Li Haitang soaked her feet, and Wu Fu helped her pinch her legs to invigorate blood circulation. This time, the three of them took a long way through the tunnel, and the tunnel was narrow.

Zhang Ruyi pinched her legs and sighed by the way, so she also had a maid in blue clothes, how caring the blue clothes are.

Today is different from the past, she rubbed her sore arms, it is nice to have such a comfortable place, but, according to the plan, the three of them will not be able to relax.

"Our target is He Baozhu, she must be locked up in the City Lord's Mansion."

Li Haitang rubbed her forehead. There were many difficulties in front of her. It was really nothing better than treating Tassel. She just hoped that the matter could be resolved as soon as possible so that she could have a peaceful life in a few days.

"Ma'am, it's not bad. You see Manzi is in such a mess now, I'm afraid this war won't be able to be fought."

Surabaya City is the throat of the barbarians. It has been in such a mess that it will not be able to recover for several years. Yu Wenshou's status in Manzi's heart dropped to freezing point because of forced killing.

Manzi has always held grudges, maybe many people want his head now!

"That's true."

The three of them had just arrived, and they couldn't get a deep understanding of the situation. If it was as serious as the news said, then there might be civil strife, and Yu Wenshou couldn't take care of himself.

Let the barbarians mess around on their own, and when the time comes, the Qi army will drive straight in and occupy the barbarians. This is the best way to get it done once and for all.

No matter what, you have to rest before you can have the energy to do other things. Wu Fu and Da Niang asked for noodles, made steamed buns and noodles with the noodles, and made some meat sauce brought at home.

Li Haitang was really hungry. Not only did he eat a big bowl of noodles, he also had two biscuits to eat. His appetite was astonishing, and he was about to catch up with the savage husband.

Thinking of Xiao Lingchuan, she took out the ring from her chest, it was the couple's ring, she wove a red string and put it around her neck.

I don't know if Xiaodoubao was crying in Daying in the north of the city. The only ones who took care of him were Nanny Yu and Bai Guo. Baozi should think of her as a mother, right?

"Ma'am, young master Doubao is so smart, knowing that you are busy, you must not make trouble."

When Wu Fu said this, he didn't know why. After all, just a day after his wife left, the bean bag made a big fuss, causing the old man next door to visit his relatives to roll his eyes. This skill is unrivaled.

"Well, he promised me."

Li Haitang rubbed his chest, convincing himself. She still had to resolve He Baozhu's matter as soon as possible and bring him back.

Staying in Surabaya City for one day is an extra danger, not to mention Yu Wenshou's bomb, even the epidemic, it is not acceptable for people to stay.

Now it's just a kiss, in case of being bitten, it's hard to guard against.

On a rainy day, the sky was always dark. In the evening, the rain eased a little. The aunt brought some candles, and specially moved a stool to sit at the door, keeping a distance from several people.

"Auntie, will you be afraid if you live alone? If it were me, I would definitely not be able to survive."

Leave the routine to Wu Fu. Wu Fu's expression is always so sincere, which makes people feel heartbroken.

"Well, I'm sure I'm afraid, but my aunt has lived half her life, so if you think about it, even if you die, you won't be wronged."

She has been running a noodle shop for many years, just to find something for herself to do. In fact, she doesn't make as much money as the guys she hired.

"Ah, why?"

"The man is the nephew of the governor of the city lord's mansion!"

This relationship is quite close.

Originally, this nephew was supposed to be a son of the family, but for some reason, when he was a child, he was sent out to be raised instead of being sold into slavery.

Relying on the relationship behind him, the buddy can say what he says in the noodle shop.

Auntie can earn a coffin, mainly because someone protects her and turns a blind eye to the money-greedy behavior of her buddies.

Thanks to her big heart, otherwise she would have been **** off by these robbers long ago!

"There is no free lunch in the world, otherwise how could Manzi be so kind?"

Wufu comforted the aunt, and when the epidemic passed and the man came back, the business would continue.

"It's impossible to continue. I heard that my guy was kissed on the lips a few days ago, and he seemed to be beaten up, severely."

Relying on his own status, the guy often bullied others, and everyone in this area knew about his relationship with the City Lord's Mansion.

Yu Wenshou acted arbitrarily, and the barbarians couldn't rush into the city lord's mansion, but it was more than enough to deal with a relative in charge. They stopped and beat and kicked the guy. I heard that it was, and everyone was confused. The doctor said that it would not last a month.

"Aren't those people afraid of retaliation? Isn't this a blatant provocation?"

Li Haitang was surprised. She guessed that Erni's little girl's secret way should have been leaked when she escaped last time. It should be useless for her to enter the city lord's mansion.

"Revenge? It's just a relative in charge. Now, the mansion can't take care of it."

The city lord is too casual. Last year, to find a dancer named Hongtang, I was short of digging three feet. I paid a lot of money to find her. The aunt was very impressed. Those guards even searched her noodle shop and ate more than ten bowls of noodles. , not a single copper plate was left.

At the beginning of the year, a maid called Luluo was wanted again, knocking on the door in the middle of the night, like robbery, a little scary.

Because the aunt is a relative of the manager, she knows more than others.

"The city lord has too many women. If you mention a concubine named Bai Lu, you will be executed in a few days."

The city lord killed people like hemp, and the old hag was even more despised. When she saw a fair-looking boy, she sent someone to arrest her and never came out again.

Li Haitang raised her eyebrows, she was the first two wanted people.

The city lord's mansion caught fire, and no one could be caught, so in the end she had to find a scapegoat. Lu Luo and Bai Lu walked in, and in the end, Bai Lu took the blame as the unlucky guy, which was also expected by her.

After inquiring a lot of information from the aunt, Li Haitang deeply felt that although he had many difficulties, he could meet assists every time.

At night, Wu Fu kept vigil, Li Haitang and Zhang Ruyi lay down, and fell asleep because they were too tired.


"Bang bang!"

After a loud noise, someone yelled outside the door, "The City Lord's Mansion searches for the assassin, open the door, otherwise, we will use coercion!"

The yelling woke them up. Li Haitang rubbed his eyes and regained his energy immediately.

The aunt was trembling when she walked with the oil lamp on. Through the crack of the iron gate, she saw dozens of people standing outside the door, not only knocking on the door of her house, but also the neighbors.

In the morning, she had just been slighted, and the aunt was still in fear, and was hesitating whether to open the door.

"I'll ask again, if you don't open the door, you will smash it!"

Everyone standing at the door was holding something, and the blade was shining coldly in the night.

"We are afraid of the one that is infecting the disease, so we dare not open it!"

Li Haitang took a look and found that the other party's expression was tense. He guessed that something serious might have happened, otherwise he wouldn't have sent so many people to search from house to house.

"The city lord has an order. If you don't open the door, it's the same crime as harboring an assassin. There is no pardon for killing!" The other party replied quickly, with concise words, and then refused to say a word more.

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