"It's him?"

Li Haitang was not surprised when he saw the person. Ever since Xiangli thought he was smart, he had been entangled by a bodyguard surnamed Peng. For this reason, he delayed going to the south to walk the bodyguard, and went to his family's catering shop to help out every now and then.

As she thought, her family got a free young man, not a single copper coin, and it was enough for one meal.

At first, for the sake of her reputation, Xiangli avoided seeing others, and took the initiative to find Wu Qi, trying to express her feelings.

It's a pity that Wu Qi didn't give her this chance at all, and bluntly said that in this life, he believed in Wufu and would not marry others. When he said it mildly, Xiangli completely rested his mind.

Xiangli was very sad, and hid at home and did not go out. Mrs. Wang was worried that her daughter would not be able to think about it, so she ran back several times a day.

Since the opening of the shop, Mrs. Wang has brought two apprentices with her own hands, and gradually became teachers, so she doesn't need to stay in the shop all the time.

When Escort Peng found out about Xiangli's house, he would often push a cart to deliver firewood, and instead of going in, he would just drink a sip of water at the door, and then leave with a smirk.

People's hearts are fleshy, and it has been like this for nearly two months, almost every day. Xiangli was very moved by this, she thought, before, she was a little biased, if she could marry Peng Laosan, someone would protect her, it would be very important. sense of security.

"Let's go to Ruyi first."

Li Haitang didn't interrupt the conversation between the two of them. I believe that it won't be long before they will get the news that Xiangli and Peng Laosan are engaged.

Zhang Ruyi's yard is not far from Xiangli, just across an alley, the last one at the end of the alley.

At that time, Li Haitang and Zhang Ruyi both took a fancy to this lot in order to be quiet and not be disturbed.

Here is close to Songhe Academy, there are quite a few well-educated students, and among them, one with good character can be selected.

Zhang Ruyi found a husband for Xiao Wuzi. The husband lived in the surrounding village and was a Juren. His son was studying at Songhe Academy.

The husband is over forty years old, and he failed several times in the imperial examinations, so he put his hopes on his son and opened a school nearby to teach children their homework and earn some money.

Li Haitang made many inquiries, and a customer from the food shop introduced this person. She originally planned to find a scholar from Songhe Academy, but later a guest came to analyze them. They were young and unstable. Besides, they were busy with schoolwork and had to prepare for the imperial examination. Even if they opened a school outside, they couldn't teach anything.


After hearing this, Li Haitang deeply believed.

Today, the school rested, and the fifth son was also at home. Doubao kept calling for playing with his little brother, so he had to take the fifth son to Taibailou together.

The alley was quiet, except for two or three rooster crows. When they reached the door of Zhang Ruyi's house, they knocked on the door for a long time before someone answered.

Zhang Ruyi didn't buy anyone, and only hired two helpers to do the work. Fortunately, her residence was not far from a food shop, and she took her little five sons to eat twice a day.

Self-service mode, many dishes, no need to worry about what to eat, what to eat.


Zhang Ruyi was slightly surprised when she saw Li Haitang, and then patted her head. She forgot that today is the third day of the third lunar month.

Li Haitang had informed her half a month in advance that they would celebrate Doubao's birthday together on March 3rd. She hadn't gone out for the past few days, and she hadn't bought the gift for Xiaobaozi yet.

"You smell like soup, are you sick?"

Li Haitang sniffed. The decoction on Zhang Ruyi's body smelled very strong. Most of them were nourishing herbs, and one or two of them were used to treat wind and cold.

"No, you go first."

Zhang Ruyi opened the door and let a group of people enter the yard. Afterwards, Xiao Wuzi also came back, holding a paper bag in his hand, which was the dried fruit preserves he had just bought.

"Isn't Xiao Wuzi sick?"

Li Haitang was surprised, it wasn't Ruyi, and it wasn't the fifth son, there was no one else in the family.

"Auntie, I'm not sick, but my brother is sick."

Xiao Wuzi shook his head, Baozi's white and tender face was very serious.

younger brother? When did it come out? Li Haitang looked at Zhang Ruyi again.

Zhang Ruyi made a gesture of invitation and led him into the room. I saw a thin little boy lying on the bed, with a sallow complexion, a bad complexion, and a thin body.

Li Haitang felt the pulse with his hands, Xiaowa had a cold and spleen deficiency.

There was a heavy rain a few days ago, and the temperature was abnormal for a few days, and then it heated up quickly. Walking on the street made people sweat on the forehead.

Alternating hot and cold, many weak people can't adapt to the change of climate. A few days ago, a worker in the family shop also got sick.

Whose family is this little kid?

Could it be that something happened to the neighbor's house and Zhang Ruyi was asked to take care of it?

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Zhang Ruyi moved in and sent a lot of food and cakes to the neighbors. Li Haitang even went there once.

It seems that no one has seen such a big boy.

"Hey, it was four days ago."

Zhang Ruyi first fed the little boy soup and medicine, and then gave him two or three raisins, and the little boy was weak and soon fell asleep.

Zhang Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "A few days ago, I came back from Zhuangzi, and it was already night when Xiao Wuzi and I arrived home."

A little tired that day, Zhang Ruyi went to bed early.

At night, someone knocked on the door suddenly, which scared her into a shudder.

She took her little five sons with her, and she didn't even have a man in the family, so she was afraid that someone with malicious intentions would target their mother and son.

The family raised a wolf dog for this reason, and the sound of knocking on the door made the dog bark in shock.

It was very windy that day, the windows were blown loudly, the moon was dark and the wind was high, Zhang Ruyi was afraid, so she went to the kitchen, took a bone-chopping knife, and went straight to the door.

"Auntie, I'm awake too. Daddy said, I have to protect mother."

Xiao Wuzi bravely followed Zhang Ruyi to the door. The strange thing was that the people at the door heard their footsteps and suddenly stopped knocking on the door.

This time, Zhang Ruyi was even more suspicious.

It is said that there are quite a few people like this who trick you into opening the door, and if you open the door, the other party can rush in and do whatever they want.

Zhang Ruyi was sweating all over her body and stood at the door for a long time. She was about to take Xiao Wuzi into the house when she heard a faint cry from the door.

The crying was intermittent, it was a child.

Zhang Ruyi had a miscarriage, so she liked Xiaowa very much. It was so late, who would use Xiaowa as a tool to let the other party open the door?

She was very scared, but in the end, she chose to open the door and check the situation.

"I don't know who is so cruel, and put all the little ones at the door!"

Zhang Ruyi had no choice but to leave the child alone, so she made some rice soup for him, and went to the hospital for consultation the next day.

"The doctor said that the baby is malnourished, has weak digestion, and has a cold, so he can't be fed too much. It's better to drink porridge, and feed him several times a day." It's not a serious problem, Zhang Ruyi didn't alarm Li Haitang, she thought, The little baby's parents may have something to do, and within a few days, they will definitely come to the door, and she will return the baby.

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