Fated to My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60: Chapter 60 If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it down! 1

Chapter 60: Chapter 60 If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it down! 1

Translator: 549690339

Ruan Tianling dialed again, and a sweet female voice answered through the phone, “I’m sorry, but the number you dialed is switched off…”

“Damn woman!” he hung up the phone violently, his face grim with anger.

At this moment, his mother descended from upstairs, frowning her displeasure, “Tianling, why has Yufei not returned?”

“Mom, she said she’s going home today, she won’t be coming back.”

With her going back to her parents’ house, Ruan’s mother could do nothing.

She walked over and touched Tianling’s forehead, her eyebrows furrowed again, but this time not in displeasure, but in worry.

“Your forehead seems hot, you should hurry up upstairs and rest. I’ll call a doctor to check you out.”

Ruan Tianling laughed, pulling down his mother’s hand, “Mom, I’m fine.”

“How can you be fine? You, a grown man, managed to fall into the pool. The weather’s been cold these past few days, you could easily catch a cold from falling into the water. You don’t have to see a doctor if you don’t want to, I’ll get you some medicine to take first.”

Ruan’s mother hurried off to fetch the medicine. When she returned with it, she found the living room empty.

Ruan Tianling was nowhere in sight.

Jian Yufei laid in her hotel room, unable to sleep.

Thinking about her stepfather’s hotel business made her head hurt.

It wasn’t that she cared much for her stepfather, but if he were to lose everything and face trial, her mother and her half-brother would suffer as a result.

And her mother would definitely turn to her for help when that time comes, and she couldn’t refuse her.

Even though she was seen as a young lady of the Ruan Family, she didn’t possess any abilities to help them…

Jian Yufei tossed and turned, brainstorming solutions when she suddenly heard knocking on the door.

She was startled, and sat up suspiciously.

There was indeed someone knocking on the door.

Who could it be this late at night?

“Who is it?” she asked. “Open the door!”

It was Ruan Tianling!

Jian Yufei was taken aback, wondering how he knew where she was, and how he got here so quickly.

She didn’t want to open the door. Opening the door meant trouble!

Ruan Tianling threatened from outside, “If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it down!”

She believed he could do it, there was nothing he wouldn’t dare to do.

Having no choice, she reluctantly opened the door.

As soon as she opened it, a figure squeezed in, and before she could get a good look at him, she was grabbed by the shoulders, turned around, and pressed against the door.

“Jian Yufei, your guts are really growing!” Ruan Tianling leaned in close to her, growling menacingly.

When he said she was brave, he didn’t know if he was referring to the bravery she displayed when she pushed him into the pool or her bravery in not going home.

Or perhaps both.

Yufei frowned subtly, spoke lightly, “I told you I’m not coming home tonight, but I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Do you need something? If not, please leave.”

Rearing that, Ruan Tianling experienced a surge of murderous intent.

Why was she so rebellious, refusing to obey his words?

At this moment, Ruan Tianling’s headache was worse than a teacher dealing with a troubled child.

He leaned into her, a stationary and unmovable mountain.

His nearness caused the air between them to stagnate…

Ruan Tianling lifted her chin, smirked devilishly, “Who says I don’t need anything? I have a need right now, and you have to fulfill it!”

Jian Yufei was slightly stunned by his words while his gaze upon her teemed with strong desires…

A look of panic flashed across her face and her usual calm demeanor faltered.

In his mind, Ruan Tianling sneered at the sight, the only time her impassive facade would break in front of him..

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