The man Xu Er was more nervous than anyone else. He was trembling, but his eyes were fixed on the guy.

At first, the guy was still sane, facing everyone, after about a quarter of an hour, his face began to contort, ferocious, as if the muscles on his face had been torn.


Then, the guy made a noise, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Everyone in the audience clutched their little hearts, and their hearts were beating thumping. Seeing that the buddy passed out, they thought something had happened.

The other guy stood aside, with a calm expression, shaking his head to the people in the audience, he was in the midst of a psychic, and he must not be disturbed.

For about half a moment, the sitting buddy gradually regained consciousness. He opened his eyes, looked around blankly, and made a hoarse voice from his throat, which was quite different from himself.

"This is... where is this?"

The guy moved his body, and then his eyes gradually became focused, and when he was fixed on Xu Er's body, his pupils suddenly dilated.

"It's the second boy, mother's second boy?"

After the man finished speaking, tears flowed down his face.

Wu Fu was completely dumbfounded. What's going on? That Xu Er's mother kissed the guy?

It is mainly an old woman with a young boy on top of her body. This scene is a bit weird.

"Mother, mother, I am the second boy!"

Xu Er told everyone before that at home, his mother called him the second boy. Originally, he had an elder brother, but when he was a few years old, he suffered a sudden illness and passed away.

Later, his parents had him, but they still habitually called him the second boy.

"Second boy, why are you here?"

Xu Er's mother was stupid and didn't understand the situation. As soon as she asked, her face changed, "Could it be that you were arrested by Black and White Impermanence and Bull Head Horse Face?"

"Mom, it's not me, I'm not dead."

Xu Er shook his head, time was running out, there was no delay, there was only one stick of incense, and if the incense burned out, his mother would have to go back.

"It's Li Tianshi who is psychic, let you and me see each other for the last time."

Xu Er cried while talking, and immediately knelt down in front of the clerk, kowtowed three times, and called mother.

"Ma'am, do you think this psychic is real?"

Looking at it like this, Wu Fu's hairs stood on end. She approached her wife and asked in a low voice.

"Hard to say."

There are some things that cannot be explained by science. Of course, Li Haitang, a doctor, knows about these things. Just like many natural phenomena, people cannot control them for the time being.

Although psychics were also introduced in books, she had never seen it.

There must be high-level people, but there are still more liars among the people than high-level people.

"If all of this is performed, it will be more exciting than the troupe."

If it was in the past, Wufu would definitely believe it 100% of the time, but since she followed her wife, she began to learn to think.

The reason for thinking is also very simple. The other party sent five eggs to let everyone in. He always felt that everything was planned from the beginning.

Li Haitang didn't speak, but put his eyes on the high platform.

At this moment, Xu Er has already explained the reason to his mother, talking about his unfilial piety, in order to make money from darts, he can't stay at home all year round, and can't accompany his parents to fulfill his filial piety.

"Second boy, my mother left suddenly, and I didn't have time to say something to you, thanks to Li Tianshi."

Xu Er's mother asked Xu Er to come forward, some words should not be heard by everyone, it is not enough for outsiders to understand.

After the mother and son finished speaking, Xu Er wiped away his tears and bowed to Tianshi Li by the way.

"Second boy, your father, that old man, was ambiguous with the Widow Wang next door when I was alive. He went out that morning, and I was anxious to follow him to see if he went to the Widow Wang's house again. , I kowtowed my head anxiously."

Xu Erniang didn't seem to intend to say this, and when she was a little unclear in the end, she babbled nonsense, so that the buddy also beat her chest and wiped her tears, which was too much trouble.

Soon, the last half of the incense turned into ashes, and the man was unconscious again.

Xu Er was standing on the high platform, dumbstruck, unable to react for a long time.

"Second boy, is what your mother said true? Your neighbor is really a widow?"

Seeing this, someone below hurriedly inquired, without caring about Xu Er's feelings, and stabbed him in the heart again.

"The next door is a widow. Her husband's surname is Wang. I always call her Aunt Wang."

After Xu Er finished speaking, he burst into tears, he was the one who killed his mother!

"What's the matter?"

There should be a story in it, and everyone is more interested in the matter between Xu Er's father and the widow.

"A brother of mine is Lin Wu. His father is an old widower for many years. He fell in love with Aunt Wang next door to my house. He is thin-skinned and hard to say..."

Xu Er was very depressed. Lin Wu's father gave him money, so he asked his father to collect firewood and send it to the widow next door.

In fact, there is no complicated relationship between them, just buying and selling firewood. He was afraid that his mother would be narrow-minded, so he didn't tell. As a result... her mother became more suspicious and directly killed her.

Xu Er couldn't accept it no matter what, and he turned out to be the culprit.

As for the whispering between the two mothers, it's actually nothing. His mother saved some money, hid it, and told him where the things were hidden. If it wasn't for this psychic channeling, his mother had been thinking about giving him dreams.

"It's all my fault, thank you Li Tianshi, if it wasn't for..."

Xu Er couldn't go on, weeping uncontrollably.

"Second boy, don't be too sad. A person's lifespan is fixed. If the King of Hades makes the third watch die, people won't be able to stay until the fifth watch."

Some people thought that Xu Er was really pitiful, and kindly comforted and persuaded him, but one psychic channeling was too much mana, and Li Tianshi couldn't do it often.

Everyone feasted their eyes and felt that they hadn't come in vain.

After waiting for a while, the clerk came to his senses, he didn't know anything about what happened just now, and he didn't remember or remember a word of what Xu Erniang said.

A psychic ceremony is completely over.

The buddy replaced Li Tianshi and gave a speech full of emotion. The meaning behind the words was that Li Tianshi wanted to set up an organization called Fushoutang, which was dedicated to renewing people's lives.

Doctor Li can only cure diseases, but cannot extend life, but Li Tianshi is not a mortal.

"Ma'am, look, he's bragging again."

Wu Fu rolled his eyes, and brought his wife along again this time.

"Didn't you just say that everything is fate, and fate can be changed by people?"

Wu Fu can't stand the prickly head, and professionally sings the opposite.

"Joke, our Li Tianshi is not a mortal!"

When the guy saw Wufu, he wished he could kick him out. Until the next time he picked someone, all the tall and big ladies would not be allowed in.

"Anyone who is willing to join Fushoutang and honor Tianshi Li, please come here to register." A person can get the blessing of Tianshi Li with only 200 Wen. Just put it on your body.

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