Fated love: the unwanted bride

Chapter 315 - 315: You may sleep in Mr. Cheney’s room

Chapter 315: Chapter 315: You may sleep in Mr. Cheney’s room

Translator: 549690339

The little one was fast asleep, with a light rosy blush on his small face.

Jasmine Yale sat at the edge of the bed, unwilling to leave for a long time.

The little one looked so much like Sylvan Cheney. If her own baby were still alive, it would also be three years old now, right? It would be like Little Chale, wouldn’t it?

After all, they would both be Sylvan’s flesh and blood.

Her fingers lightly caressed the little one’s face, she didn’t want to let go.

She knew deep in her heart that if she didn’t let go now, she would still have to leave one day.

At this moment, her mind was in chaos.

She kept remembering Kaine Zahir’s face in the heavy rain, full of wrinkles, tears streaming down.

After a long while, she stood up, ready to leave.

She glanced over, noticing something green peeking out from under the little one’s pillow.

The bracelet she gave him.

Did he keep it under his pillow?

However, like Joe Heath has said, it is impossible to count the whims of children.

Today, he likes her, and who knows whose favor he’ll be seeking tomorrow.

Therefore, if one day she leaves, the little one probably won’t remember her for long.

Children have a short memory.

But now, she doesn’t even have anyone to talk to.

There’s so much she doesn’t know who to share with, even Peyenne knows nothing.

Jasmine Yale gets up and walks away.

Half of her sweater is wet and sticky, it is not very comfortable.

The bathtub is filled with hot water, she undresses and settles in.

She only notices when she gets her phone that Joe Heath has sent her a message: Have you reached home?

“Yes.” she replies.

“Sleep early, goodnight.” Joe Heath replies immediately.


The hot water is comforting. Jasmine Yale sinks into the water, closing her eyes.

But the moment she closes her eyes, all she can see is Kaine Zahir—

His voice, his appearance, his tears.

They’re a jumbled mess in Jasmine Yale’s head, her heart is in turmoil.

Thinking, thinking…

Jasmine Yale drifts off to sleep.

“Miss Yale, Miss Yale!” Butler Santana knocks on the bathroom door.

Ever since Jasmine Yale fell asleep in the bathtub and caught a chill, she would heed Mr. Cheney’s advice and Butler Santana would come wake her up.

Hearing the sound, Jasmine Yale came to her senses.

“Miss Yale, are you done bathing?”

“Yes, Butler Santana.”

“Alright, your room is ready.”

“Thank you, Butler Santana.” Jasmine Yale was now awake, and the water had grown cold.

She wraps up in her bathrobe and steps out of the bathroom.

Butler Santana hands her a warm glass of milk with a smile, “Miss Yale, this is milk mixed with jujube honey, it’s good for your skin if you drink it before bed.”

Jasmine Yale takes a sip. The milk is warm and comforting.

“Miss Yale, are you still sleeping in the guest room?”

“Yes, I won’t be sleeping with Little Chale tonight. Butler Santana, you take care of him.”

“That’s okay, taking care of children is exhausting. You’ve never been a mum, you’re probably not accustomed to it.”

“Little Chale is quite good, he doesn’t cause trouble.” Jasmine Yale compliments.

“Yes, little Master is the most well-behaved and sensible child I’ve ever seen.” freēwēbηovel.c૦m

“It’s late, Butler Santana, you should head to bed too.”

Having finished the milk, Jasmine Yale hands the cup to Butler Santana.

“Miss Yale, actually, the guest room is bit small, the environment is not that good. You can sleep in Mr. Cheney’s room.”

“Huh?” Jasmine Yale’s eyes widen in surprise. After being stunned for three seconds, she immediately shakes her head, “Mr. Cheney is a bit of a clean freak.”

“No, Mr. Cheney told me you could sleep in the master bedroom.”

Butler Santana was also initially surprised when she heard this. She had the same reaction as Jasmine Yale, believing Mr. Cheney to be very particular about cleanliness.

At least, in Lonton, only little Chale had ever slept in his room..

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