo could finish speaking, Endless Summer heard the grinding of someone’s teeth.

It looked over and saw Liu Yanshan and Han Tianhe glaring murderously at Zhou Luo.

The grinding sounds were coming from Liu Yanshan, and Endless Summer thought, Just how angry is Liu Yanshan? But I must applaud his teeth and how loudly he can grind them.

Nonetheless, it was not surprising as Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan were thearch-class experts that were used to being venerated in the Miao family. No matter where they went, people would lower their heads.

There was no way to remain calm after hearing Zhou Luo call them weak.

Gu Han’s eyebrow twitched wildly as this did not clearly indicate Zhou Luo’s agreement or disagreement.

Gu Han asked again vexedly, “Does Sky City agree to change the fighting style into a group fight?”

When Endless Summer saw that Zhou Luo was about to speak, it hurriedly cut in and said, “We accept.”

Endless Summer did not want to waste any more time. Saying too much would make Sky City seem shallow.

Moreover, Endless Summer had checked the time and saw that the show it had been chasing was about to start in less than an hour.

Endless Summer wanted to be done with the blood pact ultimate fight before the show started so it could see if the male and female leads in the show were going to end up together.

Gu Han waved his hand and announced, “Now, Sky City and the Miao family, er, the Zheng family’s blood pact ultimate fight will change into a group fight. You shall use blood to protect the glory of your factions!”

The fight was about to begin officially.

Many people in the audience were fixated on Zhou Luo.

They all thought that Sky City had given up hope of winning the blood pact ultimate fight by only sending out two experts.

However, Zhou Luo had acted in a way that made them think that it was a last-ditch attempt to preserve Sky City’s dignity.

Many people were moved by Zhou Luo’s actions and became his fans.

These passionate young people had heard from their elders that Zhou Luo was only a king-class expert.

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