Li Haitang just wanted to be quiet, almost everything came one after another, one after another, which made her feel overwhelmed.

She absolutely supports debunking Li Tianshi, but she can only play a supporting role. In terms of status in the hearts of the people, she is not as good as Xiao Taohong.

"No matter how beautiful she is, she's just an actor!"

Ma Bihe was very excited. She was about to yell, but Li Haitang immediately covered her mouth. It's fine to understand some words in your heart, and don't say them outright.

The stage had just been set up, and tens of thousands of people had already surrounded it.

Li Haitang opened the window of the carriage to let Ma Bihe look out.

"Haitang, you are quite influential. Look, the high platform of the free clinic is full of people."

The common people may worship Little Taohong and like to go to theaters, but they still care about their bodies, especially in winter, when they are most likely to catch wind and cold. No, they all came to Zhao Langzhong for his pulse.

"Look carefully."

Li Haitang's face was full of black lines, she thought so at first, and then saw that the people standing on the high platform were all looking to the north, and that was the high platform of Dequan class.

Including Zhao Baoshan, they all maintained a posture, stretched their necks and waited to watch the excitement!


All the people brought by Li Haitang went to listen to the play, and the high platform he built was also taken up by those waiting to watch the show. Ma Bihe glanced at her secretly, and felt sorry for her good sister.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Tianshi and others also built a high platform in an open space. Before, they relied on publicity, but this time, taking advantage of the popularity of the whole class, they performed a fireball swallowing performance, which will definitely cause shock in the border town Effect!

"Master Ma, our Tianshi Li is new here, so we must not be as attractive as the whole class of De. Today, we will build a high platform, just in time to fight with Xiao Taohong."

The little guy told Master Ma that not being good-looking means everything, and their Li Tianshi has magical skills!

"My dad is here too!"

Seeing her father, Ma Bihe's pupils shrank, and she wished she could get out of the car and tear up these magic sticks, but she held back, and if she couldn't bear it, she would make a big mess.

Li Haitang is very calm, she believes in Xiao Taohong's popularity, Li Tianshi? There is no place to cry when you cry for a while.

There was a stove on the carriage, and Li Haitang was roasting sweet potatoes and warming up with a sip of hot tea.

At present, she and Xiao Taohong are in the same group, and Xiao Taohong can raise food, and it will also enter the stomachs of the soldiers of the camp in the north of the city, so she is not worried at all.

"Little Taohong, little Taohong, why are the flowers so red!"

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the troupe master came out from behind the curtain and talked about the purpose of building the stage this time.

"We all brought food!"

The peach blossoms are very popular, that is to say, at the end of the year, every household has a lot of stock, poor people carry brown rice and rough noodles, and some people directly prepare sweet potatoes and other things, all of which can be used as food to fill their stomachs.

Everyone has pockets around them, and they would rather have a few meals of porridge than collect food for the generals in the army.

"Li Tianshi is here, Li Tianshi is going to swallow the fireball!"

Just when there was no sound, the young man next to Li Tianshi jumped onto the high platform and shouted at the crowd, obviously using Xiao Taohong's popularity to attract people for himself.

In fact, although Li Tianshi was new here, his popularity in the border town was not bad, but his actions were not very authentic.

It's really shameless to yell at yourself on someone else's high platform!

Some peach blossoms with a firm stand, especially the older ladies, immediately scolded, "Master Li Tian is so fart, get out!"

Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, he can't stop the peach blossoms' enthusiasm for watching the show! Heavenly Master stand aside!

"Li Tianshi can use his powers to cure diseases, and he can swallow big fireballs without drinking bitter medicine soup!"

After being scolded for no reason, Xiao Luo was also dumbfounded. He thought that because of Li Tianshi's popularity, this group of people had to follow him.

In the end, what was expected didn't happen. He was scolded by a few wives until he was bloody, and his nose was ashamed!

"What does swallowing fireballs have to do with us? Besides, if you get sick, you can go to Dr. Li, and there is also a table for free medicine over there."

The aunt was extremely disgusted by someone stealing Xiao Taohong's limelight, and led the peach blossoms to fight back without mercy. Everyone was attracted by Dequan's new play, and had no time to talk to Li Tianshi and his group. Stay is not.

With gongs and drums beating, the theater troupe kicked off, and the whole group watched with great interest.

De Quanban is best at suspense-style plays, with scenes and rich content, which can especially arouse the emotions of movie fans.

Today's announcement is mainly about a woman in the village who died tragically at home, and anyone who visited her home that day was suspected of murder.

And Xiao Taohong is a scholar in the village. After getting the news, she was elected to solve the case.

People like Li Haitang, who have no sense of listening to the opera, can't help being fascinated. No wonder Xiao Taohong is sought after by peach blossoms, except for his face, his singing and acting skills are really extraordinary.

"Who is the murderer? It looks like anyone."

Unknowingly, Ma Bihe was also brought into the play, guessing along with the people around her.

There were crowds of people around, but when Xiao Taohong was singing, no one spoke, because the little boy made a dissatisfied voice, and was violently dragged to a corner by several aunts, where he was beaten up.

To slander Little Taohong? That is to have trouble with all peach blossoms!

At the end of a scene, everyone was still unsatisfied, and Li Haitang couldn't help giving his own applause. A lot of suspense is set up in the play, with climaxes one after another, and in the end, the climax ends.

When she got out of the carriage, she found that the high platform set up by Li Tianshi was still full of people, all of them crowded their heads, all looking in the direction of De Quan's class.


After a crisp sound, the middle of the high platform cracked open, and the person standing on it suddenly let out a scream.

"No, the high platform collapsed, and someone was injured!"

Someone yelled, those high platforms have a good view, but there are load-bearing ones. Li Haitang's side has something under it for support, but the high platform on Li Tianshi's side is hollow, with a split in the middle, and more than half of the people fell, including Li Tianshi is inside.

"It's not good, Li Tianshi is under the pressure!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone was in a hurry.

Master Ma and Li Tianshi fell together, Ma Bihe's head buzzed and he almost fainted.

The high platform is more than two meters high, and there is some snow below it as a buffer, so it's fine for others, her father's head can't bear such a fall!

Thinking of this, Ma Bihe rushed down, and Zhao Baoshan, who heard the voice, ordered his men to dismantle the high platform to save people.

"It's okay, why are you nervous? With Li Tianshi here, doesn't Li Tianshi have magical skills?" Some people in the crowd believed in Li Tianshi, and said lightly. When the little guy heard it, he staggered and almost fell. He folded his palms together , God bless Li Tianshi is okay, otherwise, how would he explain it?

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