After eating half full, Li Haitang watched eagerly and concentrated on waiting for the roast chicken.

The pheasant was very fat, the skin was cut by Xiao Lingchuan with a knife, turned upside down, the fat kept coming out from under the skin, and fell into the firewood, making crackling noises.

After the grilled chicken tasted good, Xiao Lingchuan brushed it with soy sauce, sprinkled a pinch of chili powder, and put it on the plate.

"Husband, it's too hot!"

Li Haitang didn't dare to do anything, she looked at the wild man with watery eyes, she wished she could open her mouth and swallow the whole pheasant in it.

Half is sprinkled with chili powder, the other half is original flavor, two colors, different tastes, the same mouth watering.

"More haste less speed."

Xiao Lingchuan chuckled, and with a dagger, he split the pheasant into two, and tore off the best chicken legs and wings, and gave it to his wife.


Li Haitang took a bite, the skin was already crispy, not greasy at all, and the meat under the skin was soft and fragrant, steaming, and it was enough to taste after a long time.

Li Haitang's hands were oily, but she didn't care, and stuffed them into her mouth while blowing away the heat.

Xiao Lingchuan saw that his wife's food was delicious, and suddenly he had an appetite. He tore a small piece of chicken breast and chewed it in his mouth.

Xu Shi used to live alone in the mountains, and he had eaten for many years, but he could no longer taste the taste, but seeing how his wife ate, it was like a delicacy, which gave him great satisfaction in his heart.

After eating and taking a bath, Li Haitang didn't feel sleepy at all.

The bedding on the bed has been dried in the sun, and it has a warm smell, and it is not damp because it is in the mountains.

Li Haitang lamented that the savage husband can always do his best in the subtleties. She held his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. Even though they didn't say anything, the couple could know what each other was thinking.

"Husband, I really want to have a little girl."

Li Haitang touched his stomach, the little bun was very cute, it was completely different from the feeling of giving birth to bean buns before, he seldom rolled over, and the fetal movement was rare.

She took the pulse by herself, but couldn't calm down, so she went to several medical clinics, and the doctor who took the pulse insisted that it was a son.

"I'm just not happy if they say they are daughters."

Li Haitang can understand the patriarchy. She went there a few times, but still didn't get the answer she wanted. After all, it's her own blood, and she can't stop giving birth because of her gender.

Seeing the injustice towards women in the world, Li Haitang hoped that Xiao Baozi would be a son, at least stand up for the family and have the right to speak.

Her Doubao family is naughty, but she is not worried about Doubao marrying a daughter-in-law. If she gives birth to a little girl like Fang Shaoyao's sugar buns, she will have to be thick-skinned and do her best to plan for her daughter.

"Doubao said that he wanted to name his little sister, but with a nickname, let him make trouble."

Li Haitang had no objection to this, if it was unpleasant, he would regret it and not listen to Doubao.

However, she was very curious about what the nickname of her savage husband was. She had asked her mother-in-law before, and Xiao's mother had a mysterious face and gave an unspeakable expression.

"Cough cough."

Xiao Lingchuan's face became tense, he coughed twice, and changed the subject, "Lady, it's getting late."

Toss it all day today, go to bed early, and tomorrow, he will accompany her to wander around the surrounding villages, buy some farm souvenirs, and while someone brings the bean buns, they will live in the mountains for a few days.

When he went down the mountain, he had a very important matter to do. This trip had certain risks, and he dared not tell his wife.

Li Haitang knew that she must be worried about him. She was pregnant now, so she couldn't worry too much.

"Hmph, I'll ask sooner or later."

Li Haitang wanted to continue talking, but a wave of drowsiness flooded in, and as soon as he finished speaking, he fell asleep.

Xiao Lingchuan, who was lying beside her, breathed a sigh of relief. He decided to negotiate with his mother to change his former nickname.

The last time he left, his mother threatened him and said, "I really gave birth to you for nothing, and I refused to call out your mother. You are not as cute as a child. You are like this, how can I have the face to meet your father?"

"If you don't want your daughter-in-law to know what your nickname was when you were a child, you know what to do."

Being threatened by his mother, Xiao Lingchuan was speechless, originally he wanted to stand up, but when his wife brought up this topic, he had to compromise as soon as possible.

Otherwise, donkey dung, I don't know what it means, is there such a thing as cheating on your son?

On the second day, Li Haitang slept until the sun was high, and when she woke up, the smell of chicken soup was wafting in the air.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, her body was heavy and her feet were swollen. Li Haitang got up to wash up, and it took a lot of effort.

After dinner, Xiao Lingchuan planned to take Li Haitang to the surrounding villages to get acquainted, and buy some vegetables and eggs from the villagers.

The way down the mountain was steep, and Li Haitang couldn't walk at all. Now that she had a big belly, she could only be picked up by the savage husband and shuttled between the jungles.

In March of the lunar calendar, the vegetation is lush, wild flowers and weeds are everywhere, and there is a lot of game in the mountains. On the way down the mountain, she saw two little pheasants looking for food.

It doesn't look big, with a gross weight of two to three catties. After removing the viscera and hair, it is only enough for beating teeth.

The nearest village to the foot of the mountain is called Kaoshan Village. It seems that many small villages that live together are named after this.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, although it is next to the prosperous and affluent place of Kyoto, the mountain village is isolated from the world, and the villagers live a quiet life.

Their ancestors were not in the capital, but came to the capital from various places to make a living. From the slums in the city to the mountain villages to open up wasteland, at least they had some land and lived by God.

"May I ask the old man, if we want to go to the village to buy some local products, who is the best place to go?"

In the mountain village, there are mostly thatched houses, and the households are not that rich, so Li Haitang asked specifically.

If the products produced by the family are not enough for chewing, it is impossible to sell them to her.

"Go to Chen Wanwan's house. His son got married and married a flower in the next village. There is wine in the village. Since you are passing by, you might as well go and have a look."

The old man was about to rush to eat, muttering, "It's already past morning, you should be hungry, especially this little lady is pregnant, why don't you come and have a sit down, the meaning is good, Chen Wanwan will definitely welcome you!"

Li Haitang was at a loss, and only after listening to the old man's explanation did he understand.

There is a custom around Kyoto that on the wedding day, some women with many sons or pregnant women are invited, which indicates that the family will be prosperous in the future.

They depended on the mountain village, because the crops were opened up and planted later, the land was barren and the harvest was limited. In order to have a full meal, almost all the strong men in the village went to the city to work.

Chen Wanwan's family is the richest in Kaoshan Village. His family has a shop in Kyoto. After getting rich, they went back to the village and built a big tile house.

No, in order to marry his son, Chen Wanwan gave fifty taels of silver just for the dowry, which can be said to be the first in the surrounding villages. He invited people to watch the ceremony, and he was not short of a bite to eat, not to mention, Li Haitang was pregnant, to him, he was a noble person, and it was too late for him to be happy!

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