I don't know who is using fatty meat to refine oil. I remembered that Xiao Lingchuan wanted to have dinner with his wife after traveling far away, but there were still some urgent matters to be resolved. He came back and stayed for a while, then left again.

Li Haitang watched his background disappear at the entrance of the alley, turned around and was about to go back to the yard when someone stopped him.


Ruan Pingzhi went to the inn to wash up and take a nap, then went to the shop to buy something and visited.

"Cousin, you came so fast!"

Li Haitang was taken aback, and then thought of the letter Ruan Pingzhi wrote to his younger brother Li Jinhu. According to the time, Ruan Pingzhi just arrived in Beidi.

When the two met, Ruan Pingzhi first asked about the tragic death of Madam Zhao and several maidservants. He heard that Zeng Yan sent someone to do it, and he was frowning.

Now that the capital is in chaos, there is almost no suspense about King Zhenbei ascending to the high position, and almost everyone in the court is in danger. That's how the marriage between the Ruan family and the Yun family is also meant to protect themselves.

"Little General Yun said that he would not marry unless he was a tassel, and a twisted melon would not be sweet."

When Li Haitang said this, it wasn't that he was partial to Tassel, but that even if his cousin Ruan Mianmian married, she wouldn't be able to please her.

Yun Jinghong, on the surface, is unrestrained and a bit informal, but he is actually a person who accepts death. Such a person will not give up easily, if Ruan Mianmian gets married, Yun Jinghong is very likely to leave his wife behind and go looking for Liusu instead.

The grace of saving one's life, this kind of feeling of going forward and retreating together, and sharing weal and woe, is often deeply rooted, but the Ruan family's voluntary resignation also damages their reputation.

In any case, the two families couldn't get any benefits, but the Ruan family suffered the most, just because Ruan Mianmian was a woman.

"We still have to find Liusu and ask what Liusu means. Is it Yun Jinghong's wishful thinking, or..."

Li Haitang only spoke half of the sentence, and she couldn't continue. Liusu gave Yun Jinghong her innocence, probably not just for fun.

Liusu has a perverse temper and doesn't take the usual path, but she is not someone who takes innocence seriously.

"Can you find her?"

Ruan Pingzhi flicked the water droplets that fell from his body. If he couldn't solve it, he would use the dragging formula. At present, there is no other way.

"Not yet."

Li Haitang shook her head, what she was going to talk about now had nothing to do with Tassel, but to get Xiao Wuzi to recognize her relatives.

"Cousin, I have something to tell you after dinner."

Li Haitang put on a positive look, went out and asked Wu Fu to go to Zhuangzi to bring Xiao Wuzi back.

How old are the five sons, and they only have a nickname so far, so Ruan Pingzhi, the father, should be the first name.

"Why don't you say it now instead of after dinner?"

Ruan Pingzhi took a sip of his tea, the Northland was fine, at least it was cooler than the capital, he wanted to stay for a few days before going back, and let the bad things go, anyway, the result was already preordained and could not be changed.

"I said it now, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat."

Li Haitang looked Ruan Pingzhi up and down, keeping his secrets secret.

"Cousin, you are so mysterious, I feel uneasy, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Ruan Pingzhi: ...

His eyelids twitched a few times, always feeling that there was something important going on in the middle, and his heart was hanging there. He wanted to tell his cousin that he couldn't eat now if he was so secretive.

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, half right."

It is of course a happy event to have blood and blood, to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, but Wang's conspiracy has been exposed, and Ruan Pingzhi has been played like a fool for many years, which is not a good thing.

Ruan Pingzhi asked a few more questions, but seeing that he couldn't come up with the question, he simply let go and talked about trivial matters in the capital.

After all, Wang's matter involved privacy. He asked Li Short Legs for help, which was private. Ruan Pingzhi thought about it, and finally felt a bit complicated. Even if he wanted to say it, Li Haitang might not want to know.

Finally, after dinner, Li Haitang took the man to the side hall, and seeing Wufu brought in the teacup, she knew that the little Wuzi had brought him back.

"Cousin, do you have a childhood sweetheart named Dan He?"

Li Haitang said bluntly without any advance notice.

Here, Ruan Pingzhi was sipping tea. Hearing this, he almost spit out. He glanced at Li Haitang in surprise, "Cousin, have you already asked about this?"

Dan He grew up with him, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a childhood sweetheart, and she should be his first woman.

Before he got married, in order to avoid Wang's reaction, his family sent Dan He away, saying that they would bring her back after a while after they got married.

He waited for half a year, but did not wait for the news of Danhe, and then heard from Wang that he assigned his maid to his family.

If you follow him, you can only be a concubine. It's better to go to a decent family and be the lady in charge.

The man had some unforgettable emotions about his first woman, but at that time Ruan Pingzhi and Wang's newlywed Yan Er, he couldn't take Dan He back, so that his regular wife could not help him, so this matter has been shelved.

Hearing that Danhe got married, he felt a little uncomfortable. Once upon a time, the two were under the same roof, he was studying, Danhe embroidered, and the two could see each other when they raised their heads.

At that time, Ruan Pingzhi was busy with scientific research, studying day and night, not long after, he stopped mentioning it, and kept Danhe in the bottom of his heart.

He sent someone to inquire, and he heard that Danhe went to the south with her husband later, and her husband started a small business, so it was no problem to support the family.

Now, being mentioned by Li Haitang, Ruan Pingzhi immediately stood up, "Cousin, is there any news about Danhe?"

I haven't seen her for many years, and I don't know if she is okay now, if there is a chance to meet, Ruan Pingzhi is willing.

After finishing speaking, his complexion suddenly changed, turning blue and white, thinking of his cousin, there was bad news, could it be... something happened to Danhe?

"Danhe is dead."

Li Haitang stared at Ruan Pingzhi, and said after a while, "She died in Heishui Village, you may not know where it is."

Some women's lives are extremely short, but in the end, they have no complaints or regrets. Before Danhe died, she was very ordinary. She didn't resent anyone. She only hoped that she could help take care of the little five.

"Blackwater Village?"

Ruan Pingzhi really didn't know, but he always felt a little familiar. The news of Dan He's absence alone was enough to surprise him for a while.

After so many years, he was surprised to find that he hadn't forgotten at all, and he had the urge to shed tears after every scene in the past.

Dan He is always so considerate, except for her, after so many years, no one would really stand in his position and think of him.

"Cousin, Heishui Village is in the northwest, with poor mountains and bad waters. Once you enter, you can't get out. There are many people with infectious diseases locked up by the yamen."

Li Haitang was very calm, talking about some experiences in Heishui Village.

"Cousin, you mean, you strayed into Heishui Village by mistake, so you met someone..." Ruan Pingzhi seemed to understand a little bit, but it was so far away, after Dan He died, her body was left in Heishui Village.

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