The sun sets in the west, and the time of the day is gone in a flash.

The sun has only the last lingering rhyme left, covering the fiery red haze with a layer of gray.

There are fields everywhere in the village, there is no shelter around, and it is cool in the morning and evening. Li Haitang tightened his neckline, put on his mask and gloves, and walked towards the camp in a secretive way.

Seeing this, Yingying followed, and when Li Haitang was about to enter the tent, she suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Li Haitang's clothes, and hesitated, "Master Li, you can just stand here and talk."

The outside of the tent is made of rain-proof linoleum, and there is almost no barrier between it and the inside, and the same is true here.

Did the soldiers contract the disease? If Dr. Li went in, just in case, in case there was an accident...

Yingying shook her head, she would not be where she is today without Miracle Doctor Li, and Miracle Doctor Li is her lifesaver.

Thinking of this, she continued, "If you convey the message to me, it will be the same when I go in."

"If your persuasion is effective, you won't come to me crying."

Li Haitang saw through Yingying's thoughts. In fact, she had thought about the fate of those missing women. Not everyone has the good luck of blue clothes. Most of them have been ruined and abused, leaving a shadow in their hearts.

Originally, Yingying had the idea of ??never marrying for life, but it didn't take long before someone changed her mind.

Ignoring the complex psychology of the people behind him, Li Haitang walked to the tent, there were more than a dozen soldiers sitting or standing in silence.

"Are you Miracle Doctor Li?"

One of the thick-browed and big-eyed men frowned tightly, took a step back, and shouted, "Don't, don't come here!"

The tent was a bit crude, and the only thing that could be seen was the cabinet in the corner, which contained some rice and noodles. There are many rats in the village, so we have to be careful.

"Are you Iron Mountain?"

Li Haitang raised his eyebrows. Tieshan was strong and strong, but because of the disease, he couldn't stop coughing. He carefully turned his back and stayed away from her.

It was just a small gesture, and Li Haitang could see that Tieshan was careful and kind-hearted, so it was no wonder that Yingying finally wavered.

"it's me."

Tieshan heard that Yingying had mentioned Miracle Doctor Li, and he was in awe. He took another step back and said, "You have also seen that my brothers and I have symptoms. I am afraid we are not far from death."

The epidemic may be curable, but the cure rate is very low, and he has no hope.

"Who told you that death is not far away?"

The other party avoided her, and Li Haitang didn't rush forward. She sat on the chair and looked at the state of everyone, all of them looked ashamed.

They escaped once and were caught back, so they were still a little embarrassed.

"Please intercede for us, we want to go back to Daying in the north of the city."

As soon as Tieshan finished speaking, the rest of the soldiers were as excited as if they had been beaten, and said in unison, "Yes, talk to Supervisor Xiao, let's go back to the battlefield!"

Xiao Lingchuan was a well-known military supervisor in the camp in the north of the city. Li Haitang's expression darkened when he heard this, "Aren't you going to die on the battlefield with your body?"

"Master Li, since the brothers entered the army, they never thought that one day they would be able to go back alive. The barbarians are so hateful!"

One of the small soldiers wiped his eyes, "My family is from a border town. The barbarians robbed our village. Because my father refused to lead the way, he died tragically under the barbarian's knife. All the women in our village were ruined..."

The little man gritted his teeth. This time, the epidemic in the border town was fierce, and it was passed from the barbarians. They didn't suffer enough, and they harmed the people of Daqi!

Now he has only one life left, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, he is willing to charge forward, at least he has to pull the barbarian back!

"Tieshan, you think so too?"

Li Haitang raised his hand and made a stop motion, feeling very sad. She looked up at Iron Mountain and asked.

It can be seen that Tieshan is the center of these dozen people, and the rest of the soldiers respect him very much.


Tieshan was categorical. He would not be able to play any role if he stayed here. It would be better to die on the battlefield. At least his parents would feel honored.

He died for killing the barbarians, not for getting sick.

"What about Yingying?"

Li Haitang pointed to the shadow dangling at the door, and asked Tieshan, "You are going to die, and Yingying will die with you?"

"No, she's strong."

A trace of loneliness flashed in Tieshan's eyes, but in the end he was determined to die. They couldn't do anything in the village, so they might as well go back to the battlefield. Killing one barbarian is enough money, and killing two can earn one.

Li Haitang was almost annoyed. He had planned to give an impassioned speech, but he couldn't utter a single word.

She obviously couldn't deal with this kind of elm head. For a while, she was dumbfounded and didn't know where to start.

"So, you don't care about your parents?"

At the door, a tall figure walked in. He was against the light, and his face was in the shadows where the light could not find it.

Xiao Lingchuan pursed his lips, his side face was cold and hard, his voice barely fluctuated, no one knew what he was thinking now.


When Li Haitang saw her savage husband, she called out softly, and then stopped talking.

So quickly, it seems he figured it out.

Xiao Lingchuan nodded to Li Haitang, and then said to Tieshan, "We have withdrawn the troops, and the soldiers have all returned to the city."

"Withdraw troops? Why?"

Tieshan paused, his face flushed red with anxiety, "Supervisor, while the barbarian is infected with the disease, we should go all out and kill the barbarian's Sishui City?"

"And then, get sick with them?"

Xiao Lingchuan's eyes were sharp, staring at Tieshan, making Tieshan kneel down involuntarily, as a soldier, he should obey orders, but he was urging his brothers to sneak away in the middle of the night, it really shouldn't be.

"Military orders are like mountains, this is the first, and the second is your attitude."

Tieshan thought that he could avenge his hatred by following the example of the barbarian, which was too naive.

The disease came from Manzi. He had just received the news that Sishui City provided food and grass for the Manzi’s army, which was also a waste of money. bring it up.

The border town has been brought under control, but Sishui City has no experience in this, and it is in a mess, and the barbarians are completely resisting.

It is the best choice for one's own side to withdraw their troops. Let them jump around and die without a single soldier. When the plague is almost over, they will go out of the city and go straight into Surabaya City.

"So, if you go to die, it will have no impact on the overall situation, and death will be for nothing."

Yes, people will die in war, but as a general, you should do your best to minimize casualties, and every living life should be respected. Especially the brothers, they all crawled out of the dead, so they should cherish life even more. There are old and young in the family, and they are all waiting for them to go home.

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