Half a month after the outbreak of the plague, Li Haitang came to Qinghetang again in a carriage.

When she went out this time, she could clearly feel that the streets in the city seemed more spacious, and there were only passers-by wearing masks in twos and threes, coming and going in a hurry.

All the shops were closed, the people's homes were dead silent, and some people hung white spirit banners at the door.

No? There was initial crying and wailing, followed by despair.

Li Haitang is very anxious. Now, she is discussing with her master, old man He, about the medicinal materials. At present, there are still some shortages.

Qinghetang's inventory is not much, and medicinal materials are essential if the epidemic is to be controlled.

The current situation is that the border town is blocked, the city gate is closed, and if you want to transport it, you have to deploy it in Lucheng. There are some special links in the middle, which seems a bit cumbersome and troublesome.

If it can be controlled one day earlier, many people will die less, especially right now, it is absolutely determined not to delay.

Moreover, she still has a bigger worry in her heart. Once the plague spreads to the camp in the north of the city and the barbarians take advantage of the loopholes, the consequences will be quite serious.

Xiao Lingchuan still leaves early and returns late every day, but no matter how busy he is, he will come back in the middle of the night, first to see his son's bean buns, and then to hold her in his arms and comfort her gently.

In the past few days, Li Haitang always had nightmares and couldn't sleep well. She hated herself for not being able to help more people.

Old people, children, so many innocent and hopeless people.

After a year, the disaster befell the frontier city again, and the people really suffered a lot.

"Ma'am, there is a flood in the south, and the entire village has been washed away. The villagers are not homeless. The government will not care about such things."

Wufu blushed, the government didn't care, and the people could only rely on the people to resist the plague spontaneously, but the medicinal materials were a lot of money, and the people were powerless.

"You must not go to those people's houses to watch. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Young Master Doubao."

It's not that Wufu is sympathetic, but after seeing everything, she realizes that this is beyond her own ability to solve, so she just wants to protect herself and not add to the chaos.

"Wufu, who taught you these words?"

Li Haitang shook his head with a wry smile. My savage husband must think that she is a holy mother who cannot bear the sufferings of the common people. As everyone knows, this was brought by her in her previous life. As a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, it is inevitable that she will have occupational diseases.

Li Haitang not only suffers from occupational diseases, but also has obsessive-compulsive disorder. She has almost cured her problems now.

"Of course it's the host."

Wu Fu betrayed Xiao Lingchuan without hesitation, feeling a little interesting in his heart. The master didn't say anything, but let her be a servant to convey it. Could it be that her words could be stronger than the master's?

"You see the sky whispering in my ears, my ears are callused."

Li Haitang agreed without hesitation, but she was thinking of her savage husband. Seeing his bloodshot eyes and haggard face every day, she felt very distressed.

After Liusu was bedridden, Yun Jinghong had no other thoughts, and left the huge camp in the north of the city, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, to Xiao Lingchuan alone.

In the past two days, the barbarians seemed to have learned about the situation in the border town. They were about to die down, but suddenly they revived and launched two violent attacks.

Not only that, but in order to create panic, they also used a few people who had the plague as pioneers.

"Ma'am, do you mean that this strange disease came from the barbarians?"

Wu Fu's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it. If so, the barbarian is really too vicious, right?

Li Haitang nodded, this was her guess, because what Xiao Linchuan said, he judged that the Black Death on Manzi's side showed an uncontrollable trend.

The other party knew it well, and immediately dragged the Daqi soldiers into the water and threw over the bodies of the people who died of the plague.

Before the master and servant arrived at Qinghetang, someone stopped the carriage in front.

Li Haitang saw that the two women were neatly dressed and had red and swollen eyes. They were Yingying and Hongli who formed the rescue team.

Especially Yingying, who had already been disfigured, the scars on her face were reddened by the sun, making it more obvious.

"Why are you two here?"

Li Haitang opened the window screen, she was fully armed when she went out, she didn't worry about anything, even the gloves were made of high-end rubber.

"Miracle Doctor Li."

Yingying's eyes were red, she had been treated like that before, and she had already given up on everything.

Since she came to the rescue team, she felt warmth, real warmth.

She treated soldiers, found her worth, and earned respect and gratitude.

The soldiers were afraid that she would feel inferior because of her looks, so they joined forces and spent a lot of money to buy scar cream for her, just to make her happy.

These lovely people are her family.

This morning, the camp in the north of the city was in chaos. Several soldiers had high fevers to varying degrees, and one had convulsions and foamed at the mouth.

She knew how terrible the plague caused by rats was, so she came to Li Haitang for help.

Knowing that they would not survive, those soldiers took the initiative to invite Ying to harm the barbarians, and to repay them in the same way.

"What nonsense!"

When Li Haitang heard the news, she didn't bother to go to Qinghetang. She thought about it and said, "Send people to Majia Village, and you will go with them, but you must take good precautions. Now is not the time to be a hero."

I was afraid of something coming, the more I didn't want it to happen, but it just happened.

In the northern camp of the city, Yun Jinghong was ordering people to build simple houses on the surrounding flat ground for the isolation of the sick.

These are all soldiers who were born and died for the territory of Daqi. As the main general, he cannot give up on any of them.

"? Sister-in-law, why are you here!"

Yun Jinghong hurriedly stood up from the chair, several blows back and forth, all of a sudden, he didn't close his eyes for several days, his body wobbled, almost fell down.

Li Haitang waved his hand. Seeing his unshaven beard, he was too embarrassed to criticize him. After all, it was the Manzi who made the move first.

The quality of the soldiers is not bad, they are all people who have faced life and death, and everything is in order in the camp in the north of the city.

The impact is there, but not as big as expected.

"??? If soldiers with high fever are unwilling to go to the quarantine area, they must use coercive means."

Staying in the camp in the north of the city, without timely medical treatment, they can only wait for death, not to mention this, but also implicate the rest of the people.

"Everyone from the rescue team will follow."

Li Haitang thought about it and decided to arrange it this way. The people in the rescue team are well-established and easy to communicate with.

Especially Yingying, who has now become the captain of the rescue team.

"The medicine my master and I studied is currently being used, and the response is good. At least, the condition has not deteriorated."

If there is no deterioration, and the source of the infection is controlled, even the epidemic will gradually be resolved.

Isolation is the most important thing. Smallpox is ahead. Although the people don't understand, their attitude is a little looser and they are willing to cooperate. What needs to be done now is to eliminate the fear in the hearts of the people? Unity is powerful, and escaping cannot solve any problems at this time.

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