Alva POV

I felt my whole heart becoming tight looking at Nikol's burnt back. I couldn't help but scream because I felt my heart aching.

I quickly ran to hold him and treat him quickly but, then I noticed the goblin mage who chanted the spell. I felt like beating him to a pulp and feeding it to another monster but I had to treat Nikol as soon as possible.

At first, I didn't see why he got burnt by a spell with such a good speed but later only I saw he was protecting Nym and the other three girls.

"Damn you bitch! Because of you, he had to go through this,"

I thrashed Nym with my words because I couldn't keep my anger in check.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," She was mumbling the same word again and again like a crazy person so I calmed down a little to assess the situation.

If I let the goblin mage stay here any longer, it might chant another spell so, I had to deal with it first.

"Nym! Nym!" I slapped her to bring her back to reality because she was looking at Nikol and crying like a loose-minded person.

"I will deal with the goblin, in the meantime heal him, but if anything happens to him, I will kill you, no matter what the chief says," I talked to her in a strict tone showing her how serious I was with my words.

Nym nodded at my words and she quickly took Nikol's head and laid it down on her lap. I saw his back for a moment and it was all black from the burnt mark.

I felt so mad looking at his burnt back that I felt blood rushing to my brain. I didn't know why I felt like that, it hasn't even been a year since I met him but I'm already this attached to him.

Before I met him in the forest, my sole aim was to become more and more strong to take the tribe when my mother, the current chief decides to leave it and retire.

I wasn't afraid of death because I already faced death several times while hunting and all the girls in the tribe were living in constant fear of death after the goddess stop responding to us even if they didn't show it outside.

I wanted to be the chief of a tribe whose future is completely bleak just for the sake of tradition.

I heard that my grandmother was the previous holder of the title Ron which is the symbol of the leader of the tribe and my mother didn't have to compete with many to win it back as the current chief.

I wanted to follow their path but, I had no clear interest in it and nothing could make me feel this excited as being with this strange one who called himself a man.

The night I spent with him was the best experience I ever had in my life and my world started to become colourful and hopeful after his arrival.

Right now, seeing him unconscious with all the burnt marks, I couldn't keep my cool so after advising Nym, I quickly went to take care of the ugly goblin.

I saw him hiding behind a tree trying to muster the mana to cast another spell, the thing about mages is some of them are extremely weak in close range so if we get close enough to fight, they are nothing to be scared of, but it cannot be said for all the mages especially those with offensive magic spells.

"You piece of shit! Look what you did to him," She shouted hysterically at the goblin.

pαпdα Йᴏνê1,сòМ Third person POV

If the members of the other group of hunting saw her right now, they wouldn't be able to identify her because her whole demeanour had taken a full twist. The calm and collected personality of her was nowhere to see.

The goblin got intimated by her voice and tried to speed up the chanting, but Alva was faster than it, she pierced its head with her sword and quickly drew it upward dividing the head of the goblin into two equal pieces.

Just because of the rage she felt, Alva did not pity it and quickly finished it. Even if she wasn't enraged she wouldn't pity monsters because it was either kill or die in this world for them.

While Alva was killing the goblin mage, Nym was wiping her snot and tears trying to heal Nikol's burnt wounds.

Nikol's whole t-shirt which he wore all this time after washing it several times got fully destroyed by this attack. Nym quickly tore it open to not let small pieces of thread touch his wound.

Even though Nym wasn't strong, she could easily tear his clothes with her bare hands. Her mana element was light which was a rare element to have so she was protected by the chief, even more than Alva.

She tore his clothes open but she was confused for a minute because unlike her huge boobs Nikol had nothing on his chest,

"What's this? Can someone be this flat?" She questioned herself but Nym decided to ignore it, as it was an emergency right now.

Since his burning wounds were not deep it wasn't fatal but it was enough to leave a mark on his back.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Nym got ready to use the magic bit then she noticed something strange,

"What the hell is this?" Her mouth was wide open looking at Nikol's back.

His wounds were healing on their own at a super visible speed, it was somewhat gross to watch but Nym being the scientific girl, she was couldn't ignore it and kept observing it closely.

She got a ton of questions about what she witnessed but she decided to ignore it for now and use her own healing magic to make the work faster.

It took a few minutes for Alva to return back after killing the goblin mage. She saw Nym was healing Nikol's back, so she stood behind her to see the result.

"Good job Nym, his burn marks are nowhere to be seen, thanks for healing him," Alva got her cool back after seeing his injuries disappear.

Nym wanted to say, it wasn't her magic that healed him but she decided to not because Alva wasn't in her best mindset and she didn't want to get scolded anymore.

"Let's get out of here before they come back again with more," Alva was a lot knowledgeable about these types of goblins, so she knew it wasn't the whole group that attacked them.

Nym nodded her head and woke up the least injured girl among the group by sprinkling some water on her face. Even with Alva, she won't be able to carry three girls to the tribe on her own.

Alva didn't want to let go of Nikol so she carried him in a princess carry. Nym noticed how she was weirdly possessive of Nikol but just like the previous matters, she decided to ignore it, the only thing she was interested in was his regenerative skill.

They quickly surfed through the jungle and were able to reach the tribe before sunset or else they would have faced even more dangerous monsters.

Nym knew she wasn't going to have it easy this time because, unlike any other time, Alva was super angry with her and she was the one who always rescued her from Usha when she is being scolded.

"Ahh~ I fucked up in big time, they will never let me go again," She thought while entering the tribe.

They got some attraction from the onlookers because of their injured looks and some of them were worried about them, but Nym didn't expect to see Usha getting panicked.

"Oh my goddess, please help me," Nym was helplessly seeking help. Alva saw her panicked look and ignored it.

"You bitch! Just because you healed him, don't think I forgot it, you're the reason he got injured in the first place, so pay for it, I won't help you this time," Alva was mercilessly ignoring her looks.

Nym gave her a pitiful look upon hearing her words, they saw Usha waiting for them with a panicked look on her face.

" Where have you been? Why are you injured?" Usha was kind and protective of both Nym and Alva, so she felt angry and sad to see them getting injured.

"It's all this bitch fault," Alva didnt try to hide anything this time because she felt unnaturally angry with her.

"What do you mean?" Usha asked while looking at Nym.

Nym was sweating buckets hearing Alva's words.

"She entered the deep forest and got attacked, she must have convinced her guards to enter somehow, If not for me and Nikol helping her, she would have been already dead," Alva told about what happened inside the forest and how Nikol got injured protecting Nym.

"Damn it! This kid is more kind and brave than I thought she is," Usha said while touching Nikol's cheeks.

[A/N:- 'She' here refers to Nikol because I wanted to emphasise that except Alva others do not know about his real gender]

"Take him to the bed, you can use our home, make sure to provide everything he wants," Usha ordered to which Alva quickly agreed and left the place carrying him.

Usha ordered two of the girls to take the other three guards who were injured to the relevant places to continue their treatment.

After arranging everything only she focused her attention on Nym,

"And you, don't expect the light punishments, I gave you last time, you will learn today to behave yourself," Usha grabbed her by the ear and went back to the main building.

All the girls around we're avoiding eye contact with Nym, just so chief won't get mad with them.

"I'm dead for sure this time," Nym thought while getting dragged by her ear.

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