Li Haitang followed Aunt Liu to the big kitchen, and the rest of the people watched coldly, showing no intention of stepping forward to help.

Most of the kitchen workers are born in the family, but Li Haitang is a foreigner and a newcomer, so she is more excluded, and she can't even order the little maid who specializes in lighting the oven for the pastry.

"Who helped light the fire?"

Li Haitang asked three times, but no one answered, she became angry.

To put it bluntly, whether it's a child born at home or bought from outside, they are all slaves. She pretends to be a wolf with a big tail, and she's big!

That's good, she won't do it either, no one is afraid of anyone!

Li Haitang moved a small bench, sat by the stove, picked up a roasted sweet potato, tore off the skin, and ate it with relish.

Seeing this, the rest of the people looked worried, the newcomer is not out of his mind, right? The city wants dim sum, and this is the first time in two months that she dared to steal and play tricks.

Even if the errand originally belonged to Master Xu, but no one is there, she can only be used to fill it up, and the rest of the people can't make pastries well.

"Why don't you do it yet?"

One of them gave Li Haitang a condescending look, "You are a newcomer, but you should know the rules, right?"

"Rule, do you still have the nerve to tell me the rule?"

Li Haitang has a temperament that does not offend others, but it is not dough that can be kneaded by others.

The other party was aggressive, she stood up immediately, her body was full of sternness, which scared the speaker.

Obediently, they are all servants. This new girl's eyes are not much less powerful than the old lady's. She is not blind, right?

"If you don't work, if the city lord punishes you, you will be unlucky. I am kindly reminding you."

The speaker made unreasonable words, anyway, a little girl has no foundation in the house, and she can't make waves.

"Really? Then punish it."

Li Haitang looked indifferent, she was new here, so it made sense, and she couldn't even command the fire-burning girl in the stove, so what else did she do?

The other party will show her off, okay, she will go on, the big deal is to go into the water together, injuring the enemy by a thousand, and injuring himself by eight hundred.

Li Haitang is so unscrupulous, it makes the whole room think deeply, the newcomers are really not easy to bully, the point is, they don't want to be scolded because of this, after all, no one will do anything, if the chief manager asks, they will understand what's going on, and they will also It doesn't matter!

"Hurry up, Erni, hurry up and light the fire!"

No one did anything, and finally pushed the work to Erni who had just entered the door. It's just lighting a fire. Hearing that dim sum has its own share, Er Ni happily agreed.

While the fire was burning, Li Haitang started kneading the noodles, waking them up, and frying the white sesame seeds and salt and pepper. What she was going to make was a more famous modern snack, ox tongue pancakes.

The filling of the ox tongue cake is not ox tongue, but made into the shape of ox tongue. The outer skin is crispy, and the inside is mixed with sesame and salt. When you bite down, it is crispy and delicious, and it is delicious that most people cannot resist.

She knows a lot of sweet cakes, but the salty ones change from time to time, and the fillings are almost the same.

The ox tongue cake is the simplest among them, and she can't waste time now, lest she be picked on by others.

After a while, with the help of Erni and Aunt Liu, the beef tongue cakes were put into the oven one by one.

Don't underestimate the girl who made the fire. It's not as simple as throwing firewood into the stove. You can also adjust the heat at any time. With Erni's help, Li Haitang baked a batch of beef tongue cakes with almost no effort.

She found out which ones were better in heat, and put them in the tray, and kept four or five of the ones that were hot or not good-looking.

Li Haitang ate one by herself and nodded frequently. She kept the rest for an extra meal at night, and gave the three to Aunt Liu and Erni as agreed in advance.

As for the people in the kitchen, she didn't want to talk to them. If she is flattering, she may not be able to establish a good relationship. It is best for everyone not to interfere with each other in the future, otherwise, she is not a vegetarian!

"Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang didn't come today, why don't we go and send them off."

The cooks are scrambling for the chance to show their faces in front of the city lord.

"Erni, you lead the way, and I will deliver it. After all, I made the things, so I have to explain how to use them with the city lord."

It's a good opportunity, why should it be cheaper for others? Li Haitang grabbed Erni to lead the way, and the two drifted away under the jealous eyes of a group of people.

On the way, Li Haitang looked left and right, and formed a map in her mind. When she got to the city lord's courtyard, she had to write it down carefully, not letting go of a small detail.

"Sister Luluo, why did you offend them on the first day you came here?"

Er Ni looked very relieved, but she was also a little worried about Li Haitang. After all, those people are not easy-going, and they are not afraid of troubles on the surface, but they are afraid of stumbling behind.

Li Haitang smiled in her heart, because she was not a real servant, and she didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for another second when Liu Su was rescued.

The last time she left, she said that she never wanted to come to this **** place again, and as a result, everything failed.

"Beside the city lord, there are two big maids who are very popular in the mansion. One is called Bai Lu and the other is called Shuang Jiang."

Erni pursed her lips, both of them were maids who wanted to climb into the bed, so they had great intentions, but unfortunately after so many years, they failed to climb into the bed, and they were still girls.

Both of them are jealous of beauty, but sister Luluo is average-looking and honest, so she should not be troubled.

Chatting along the way, Li Haitang followed Erni to the main courtyard.

The main courtyard of the city lord's mansion also has a small cross courtyard. I don't know where to get the hot spring water. A pool was dug directly in the courtyard, with pebbles paved underneath, and there were jumping fish in it.

"This is the place where the city lord takes a bath. Don't look at the outside, it's freezing. The water here is very hot. Look, it's still steaming."

Erni had been here once before, and came again, and she was still interested in the pond. She pointed at Xiaoyu and talked to Li Haitang with great interest.

Li Haitang couldn't help nodding, showing a strange expression, playing the bumpkin vividly.

"What are you doing here?"

In the winter, Bai Lu only wore a small jacket, showing a graceful figure. She glanced at Erni and Li Haitang, frowned slightly, and didn't understand until she saw the food box.

Actually, it wasn't the city lord who wanted to eat snacks today, but she wanted to eat it, so she falsely preached the imperial decree. Anyway, they did a lot of this kind of thing, but they just ate it in one bite. Even if the city lord knew about it, he wouldn't say anything.

Bai Lu was about to dismiss the two of them, but Yu Wenshou came out from the house, which startled her.

"City Master, it's freezing cold, why did you come out?"

Facing Yu Wenshou, Bai Lu unconsciously spoke softly, her eyes dripping water.

It's a pity that the latter didn't respond. With a cold face, he said directly to Li Haitang, "What you have in your hand is a snack?"

"If you go back to the city lord, it's the ox tongue cake newly made by the servant." Li Haitang deliberately lowered her voice, making it appear thicker. She was afraid that the other party would recognize her voice, so she spoke cautiously.

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