Although Li Tianshi didn't understand clearly, but relying on analysis, Li Haitang also asked some questions.

According to Li Tianshi's impression, he was raised and imprisoned by others, with food and drink, and no worries about food and clothing.

But based on his description, Li Haitang guessed that he might have been abandoned by his parents, and sold to a small house where he lived and lived. Because of his good looks, he was brought up until he met Zeng Yan.

Zeng Yan, who likes masculinity, seduces him with food and other things. This time he came to the border town to inquire about news, and sent a few men to create a Li Tianshi.

It has to be said that without the involvement of Xiao Taohong from De Quan's class, Li Tianshi's characterization would have been very successful, at least with ease, Li Haitang's popularity would have declined rapidly.

The common people do not recognize Miracle Doctor Li, but believe in Tianshi Li even more, and they have no doubts about the magical power.

If the situation continues to spread, the consequences will be immeasurable, after all, the spiritual rule is very terrible.

The harvest of the night trial was to let Xiao Lingchuan know the mastermind behind the scenes, Zeng Yan had always been suspected, and now it was only confirmed.

Regarding Li Tianshi's disposition, Xiao Lingchuan was in trouble, so it was not right to keep him, let alone kill him.

"A chess piece that is useless is a dead end. Let him live in the cell now."

Li Haitang sighed wistfully. Fortunately, the environment in the cell was not bad, at least it could guarantee Li Tianshi's safety. Another point, after she felt her pulse, she found that Li Tianshi was also contaminated with those white powders, and had to inhale some every two or three days.

If Zeng Yan used this kind of thing to control his subordinates, then it would be really terrifying!

After a night of nothing, Li Haitang got up early the next morning, and realized for the first time that her savage husband did not go to the camp in the north of the city, but was on the side of the bed.


With a swipe of her hands, she woke up instantly.

"Well, I'm here."

A series of actions fell into Xiao Lingchuan's eyes, he was really funny and distressed, he left before dawn, so when the lady got up, the other side of the bed was cold.

"Why didn't you go to Daying North of the city?"

"I will accompany you for a day."

With the help of Xiao Taohong from Youde's whole class, there is almost no need to worry about food and grass issues, and Manzi is waiting for Daqi's decision on substitutions. There should be no war in the past few days.

What should come, will come sooner or later, no one can stop it, so Xiao Lingchuan wanted to spend a day with his wife before the **** storm.

"Okay then, let's go to the countryside!"

Li Haitang quickly washed her face, put on her clothes, and went to the courtyard to look for Bai Bing. Yesterday's free clinic and charity performance, because of the traffic congestion, she missed the appointment with the villagers.

Now that the savage husband is here, the husband and wife are together and cooperate with each other tacitly.

After all, that little trick to deceive one's eyes requires a real knife, and Li Haitang doesn't believe anyone except Xiao Lingchuan.

Xiao Lingchuan paused for a moment, then nodded, he knew in his heart that with his wife like this, she was still thinking of him, lest he worry about food and grass.

Originally he was free today, he wanted to take her for a walk around the city, to buy new year's goods, to see the excitement, since the war in the Northland, he has been missing all day, and often came back in the middle of the night, only Li Haitang's sleeping face was seen .

He is not a qualified husband, nor is he a qualified father.

Li Haitang thought nothing of it, and was very excited. After breakfast, the couple took Song Qingyang, Wu Qi, and a group of people to do things with the guys who were used as props, and set out on the road in a mighty way.

"Miss, you'd better wear a mask."

Xiao Lingchuan pointed at the mask on the table, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It seems a bit embarrassing for the majestic doctor Li to go out and show off.


Through Li Tianshi's incident, Li Haitang found that she was too down-to-earth before, so she decided to be a cold person and not show up easily.

In winter, cats and cats from every household in the village would drop by at most to do sewing together. I heard that there was a team coming to the village to juggle. The elderly and children were very active. They helped build the table in advance and came with a small bench.

They have no news in the village, and there is only one bullock cart in the village. It is not easy to go to the city.

"Fathers and folks, it's the Chinese New Year, we're here today just to let everyone watch the fun..."

Wufu took the stage first, and everyone was excited when he spoke, and they were looking forward to the juggling below.

Generally, the finale should be put at the end, and the warm-up is the first to start, to warm up.

In fact, everyone only has a general plan, and the time is limited, and there is no time to arrange the order of appearance.

"Ma'am, who will go first?"

Wu Fu was a little worried. Zhao Langzhong and his party only knew medical skills, so there was no need to count on them. Apart from her strength, she had nothing else to offer.

"I come."

In order to win Wu Fu's favor, Wu Qi stepped forward. He felt that this was a good opportunity and he should express himself.

"Scholar Wu, what do you know? You can't lift your shoulders, you can't lift your hands..."

Wu Fu rolled his eyes and looked contemptuous. He was a pedantic scholar, and he would say what he said, and fell asleep in the audience after a while.

"Don't look down on people, I can talk about storytelling!"

Wu Qi blushed, although he used to be a little pedantic and despised the villagers, but after being stabbed by the big foot, his bad habits changed in all directions, and he no longer judged people by their appearance.

What's the use of a woman's delicate girl, who is soft and good-looking?

Living at home, the family needs to chop firewood, wash clothes, fetch water, and grind the mill. Instead of finding such an ancestor, it is better to marry a strong and strong little lady, who is at least an expert in living at home, practical, and has a sense of security.

Wu Qi thought for a while, his ears turned red, he had a dream a few days ago, in the dream he was sleeping on the same bed with Wu Fu, in the middle of the night, a thief entered the house, Wu Fu was playing with a rolling pin, he was flying up and down, and beat him up Dizzy little thief.

Wu Qi patted his chest. When he learned that he was going to the countryside, he made preparations, which would definitely impress Wu Fu.

"You you on the line."

Wufu made a gesture of invitation, and then in the audience, there is no wind today, and the sun is still there. The weather is considered good in the twelfth lunar month.

Wu Qi moved onto the table, held a piece of wood, and tapped it from time to time to create an atmosphere for himself.

Not to mention, he was so sharp, he was talking about his own adventures, Sunset Mountain included his cousin Song Qingyang’s phobia, he was stabbed by a big foot, and he met Dr. Li Yunyun...

"If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!" Wu Qi knocked on the wood, and the villagers below immediately erupted! Everyone has never heard of such a beautiful story, and they haven't listened to it enough, so why is it gone?

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