Mrs. Ma wanted to say something, but Ma Bihe pulled her out and vacated the room to talk to the three of them. Before she went out, she carefully closed the door.

Seeing this, Li Haitang walked up to Master Ma, wanting to feel his pulse and check his condition, but Xiao Lingchuan stopped him.

"Master Ma, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

It is definitely not easy for this kind of person to be able to quietly transfer hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, including grain and grass. Although he has just woken up, Master Ma is still weak, but who knows if it is a disguise, in case it is not good for the lady.

Xiao Lingchuan pulled a chair and sat in front, keeping Li Haitang behind.

In the huge inner room, Master Ma was lying on the bed, while Xiao Lingchuan was sitting not far from the bed, and Li Haitang was sitting behind him, forming a straight line, creating a strange atmosphere.

Having been in business for many years, Master Ma has seen a lot, and he smiled wryly at Xiao Lingchuan's precautions.

His own body, he knew, was already a powerful shield now, but if the matter was not resolved, it was time to explain, and he was always worried about it.

"Xiao Housheng, the old man has lived most of his life, and he has seen all kinds of storms."

Master Ma coughed twice, his face was pale, and his body was still very weak. He thought about it and decided to focus on it first.

He just regarded Xiao Lingchuan as a junior, "I know your father."

"Back then your father, Old General Xiao, guarded the border town, and the Xiao family army was invincible. How dare the barbarians come to the city to harass the people?"

At that time, the border town was peaceful, not only that, the old general Xiao did not object to the two countries taking goods, and exchanging what was needed, Master Ma took advantage of those few years to transport the barbarian's fur, medicinal materials, and beef to the surrounding cities, and his family business Bigger and bigger.

Later, he formed a caravan, went to the south to gamble on stones, started a jewelry business, and doubled the Ma family's wealth several times.

Xiao Lingchuan lowered his eyes. He didn't have many memories when he was a child, almost none. In his impression, he was in the back mountain of Lijia Village, and he had only his master by his side. However, the master taught him Kung Fu throughout the year, but he was away for more than half a year.

In the mouth of the master, his father and the past of the Xiao family were rarely mentioned.

It is not surprising that Master Ma learned of Xiao Lingchuan's identity. The struggle for imperial power in the capital, the King of Zhenbei's victory is imminent, and it is only a matter of time before the Xiao family is rehabilitated.

Master Ma still has a shop in the capital. He is not an ordinary merchant, but he has some knowledge.

After just saying a few words, Master Ma broke out in cold sweat, as if his whole body had been hollowed out.

"Why don't you take a break, it's about half a hour or so."

Seeing that Master Ma was in pain, Li Haitang suggested that he couldn't get to the point for a while.

"No, I can't finish explaining this matter in my heart, and I can't rest assured."

Master Ma took the water from Lingchuan, took a big gulp, panted for a while, wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and continued, "It's the fourth month of the lunar calendar, and I didn't know it. I haven't been conscious for so long."

Seeing the surrounding environment, he didn't ask in detail, but he guessed something in his heart.

He gave Master He an IOU of 200,000 taels of silver. It is estimated that the He family has taken back all the shops. Master Ma still knows the temperament of his daughter Bihe, and he is definitely unwilling to owe others.

Now the family is probably empty.

However, the money is still there, and it is quite a lot.

After Master Ma finished speaking, Li Haitang was stunned, thinking in his heart, Master Ma would really hide it, and his family members, even his closest relatives would not know about it.

"It's not that I concealed it intentionally. Bi He and her mother are both soft-hearted, and they can't hide things. Master He and Xiao Zhou are good at calculating, and there is He Yuexiu. If you think of a way, you can make a routine."

Everything was in Master Ma's plan, but he still took a wrong step. He didn't expect to be so unlucky that he was directly crushed under the collapsed platform.

"Uncle, I don't understand what you said."

Li Haitang changed his attitude and realized that there should be something else hidden in it.

Master Ma believed in Tianshi Li and dismissed her. When she went to Ma's mansion, she was shut out, as if everything was designed.

"Haitang, uncle, I'm sorry."

Master Ma first apologized to Li Haitang. At that time, he was quietly transferring the family wealth, and Li Tianshi happened to appear in the border town.

Mr. He came to the door and tried his best to persuade Li Tianshi to show him his body, and said that Dr. Li was not worthy of his name.

At that time, Master Ma realized something was wrong, and within a few days, Li Tianshi and others revealed their real purpose, not only wanting food and grass, but also money.

"At that time, I showed it to the He family, and I inhaled a little bit of the white powder. I didn't expect the reaction to be so big."

Master Ma also miscalculated a bit, just on the powder.

"It's a drug. Simply put, it can paralyze people's nerves, produce hallucinations, and make people dependent."

Li Haitang explained that Master Ma did not inhale very often, otherwise, he would not be able to live without that thing in the future, and if his will was not strong enough, he would have to be controlled.

"The He family is so vicious?"

Master Ma touched his beard habitually, and found that his chin was bare and there was nothing.

When he was in a coma, Mrs. Zhou shaved off his beard for the convenience of wiping his face.

"He family, what does this have to do with the He family?"

Xiao Lingchuan quickly stood up and walked around the room with his hands behind his back. He knew that there were spies in the camp in the north of the city. Could it be that Li Tianshi was not from Zeng Yan?

"I'm not sure if it has something to do with the He family, but the He family asked me for a large amount of grain and grass before the Daying grain depot in the north of the city caught fire."

The He family has never been in the grain and grass business. Master Ma was puzzled, and he noticed something strange, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

He agreed to lend grain and grass, but said that he was short of money and his business turnover was not working well, so he wanted to borrow two hundred thousand taels of silver.

In border towns, it is easy to get money, but food and grass are very hard to come by.

Master He hardly thought about it, and immediately agreed.

But he is a person who plans ahead, especially when there is a war in the border town, he hoards a lot of food.

At that time, Li Tianshi was strong, and Master He was also a matchmaker among them.

Li Tianshi and Master He have the same purpose, but they want more, besides food and grass, there is also money.

The two acted equally, and Master Ma was even more suspicious. He designed a small trap, and when the two of them showed their fox tails, before they had time to implement it, he fell into the ditch first.

After the food disappeared, Master Ma didn't know where Master He sent it to.

"Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are at the bottom of the business row. Master He once teased me and wanted to donate an official position."

Because he just woke up, his head was dizzy and his head was hurting, Master Ma's words seemed rather messy, and some of them couldn't be answered. Li Haitang and Xiao Lingchuan needed to think carefully, otherwise they would be confused.

"When I fell down, the He family really couldn't help but show their fox tails." The He family relied on the Ma family to support them, and they were really unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

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