Ruan Pingzhi cried and laughed, experienced great joy and great sorrow, and it took about a quarter of an hour before he slowly regained his senses.

He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, a little embarrassed, "Cousin, brother-in-law, I've lost my composure."

"It's not an outsider, cousin, you are too polite."

Li Haitang shook her head. During this period of time, she could actually feel that Ruan Pingzhi's life from the capital to Beidi was no longer that of the young master of the Ruan Mansion.

"When I left, I wrote Wang's deeds on paper and posted them in the downtown area. I thought it would be effective..."

Ruan Pingzhi took a sip of the wine, his mouth full of bitterness, which actually had little effect. After all, most people just talked about it after dinner, and there was no evidence, and there were many people who slandered indiscriminately.

The Ruan family and the Wang family have a good relationship. Although the Wang family made a mistake, they tried to cover it up, just to maintain the interests of the two families. If the big Wang family didn't stand up again and make the Ruan family lose face, his matter might not be over so quickly. .

Now, he has nothing to do with the Wang family. What a loving couple, respecting each other like a guest, this word is only ironic in his ears.

"No matter what, cousin, you are free now, and you still have the fifth son." Li Haitang comforted a few words symbolically, believing that Ruan Pingzhi was a sensible person. As for Old Shangshu Ruan vomiting blood and being sick in bed, she was not worried at all, old man Strong winds and waves are coming, and it’s not a big deal that my granddaughter was poisoned and died, because a big goose can really make me sick from worry, and finally was killed by the big goose

take away?

Anyway, she didn't feel anything about the Ruan family and didn't care.

After the firewood was burned out, Li Haitang poured a cup of tea to extinguish the last sparks. Ruan Pingzhi stood up, took the little five, and wandered to the next courtyard.

It was getting late, the wind blew up in the evening, the north wind was howling, and occasionally a crisp sound could be heard, the strong wind hung up the branches, and the ground was in a mess.

The winter in the border town is like this. There is no one outside the door, and the bright hall is illuminated by the white snow. You can see the road ahead without the need for lanterns.

A road swept out in the morning was covered with a thin layer of snow, which was blown off the roofs and treetops. There is a vast expanse of whiteness in the distance, and the mountains and mountain villages cannot be distinguished clearly. The color is light and ink like a landscape painting.

"Lady, go to bed early."

Xiao Lingchuan stood behind Li Haitang and helped her tighten the cloak on her body. No matter how beautiful the snow scene is, it would be boring to watch it all day long.

"I'm thinking about Liu Su, she's pregnant, will those savages do anything?"

A deep worry appeared in Li Haitang's eyes. Manzi is savage by nature, and she has been to Surabaya City, and she has a deep feeling about it.

It's not just a matter of national hatred and family feud, but she hates such a barbaric country from the bottom of her heart. The barbarians are extremely repulsive to foreigners and very warlike. Even ordinary people hate Daqi people.

"Snatch Daqi's shop and burn those **** to death!"

These words were probably heard from the mouth of the barbarian's little boy. The fathers practiced burning, killing and looting, and believed that the people of Daqi were inferior people and deserved to be enslaved.

Xiao Lingchuan shook his head, he couldn't answer this question, because what the lady said was the truth, and this was also the reason why Yun Jinghong went crazy.

There cannot be a commander in the army, and it is impossible for Yun Jinghong to exchange himself for tassels.

They knew that this was a barbarian's strategy, but they had no choice.

From his standpoint, he couldn't even stop Yun Jinghong. If it was his wife who was trapped, he might lead the Xiao family army to crush the barbarians and kill everyone. What innocent people, this has something to do with him? Something happened to his wife, so he wanted to bloodbath the barbarians and let everyone be buried with him! No one will be left alive!

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