"Boss, you don't intend to recognize each other, how long will it be delayed?"

The female clerk brought the teacup and stood at the window. The carriage had already left the first floor, turned the corner in front, and disappeared.

Mother and child have been separated for more than 20 years, and they don't recognize each other at this moment, how long will they have to wait? The boss lost his memory, but she was relieved, seeing her alone, supporting the business on the first floor, like a walking dead, always felt that something was missing.

After waking up the memory, I was immersed in endless pain again, but at least I lived like a human being, and as a human being, I would have emotions and desires.

The Xiao family will be wronged sooner or later. Fortunately, the king of Zhenbei is his own. Back then, the king of Zhenbei fled to the north for the sake of the Xiao family. The Xiao family was still driven into desperation.

Since ancient times, people in high positions have been suspicious by nature, especially the old general Xiao who is brave and good at fighting. The Xiao family army is united and powerful.

In the end, with the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, the Xiao family was ransacked and beheaded with hundreds of members, and even the children who were waiting to be fed were never let go.

This is **** revenge, and after more than 20 years, it's time for revenge.

"hold on."

The woman showed a wry smile, King Zhenbei was going to succeed, and the Xiao family was about to be rehabilitated. She didn't need to do anything, just wait patiently.

Fortunately, she was satisfied with the daughter-in-law her son Xiao Lingchuan found for her. She was not the daughter of an enemy, but the daughter of a benefactor!

After twenty long years of waiting, is there still a little time left?

The woman thought that she also had grandchildren, and when the truth came to light, she would not need to cover her life with a veil, bring bean bags to the mansion and bring her grandchildren, and let the young couple go out more.

If she's not at home, no one will rob her of her grandson!

The woman smiled, this strategy is very good.

"You are such a good mother-in-law!"

The female clerk smiled and complimented her, and then talked about Li Haitang, "Young Madam's temperament is really righteous. You can see that the one next to her is Xia's daughter, Zhang Ruyi, the eldest daughter of the Zhang family."

The eldest lady of the Zhang family is her past identity, and because of her identity, troubles have arisen, and tomorrow Zhang Zheng will confess her blood at the gate of the Zhang family's ancestral hall.

Once it is determined that Zhang Ruyi is an adulterer, she will plummet. If the ladies and ladies who are good friends in the capital get wind of it, they will be alienated long ago.

And my young wife, not only does not alienate, but also stands out for Zhang Ruyi, eagerly leaning towards her, this temperament is so direct and cute.

"Like a father, like a son, I was able to escape thanks to King Zhenbei."

Madam nodded and smiled. She liked this daughter-in-law from the bottom of her heart, and she had to be humane. If her sisters didn't protect her, it meant she was not sincere to her.

This kind of person has always protected himself and is unreliable.

"It doesn't matter if Haitang can shake the sky, Lingchuan will protect her."

The men in the Xiao family are all upright, her husband is gone, and there is still a son.

When the woman said these words, she only hoped that the two of them would last for a long time, and she herself, if she hadn't been too soft-tempered before, how could she be a waste?

She now regrets that she didn't accompany her husband back then and advance and retreat together. Instead, she was treated as a dodder and protected. When he died, he was still thinking about letting her live.

As the woman spoke, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The female buddy sighed and dared not bring up this topic again.

In order to make the owner happy, Xiaodoubao threatened to marry ten daughters-in-law by talking about the news he had inquired about.

"Haha, there is no such precedent in the Xiao family. If my grandson likes it, twenty of them can afford it!"

The woman smiled through tears, and her mood improved a lot in an instant.

Li Haitang knew nothing about what happened. At this moment, she yawned and fell asleep.

"Haitang, I really like this dress."

Zhang Ruyi took a small notebook, carefully wrote down the advice of the female assistant, and then looked at the small bronze mirror carefully.

Looking at herself before, she always felt awkward, but now she realizes that from now on, she will live as she wants.

"That's right."

Li Haitang yawned and straightened her body, "It's not that I have nothing to do. Tassel gave me some jewelry and silver before. I sent them to the black market and exchanged them for silver notes."

With the money from tassels, we need to open a charity hall to take in poor children without father and mother, as well as widowed and elderly people.

Even if it is doing something good, accumulating merit for yourself.

There is a shortage of manpower, and it has not been opened. Moreover, opening a charity hall requires a lot of money, and it does not make money, so no suitable and reliable people can be found.

"I can help."

Zhang Ruyi found a new target, she was in high spirits, the Zhang family, the Ruan family, and the Xia family were all out of her consideration.

She thought she was going to stay up all night on New Year's Day, but she didn't, she slept very well.

Zhang Ruyi slept soundly, but Li Haitang couldn't fall asleep, she stared at the top of the gauze tent with her eyes wide open, and pressed Xiao Lingchuan with one hand.

"Miss, be careful playing with fire."

Xiao Lingchuan reminded in a hoarse voice that the lady's little hand went in through the inner garment.

This movement made his whole body hot and extremely itchy, but the culprit was still unknown.

"Husband, how many friends do you have in Kyoto, especially women?"

Li Haitang was still sneaking out, and the more he thought about it, the weirder he became. As Zhang Ruyi said, ready-to-wear clothes on the first floor are rare, and those ladies who came to report on the first day of the Lunar New Year came to speak out in person, but the clothes that are so hard to come by, she chooses at will?

It's not that she is being sentimental. The new ones are all maternity clothes. The waist and lower abdomen have been widened to make them more comfortable to wear.

Because Zhang Ruyi was the one she brought, she was able to take away the ready-made clothes as well, and she even got advice from the female assistant.

And she is so rare that people love her?

In terms of her identity, it is true that she is different, but, that cheap father did not show up and was busy fighting, and her half-brother Yu Feiling, who is the leader of the barbarians, has not returned to Beijing. Besides, she didn't know anyone.

"Women? Women? Never dealt with them before."

Xiao Lingchuan's eyes were dark, the first floor seemed simple, and the master behind the scenes had never shown his face. The last time he took his wife there, he noticed a gaze full of deep meaning.

This kind of deep meaning made him thorn in his back, and he couldn't bear it after a while.

"Husband, don't get me wrong, I don't suspect that you have an affair with others."

Li Haitang chuckled a few times, she knew very well what kind of man the savage husband was, and never pretended to talk to women, let alone being too familiar with anyone.

Moreover, that person was treated differently from her, and he always felt like a close elder.

It has been more than twenty years since the whole family of the Xiao family was slaughtered, how could anyone be left behind?

The owner on the first floor made it clear that he had a preference for her, and the female clerk even hinted that she should go there twice more.

"The other party has no malicious intentions."

Xiao Lingchuan had a guess, but he shook his head, it's unlikely, how could it be possible?

Since the other party has no malicious intentions, the lady is pregnant, and her clothes need to be changed frequently, it doesn't matter if she goes there a few more times, and it's not like the family can't afford it. For a few sets of clothes, even if you bought the first floor, as long as Li Haitang likes it, he won't blink. The money is easy to earn, and it's rare for a lady to have something she particularly likes.

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