Life is full of adventures, and Zhang Ruyi never thought that she would be able to help the Yamen solve the case by staying in the village for one night, which can be regarded as repaying the innocence of the girl who died unjustly.

The man next door not only raped the little lady and killed her, but also poured dirty water on the little lady, and eloped with the poor scholar. If the body hadn't been dug up, the truth would have come to light. I was kept in the dark, and there was a knot in my heart that couldn't be solved.

The three of them were walking in the dark tunnel, and all of them felt the gust of wind, and when they mentioned such a topic in the middle of the night, their hairs stood on end.

Wu Fu was at the end, and couldn't help but look back, but the back was empty and he couldn't see anything. She took a piece of biscuit and wanted to stuff it into her mouth, but found that she felt a little heavy and couldn't eat it. She put the biscuits back into the oiled paper bag and asked suspiciously, "Mrs. Zhang, if the poor scholar returns to the village, won't he be exposed? At least the villagers know that the daughter of the old couple did not elope with the scholar."

. "

At this time, the old couple will definitely be suspicious, so they go door to door in the village to inquire about the whereabouts of their daughter.

"Wufu, you are right, but that scholar will never come back."

With a low voice, Zhang Ruyi waited for everyone to walk a few steps before saying, "Because... the scholar is also dead."

When Zhang Ruyi left the town and was about to go to the next city, people from the yamen came to her and talked about it.

Considering this, the county magistrate took the neighbors and his wife into the yamen together and interrogated them separately. The man was a hard-headed man, so he found reasons to quibble, saying that the little lady was the one who seduced him on his own initiative, and then met him by himself, and died accidentally.

He was afraid of an accident, so he dug a pit and buried the body. It wasn't homicide.

In Daqi, vicious homicide cases are usually executed by beheading. The county magistrate handed over the papers to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for filing, went back and forth, and asked to be beheaded after autumn. meal.

The man thinks that when a person dies and the body rots, he can't even notice it, and he tries every means to deny it, while the work is to let the dead speak and restore the truth. The little lady's neck was strangled.

Regarding the poor scholar, the county magistrate noticed something was wrong, and the villagers all said that the scholar disappeared within a day without any trace, so they believed the rumor of elopement at the beginning.

The county magistrate directly used the woman in the neighbor's house as a breakthrough point, tortured and served the woman, and the woman was beaten into a trick, and the scholar was also killed by them!

The reason is that the poor scholar is really not poor, and he has a lot of valuable things on him. By chance, after she found out about it, she was motivated by money, so she persuaded her man to kill the scholar.

It just happened to solve the little lady next door and find the best reason for the two of them to disappear together.

The little lady was not killed because she didn't obey, but was **** at home by the man and insulted for half a month. She felt that the little lady's parents were coming back, so she brutally killed her.

After Zhang Ruyi heard the ins and outs, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. She was shocked or shocked. She originally wanted to write this in the letter, but she gave up because it was too tortuous.

"God can't stand those who do evil. Otherwise, how can it be such a coincidence that I went to the village and still live in the old couple's house?"

Zhang Ruyi wanted to think of the oil-paper umbrella that fell out suddenly, and sighed.

Finding a topic, the three of them immediately regained their energy, chatting while walking, and before they knew it, it was almost noon on the second day.

Wufu was fine. In the village, he used to go up the mountain to collect firewood and go down the river to fish for fish. However, Zhang Ruyi and Li Haitang couldn't do it anymore. When they entered Surabaya City, their legs were swollen.

On a rainy day, the sky is dark, and the roads in Surabaya City are clean and tidy after being washed by the rain. There are only two or three people in dark clothes who come and go in a hurry.

The three of them looked around, and then, Zhang Ruyi and Wu Fu all looked at Li Haitang.

"Haitang, you have been here twice and are familiar with this place, what shall we do next?"

At that time, Zhang Ruyi was hot-headed and insisted on following. When he really stepped on the land of Surabaya City, he would feel different immediately, and his heart was terrified.

The doors of every household around are closed, and there are still iron chains on the door, which seems to be chattering from the inside. Houses with short courtyard walls have either added broken porcelain pieces or barbed wire protection on the top.

"The last time I came, I didn't have this thing."

Li Haitang touched her nose. In fact, she had nowhere to go except the inn.

It's just that due to the spread of the epidemic, the inn has long been closed, and the door of the lobby has been boarded up.

When I came here, I was in a hurry, designing many details, and Li Haitang forgot about the most fundamental issue of accommodation.

She patted herself on the head. Ever since she gave birth to the bean bag, her brain was not as good as before. It is estimated that the bean bag took away all her aura.

"There must be this, otherwise, those kissing gods will break in."

Zhang Ruyi covered her head with a bundle, and the three of them huddled under the eaves and stood stupidly.

"Well, I see that there is a noodle shop in front of it that is still open, why don't we go in and sit for a while?"

With good eyes, Wu Fu pointed to the end of the street, which was the only open shop in the whole street.

Li Haitang thought to himself that there was indeed nowhere to go, so he led Wu Fu and Zhang Ruyi straight to the noodle shop.

The door of the noodle restaurant was open, and the lobby was empty. The tables, chairs and benches inside were all traces of being smashed, missing arms and legs, and scattered around in a mess.

The three had nowhere to go, they looked at each other, put on masks and other things, and entered the noodle shop back and forth.

This is a noodle shop converted from a private house, with a yard behind it, and the kitchen is built in the yard.

It was very quiet outside, only the sound of wind and rain, and then, Li Haitang heard the faint sound of sobbing.

The voice came from behind, she followed the voice and walked back, finally, on the floor in the kitchen, she found an old lady in linen clothes.

The aunt was about the same age as Mammy Yu, and she covered her face with her hands, her hands were still very clean, and tears were gushing from between her fingers.

Hearing the movement, the aunt put down her hands and shouted hysterically, "What are you doing here! Beast, you will die!"

The three looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Seeing this, the aunt became even more annoyed, "I've kissed you all, what else do you want? I was also infected by the disease from you, and I will die sooner or later! But, can't you give me a chance to end it on my own?"

The aunt was crying, and the barbaric language just now suddenly changed into Daqi dialect. Looking at her figure, she should be a Daqi person living in Sishui City. In a place like Sishui City, when Li Haitang saw her, she felt a little friendly, so she explained in Daqi dialect, "Ma'am, you misunderstood, we are not kissers!"

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