Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang shared a house, one lived in the inner room and the other lived in the outer room.

The furnishings in the house are luxurious, similar to the boudoir of a rich lady. For servants, there is also a Duobao Pavilion in the house, and the ornaments placed there are at least worth hundreds of taels of silver.

"Those ornaments are all decorations, and they are registered in the house. If they are damaged, we have to post money in private."

When Bai Lu saw Li Haitang standing in front of Duobao Pavilion and kept looking at it, she mocked in her heart, she really was a bumpkin from the village, something worth a few hundred taels was not worth mentioning.

Her room is too small, and it cannot be compared with Dongmei. Dongmei's old lady is the chief steward of the house. With this relationship, her food and clothing are all high-quality. Although she is a maid, there are two or three under her hand. The little girl who runs errands lives in a room by herself, living the life of a young lady.

"Sister Dongmei is kind, gentle and gentle. She helped me hide my mistakes before. Otherwise, I would have to stay in bed for a month just for a meal."

When Bai Lu mentioned Dongmei, her hatred for Liusu intensified. She once ate croton in the food she gave, but after the other party ate it, there was no reaction at all. It really is invulnerable.

She dared to do small tricks in private, and if she really messed up people, she couldn't get away with it.

The city lord seemed to take it very seriously, and after noticing her small gesture, he became furious and made Bai Lu feel bad.

"The city lord likes to be alone on weekdays, and even if someone sleeps with him, he never stays overnight."

The topic got off track while talking, but Li Haitang learned an important news. Yu Wenshou spent most of his time in the study, including dealing with some affairs in the city.

Through analysis, Yu Wenshou should hide the tassels in the study instead of keeping them in the inner room where he lives.

Barbarians are particularly concerned about women's success. For example, the small days of each month are regarded as dirty by them. With Yu Wenshou's temperament, it is impossible to let an unstable factor stay in his residence.

Bai Lu said that Dongmei was the first person in front of the city lord, and most of them stayed in the study. With such a combination of analysis, the conclusions drawn were almost the same.

But it is not enough to have a conclusion, it also needs to be confirmed. The veins on Li Haitang's forehead were throbbing, and a bold idea came to her mind.

There is no better opportunity than now, and it may be a little risky, but danger and opportunity coexist.

She pretended to stand up and pour water for Bai Lu, and put her hand on the back of Bai Lu's neck. All of a sudden, Bai Lu felt dizzy even more, her eyes went dark, and she lay on the table, motionless.

The person had passed out, but it was almost as if he was asleep. To be cautious, Li Haitang added some medicine powder to fascinate him.

She pushed open the door, and the cold wind hit her face, and the cold wind stimulated her to wake up a little bit.

It's not that she can't plan meticulously, but there is not much time left for her, if she wants to help, she has to take risks.

There was no one around, so Li Haitang swaggered into the study. After entering the door, she didn't move immediately, but looked around.

There are several rooms in Yu Wenshou's study, the innermost one is used as a resting place, with beds, tables and chairs, and the other two rooms, one for books and one for handling government affairs.

According to Li Haitang's analysis, if there is a dungeon, it should be in Zangshu Pavilion.

With Yu Wenshou's temperament, he would definitely not set up the dungeon in his residence, and the only space that outsiders can't touch is the Cangshu Pavilion.

Thinking of this, Li Haitang quickly walked in the door. There were floor-to-ceiling bookshelves everywhere in the library, and the strategies of war on them were all in barbaric language, which she couldn't understand at all.

Looking at the bookshelf, she found that the order of a book seemed to be different, but she was afraid of being discovered, so she did not dare to act rashly.

Looking around in the study, she found a button under a desk, pressed it, and with a click, the bookshelf spread out to both sides, revealing a door.

It was dark below, and the walls were lit with oil lamps. Li Haitang ran down quickly, and after only a few steps, he found a big cage.

The dungeon is not the dark and decaying one she thought, it has everything it should have, like building a room in a big cage, and there is a place to wash in the back.

Liusu heard the voice, raised her head, and was taken aback when she saw the person coming.


She was imprisoned for a few days, and her days felt like years. Liusu thought that she seemed to be unable to survive, but every time she wanted to give up, the child in her stomach would kick her to give her courage.

Liusu recognized Li Haitang at the first sight, not by her face, but by her height, figure and walking posture. She is a doctor, and her judgments on these are very accurate.

"Why did you come in? Yu Wenshou will be back soon!"

Liusu was startled, and looked behind her, there was no one there, it seemed that Yun Jinghong hadn't come.

Can't say sad or lucky, perhaps a little bit disappointed, Liusu shook his head, "Hurry up, it's still that organ, you can close the door of the dungeon with one click!"

Liusu has been here for a few days, and she has understood a little bit, but she is locked in a cage, unable to move, and she has no power to go out, and the mechanism can only be opened from the outside.

"Little General Yun is also there, but the city lord's mansion is heavily guarded, and I sneaked in to be a cook."

Time is limited, Li Haitang made a long story short, the day of saving lives is only two days away, and Tassel needs to recharge his batteries, so he can cooperate well when the time comes.

She came to Bai Lu, obtained a lot of useful information, and even touched the mechanism of the dungeon, which was smoother than she thought.

"Haitang, I'm fine. They won't really kill me. Even if there is no surprise, they use me to trade with the black market. Anyway, I am valuable to them."

Liusu didn't suffer too much grievance, but she knew in her heart that it would be different in a few days.

Yu Wenshou said that if Yun Jinghong didn't come, she would cut off her hair first, and then cut off her fingers and send them to Daqi's northern camp little by little.

She didn't tell Li Haitang about this, because she didn't want her good sister to worry about it.

To come to Surabaya City is to take a considerable risk. Li Haitang is quite content to be able to come.

"Liusu, remember the day after tomorrow, it won't be past noon, we will definitely come to rescue you."

Li Haitang emphasized that she stepped back to the door of the dungeon and asked, "How many times a day do they deliver meals to you?"

After being pregnant, the most important thing is not to go hungry, but to nourish the body. I haven't seen her for a while, but Liusu is so thin that only a small face the size of a palm is left. Except for the stomach, there is not much flesh in the body.

"Twice, Chenshi in the morning and Shenshi in the afternoon, very punctual."

Speaking of Liusu, the meals were delivered from the big kitchen, and they were tampered with a few times. But she had taken a lot of poisons, and she was completely invulnerable, and there was almost no other reaction.

"In the past two days, I will find a way to strengthen your nutrition." Li Haitang nodded. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. She is afraid that Yu Wenshou will come back, and she will be delayed for less than a quarter of an hour in the Library Pavilion.

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