Bai Shuang wiped away her tears and felt disheartened when she saw a large amount of blood on the ground. She felt that even if Madam was a miracle doctor, she was only comforting her. How could a person survive with so much blood?

Li Haitang did not answer in detail, because she was not sure now, so she could only try it.

Because, there is still hope if you give it a try, if you give up, then Bai Bing will definitely die.

Moreover, Bai Bing was injured to protect them. As the master, she must be responsible and do her best to save people.

"Bai Shuang, be obedient, don't cry, tell me, are you and Bai Bing sisters?"

The faces of the two are somewhat similar. Regarding the past, Li Haitang didn't ask about it. After all, it was the man the savage husband was looking for, so it must be reliable.

Xiao Lingchuan mentioned before that the two sisters suffered a lot.

"It's a sister. My sister is one year older than me. We are not twins."

"I have another question, are your parents alone?"

The problem was a bit embarrassing, and Li Haitang couldn't do anything about it. It involved the issue of blood type. You must know that once the blood was rejected, it would still be a death.

Seeing Bai Shuang stunned, Li Haitang touched his nose, "This question is very important for you to save your sister."

Bai Shuang reacted quickly, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Of course, she and her elder sister belonged to the same parents, but the family favored sons over daughters. Grandma hated them very much. Work from morning till night.

Bai Bing is only one year older than her, but silently bears most of the work. When the two escaped from the house, Bai Bing was already skinny.

"That's good."

When Li Haitang prepared the materials, he felt that the blood transfusion was still a bit difficult, so he had to get a blood bag and then transfuse the blood into Bai Bing's blood vessel.

She cleaned Bai Bing's wound first, and then found a nearby house with a clean yard to borrow the house.

"Ma'am, Bai Shuang doesn't have as much blood as mine, use mine!"

Wu Fu volunteered, she ate a lot, and she made up for it in three or two days. Seeing Bai Shuang's small body, she was not as strong as herself.

Li Haitang shook his head. He didn't know how to explain the blood type to these people. He could only give a simple explanation. Because Bai Bing and Bai Shuang were sisters, it was possible to communicate with each other.

To be cautious, Li Haitang put the sisters' blood into a bowl and observed carefully that there was no hemolysis or coagulation, so she was sure that the blood transfusion could be performed.

Taking blood from Baishuang's body and transporting it to Baibing's body is very complicated. For example, Li Haitang is also sweating all over his forehead, and he is busy from noon to night.

Bai Bing's complexion was normal, and it seemed that there was some blood on his face. Bai Shuang was very happy, and wanted to kneel down to Li Haitang again.

"Get up, you are short of blood now, wait for me to prescribe a blood-enriching prescription, and take care of yourself."

Li Haitang couldn't bear to let the sisters separate, so he asked Bai Shuang to take care of Bai Bing, and sent Bai Guo to Daying in the north of the city to help take care of her.

After experiencing life and death again, Zhang Ruyi calmed down. Thanks to the lack of carriages, Ruan Pingzhi and Lu Erlian were left in Majia Village. Otherwise, she was really worried that her idiot would find this assassin to make a theory.

"However, how is this blood transfusion done?"

Zhang Ruyi looked at Li Haitang with admiration more than once. With such a girl, she took advantage of it.

"What I'm thinking about is that their sisters are also eligible. Next, we have to see if Bai Bing has a rejection reaction."

Li Haitang was so tired that he didn't want to move, his mind went blank.

Xiao Lingchuan went to Daying in the north of the city, and asked his subordinates to ask questions. Li Haitang cared about his master, so he brought a gift and went to He's house in person.

Old man He was drinking at home. Although he went to Beijing to be an imperial doctor, his roots were still in the border towns for so many years.

The granddaughter was kidnapped by the barbarians, what good results can there be?

The reason why he didn't immediately agree to Manzi's conditions was because the He family had organized training not to heal Manzi.

Daqi and the barbarians have deep hatred, especially the people in the border towns, and it is impossible to reconcile.

Old man He is in a dilemma, if he refuses to agree to the barbarian, his granddaughter He Baozhu will be ruined, if he agrees, he will violate the group training.

"Master, I know everything."

Li Haitang just wanted to have a good sleep, but now that he didn't come over to take a look, he felt uneasy.

Old man He treated her well and taught her his housekeeping skills for free. She must know how to be grateful.

"Haitang, it's difficult to be a teacher."

Old man He still wanted to go to Manzi. When the other party took people away, he left a letter, and after a few days, he came back to ask for an answer.

The Manzi epidemic spread, and sooner or later it would sweep through the border towns of Daqi again, so old man He convinced himself that even if he violated the group training, he would go to see a doctor for the Manzi.

From Li Haitang's point of view, the doctor's parents feel that if in later generations, patients from island countries come to her for treatment, will she see it or not? Of course it depends.

But what if the two countries go to war and the other side bullies the other side endlessly? Can the innocent souls of those people and soldiers who died under the barbarian's sword rest in peace?

What kind of war does not involve the common people, ah bah!

You can't be a saint, if you don't kill people on the battlefield, you will be killed. Seeing that Daqi is weak, the barbarians often take advantage of loopholes.

Furthermore, thinking of what the barbarians did on the battlefield, throwing people with the disease over, intending to infect the generals and soldiers of the Great Qi, such a vile method, so indiscriminate, why should they be treated?

The disease was not created by the people of Daqi. They fend for themselves and have nothing to do with Li Haitang, so she doesn't want old man He to treat the barbarians.

"The barbarian's healers just don't have experience in this field. They have a lot of spies in the border town, and they will figure it out sooner or later."

After Li Haitang finished speaking, he felt that he was standing up and talking without pain in his back. After all, it was Miss He Baozhu who was kidnapped.

"Master, believe me, if you go back to Majia Village, I promise to rescue Miss He."

"Haitang, this is more dangerous."

If there is a way, old man He is not willing to go to the barbarians and violate the training of the group. He wants to ask someone to save his granddaughter, but he can't find a suitable candidate.

"Leave this to me, you wait for the news."

After Li Haitang finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

On the way back, she discussed with Zhang Ruyi and wanted to go to the barbarians.

Every time she came out of Surabaya City, she told herself that she would never go to that ghostly place again. However, the reality slapped her face naked again!

"No, no, the savages are too sick, and they have a wicked kissing party!"

The first thing Zhang Ruyi thought of was the cultists of the evil sect. He jumped at people when he saw them, and he was still seriously ill.

"Hey, you're right, Ruyi, I just want to mix in and become a believer."

Li Haitang raised the corners of his mouth triumphantly, and when the time came, he would see if there was any good-looking one, and eat tofu by the way.

"You think so beautiful!" Zhang Ruyi stood up and looked at her sister carefully. She always felt that she didn't seem to be joking. Could it be that she was really driven crazy by the savage?

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