Li Haitang staggered and almost sat on the ground. She couldn't be so lucky, even a little girl in the city lord's mansion knew where she could escape?

Erni didn't continue talking, for a while, she didn't know how to inquire.

"Can I see your seal?"

Li Haitang turned his mind around and immediately found a breakthrough.


Erni spoke dully, and took off a purse from her body, "Sister Luluo, I'll show you this."

"beginning of summer?"

Li Haitang could recognize the writing on it, it was Daqi's handwriting, delicate and timeless, it was obvious that this person had read books.

"It's Daqi's writing, and many people in Sishui City can recognize it."

It's not surprising that Li Haitang knew him. Erni grabbed the seal and rubbed it, with nostalgic eyes in her eyes. If at that time, she knew where she could escape, the little brother would not have died.

It's a pity that everything can't be turned back, and it's impossible to do it all over again. No one can undo what happened.

"We are servants and we don't have a name at all. I'm the second daughter in my family, so I'm called Erni. I also have an older sister named Dani."

The name Lixia was given to her by her younger brother, because she happened to be born on the day of Lixia, and she liked it very much, but she couldn't remember it, and couldn't write it well.

Until he died, he still remembered to carve a seal for her.

Er Ni could only shed tears silently, she dared not tell others that she hated the old lady.

However, she is the son of the city lord's mansion, and her parents, brothers and sisters are all servants here, including herself.

If she wants revenge, she is not afraid of death, but it will hurt her family.

These words, Erni dare not tell the newcomer Luluo, once she is told the secret, she and her family will not be able to survive.

"I also have a younger brother. Unfortunately, he disappeared very early. My parents fell into the river in the middle of the night in order to find my younger brother..."

Li Haitang made it up again, so she was adopted by Mrs. Chen and became a goddaughter.

"Sishui City always loses children, and those who are a little bit pretty don't dare to go out at all."

Erni rubbed her chin, looking at Luluo's appearance, her brother should not be captured, right? After all, what the old lady wants is not ordinary goods, but a son with outstanding appearance.

I heard that many of them were obtained from Daqi, because of the younger brother, Erni liked Daqi very much.

Daqi's young master is different from the barbarians. He is refined and not muscular. That little brother, who used to love to laugh, would call her "Lixia" instead of the perfunctory Erni.

What is the difference between Erni and AmaoAgou? It's just a code name.

In this life, maybe no one will call her Lixia again.

"Only I know that exit, and in the whole house, I am the only one."

As Erni said, she raised her head, showing a small expression of complacency.

"Why don't you tell me, I'll make hibiscus cake for you?"

Li Haitang used delicacies to lure her, this time she cooked too little, there was almost nothing left, she only let Erni taste a little bit, the little girl likes eating sweet cakes very much, her eyes narrowed together.

"I think I'm a godmother, but I haven't had a chance to leave the house yet."

Li Haitang found an excuse, she wanted to go out to see Mrs. Chen off, and everyone in the house had to report to the chief steward in advance before going out after getting permission.

The people in the kitchen are freer, but she is a newcomer and can't find a reason to go out.

"Tell me the secret, I'll go shopping and bring you delicious milk cakes and jar chicken!"

Seeing that Erni was still a little entangled, Li Haitang raised his stake. The family seldom cooks chicken, and Erni's little girl is greedy. She chatted with Aunt Liu yesterday, and she knew that Erni likes jar chicken the most.

"make a deal!"

As soon as eating was mentioned, Erni immediately became more energetic, "Sister Luluo, you can go out, but it must not exceed two hours."

Going out from there is the back street of the mansion, and then walk a street further, there are grocery stores, liquor stores, rouge and gouache shops, everything you need, if you hurry up, it will take less than half an hour to go back and forth.

And there is a carriage and horse shop not far away, go to the carriage and horse shop to find a carriage, in winter, you don't have to run errands yourself, saving time and effort.

"It sounds like you have a lot of experience."

Li Haitang agreed, her eyes lit up, the car dealership where Yun Jinghong was located and the grocery store where Mr. Savage's husband was located were both in the backstreet.

If you can go in and out, it will provide great convenience for escape, and it will be a no-brainer!

"Sister Luluo, let me tell you that there is a house in the back garden. The gardener lives in it in summer, and it is empty in winter. The gardener's room has a door, which is made like a wall, and it can't be seen from the outside. If it doesn't come out, just push it and it will open.

This place was originally made by the gardener for the convenience of going out, and Erni discovered the secret by accident.

But the gardener was beheaded last year because he killed the old lady's favorite flower, so she was the only one who knew the secret.

"Don't worry, I'll go and come back quickly, and I will never implicate you."

Li Haitang was overjoyed in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, he followed Erni all the way to the main courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"You are Luluo, our aunt has been waiting for you for a while."

A little girl followed and saw Li Haitang carrying a food box, and hurriedly led someone in.

Bai Lu served Yu Wenshou yesterday, the two fought passionately, and Yu Wenshou directly raised her to his aunt, and specially allowed her to live in the small courtyard of the city lord's mansion, which is considered a great grace.

The aunt in the house has her own house, and only Bailu is the closest.

"Go back, it's none of your business."

As the little maid said, she sent Erni away, but Erni looked reluctant. She ran errands to see Bai Lu and get some benefits, not just for nothing.

It's freezing cold, at least some hot tea and cakes!

"Take that little girl to have tea, give a red seal, and treat it as joy."

While talking, Bai Lu hung the curtain to go out, and gave instructions to the little maid.

She was dressed in a peach red dress, her face was full of red light, she could see that she had been greatly satisfied last night, her face was full of joy, and she was not cold towards Li Haitang.

It can be seen that Aunt Liu said that those are more reliable, and she is really not looking for trouble when she comes here.


Li Haitang delivered the things, and then followed into the door.

Bai Lu occupied three rooms, and the decorations in her own boudoir were all added last night. The city lord said that he would invite her to spend the night tonight.

"I was wrong yesterday. I don't care about you kicking me down. After all, I got a blessing in disguise."

Bai Lu is an open-minded person, open and honest, and asked Li Haitang to sit down. The purpose of her asking someone to come is simple, to thank, and to learn about beef tongue cakes by the way.

The city lord seemed to like this cake very much, he ate all of it yesterday, there was not a single piece left, there was nothing in the tray, and his hands were still groping for it. This is an opportunity to please the city lord, Bai Lu will not miss it.

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