In the evening, there was another snowfall, and the north wind howled outside the window. Even if we put up straw mats, it couldn't block the pervasive cold wind.

Li Haitang stood under the eaves for a while in a fur cloak, her cheeks were flushed from the cold, she rubbed her hands together, and then covered her face, gaining the warmth for a moment.

It was dinner time, and the smell of food came from every household. The area where she was located was a few steps away from the city gate.

The people who lived in the border town before, because of the war between the two countries, for the convenience of the general's family, they set aside this area separately.

The camp in the north of the city paid for the family members of the army.

My own yard was bought by the family, and the house where the young couple entered has many houses, as well as special warehouses and warehouses, enough for the family to live in.

On a snowy day, looking at the smoke from every household, most of the houses in Beidi are made of stones, which gives a sense of heaviness.

"Mother Yu, what are you eating at home today?"

In the cold weather, it's better to eat some hot pot and drink some hot soup. Li Haitang stomped the snow on his shoes and prepared to go back to his room to nest.

"Ma'am, Song Shaodong's family came to Licheng to deliver some seafood, and this old slave is stewing a fish pot." The young master Song Mo of Song Shaodong's Tianxiang Building that Yu Yu said was also an old acquaintance of Li Haitang, and his wife Liu Xian'er was pregnant. , originally wanted to ask Li Haitang to deliver the baby, and the two families had calculated the expected date of delivery, but unfortunately, one month before the delivery, Liu Xian'er tripped over the threshold of her family and sent the baby ahead of time.

Move, wait for Wen Po to arrive, she has already given birth to the child, it is a little girl.

Song Mo was overjoyed, but he was afraid that the little girl would be a bit incomplete like Liu Xian'er, so he brought Xiaowa here from Licheng.

In winter, the channel from the canal to Yong'an was closed, and a group of people came in a carriage without much trouble. Fortunately, the news was good. Although the baby was born prematurely, because it was well nursed in the mother's womb, it was white and fat. There's nothing wrong with infirmity.

Song Mo learned that Li Haitang likes seafood, so he brought a lot of good things with him. A wooden storage cabinet was placed outside the yard of his house. There were several compartments inside, and fish and shrimp were placed in different categories to satisfy her appetite.

"Is it stewed swallow fish?"

Li Haitang squinted his eyes. The Huangyan that I went to eat at the seaside in Licheng in summer weighed about 20 catties. Now the ones sent by Song Mo are all small ones, about two catties. For a large family, stew two , plus some potato wide noodles, but it is enough to eat.

When it was out of the pot, a layer of coriander was sprinkled on top, which was just seasoned. The potatoes were stained with delicious fish soup, and it was almost sandy in the mouth. She could eat two large steamed buns with white noodles.

In the past, the military affairs of the camp in the north of the city were busy, and Xiao Lingchuan would not be able to come back until nightfall, but today it was early, and before dinner was served, he appeared at the door.

In winter, Xiao Lingchuan was also dressed in a black outfit, even though he was wearing a cloak, it still made people feel light.

Li Haitang couldn't help but feel cold for him when he saw his wife, a savage, and would go up to hold his hand every time, but it was warm.

"Husband, you came back very early today."

When the couple returned to their room, Li Haitang stood on tiptoe, patted the falling snow on his body with his hands, and then hung the cloak on the hanger by the door.

There are some modern and commonly used furniture in the house, especially the clothes hangers are the most practical. Li Haitang doesn't have to ask Nanny Yu and Wu Fu to open the cage to help find clothes every time he goes out.

"Well, Manzi didn't move at all today, and Yun Jinghong was watching, so I'll be back first."

For nearly a month, Xiao Lingchuan came back every day and night, and every time he went home, he saw the oil lamps in the room. Li Haitang was either sitting at the table waiting for her, with the already cold food on it, or , She fell asleep on the sofa, covered with a silk quilt.

Xiao Lingchuan felt sorry for his wife, there was a boy named Doubao looking for his mother in the middle of the night, and the couple hadn't made out for a while.

"Is General Yun's stare reliable?"

Li Haitang raised his eyebrows, walked to the table, and poured a cup of hot tea for his savage husband to drive away the cold.

After Tassel disappeared, Yun Jinghong acted like a madman, looking for people everywhere, not interested in military affairs at all.

Li Haitang felt a little regretful, if he knew that Liusu was pregnant, he shouldn't have said the news, but if he had concealed it, he would definitely complain in the future.

Furthermore, it may not be safe for Liusu to be wanted by people in the black market. If he can be protected by Yun Jinghong, it may well be a way out.

It's a pity that Liusu has a strong self-esteem, he always likes to suffer silently by himself, and doesn't like to cause trouble for others.

"Not reliable."

Xiao Lingchuan twitched the corners of his mouth, but no matter how unreliable, Yun Jinghong is the chief general in the army, some responsibilities are unavoidable, and he is only avenging the Xiao family, and the responsibility is to rebuild the Xiao family army.

"Lisu has been away for so long, and there is no news. I am also very worried. Besides, counting the time, I am afraid that she will give birth after a while."

Li Haitang sighed, just as the nanny brought the dinner, the couple sat opposite each other and ate the hot fish pot.

During this period, Xiaodoubao was drooling, and Li Haitang didn't dare to feed him too much, so he only added a little fish soup with Xiaowa.

There are few fish bones in the swallow, and the fish soup is delicious. The little bun drank it with relish, and danced with his hands and feet to express his joy.

"Lady, let's change the room of the bean bag?"

After the meal, the sky had already given, and a few lanterns were lit around the house, emitting a bright halo, coating people's faces with a layer of light.

Li Haitang was holding her chin, thinking that the new jewelry that Yue Hetang was going to make before the New Year would definitely be red as the main color, she was thinking about drawing, and after hearing what the savage husband said, she hurriedly asked, "Husband, how long is it before the Chinese New Year?" It’s been twenty days, so it’s too early for us to remodel now, isn’t it?”

Doubao is different from other babies, he likes the new and dislikes the old. After playing with the same rattle for more than two times, he is definitely not interested, but if you change it to another shape, he will show his liking again.

The only thing I never get tired of is riding a big horse, and I always have a soft spot for letting my father be a cow or a horse.

"not early."

Xiao Lingchuan only hoped that Doubao would grow up quickly, this little boy is a debt collector, not only enslaving him, but also occupying his wife.

But he has nothing to do, after all, it is the fruit he planted himself.

"Lady, I know you like to paint, I brought back a lot of paint this time."

After Xiao Lingchuan finished speaking, he struggled to get a few small buckets in from outside the door. Because they had been outside for too long, some of them were frozen, and they needed to be indoors for a while.

Li Haitang was speechless, she just painted occasionally to cultivate her sentiments, but after discovering that her savage husband was more talented, she became self-aware and stopped playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

"Let's paint with paint, where is the paint?" Li Haitang went to the corner of the study, there was not much rice paper left at home, and he would take Wufu to the market to buy some tomorrow, otherwise there would be too much paint and less paper to use.

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