Recently, Zhang Ruyi was not at home, so Lu Yuanqing simply stayed at Lushan Academy to study hard. When autumn came, he was going to take the imperial examination in Beijing. Now that time was precious, if he had time to go down the mountain, he could study for a while longer.

Mother Lu was on the farm by herself. She was bored and planted some lotus roots and vegetables. After serving them, they grew well and sent them to the house.

Nanny Yu and Mother Lu are both widows. After chatting like this, they found that they could talk together, and they hit it off very well. Sometimes Mother Lu would stay here for two days, helping to watch the bean buns together.

Recently, something happened in the village, Mother Lu was worried, and went back again, but she was alone, so Madam Yu sent Xiao Wuzi to the village to play with her acquaintances.

This child has been too sensible since the death of his mother Danhe, he is obviously a little one, but he insists on pretending to be a little adult.

Mammy Yu couldn't bear it, there were bean buns at home, and these servants surrounded the bean buns, so they would inevitably ignore people.

After sending it to Zhuangzi, the little five sons played and made trouble, and could still accompany Lu Mu every day, and gradually became more cheerful.

"Nurse Yu is still thoughtful."

Li Haitang couldn't help being moved. Ever since she had beanbags, her focus had shifted, and her savage husband almost couldn't take care of her. It's right to hurt beanbags in the future. However, things that should be done by oneself should not be perfunctory.

"I wrote a letter to my cousin, and this is his reply."

Li Jinhu glanced at Sixi, who understood, and took out a kraft paper envelope from his bosom.

Li Haitang took it over and took out the letter paper inside. Ruan Pingzhi meant that he helped to take care of the Jingdu Grange, everything was fine, so that Li Haitang could rest assured, and told Li Jinhu that if you can do what you like, don't worry about other things.

This is already quite rare for the eldest son of the high family.

At the end of the letter, he wrote that the family was worried about his sister Ruan Mianmian, so he had to come and bring her back in person.

The Ruan family was engaged to the Yun family, and it was decided by the elders of the two families to exchange Geng Tie and keepsakes, but the Ruan family didn't think about letting Ruan Mianmian come to the Northland, this trip was secretly run out from the capital by herself.

"So, cousin is coming?"

Li Haitang saw the place where the letter was signed, and it was a month ago. If he was on his way after writing the letter, Ruan Pingzhi should have arrived in a few days.

"So I can't delay, and hurry to send a letter home."

Li Jinhu couldn't say anything about the fifth son, but he heard the news from Kyoto that his cousin Wang gave birth to a son, and the Ruan family celebrated with great fanfare for two or three days.

"Wait for my cousin to come before infiltrating."

Li Haitang was having a headache, she really didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs!

The noon sun was too hot, and there was a grape shelf in the courtyard, which was specially used for shade and coolness. Li Haitang put some of the flower cakes and Northwest specialties he brought, and went into the kitchen to work with Madam Yu.

The younger brother came back, and the original dishes were not enough, so she had to add another one. Later, she will find someone to pick up the fifth son and Mother Lu to have a meal together.

After Zhang Ruyi and her became sworn brothers, the relationship between Lu's mother and her also improved, and the two families walked around more on weekdays.

Xiao Lingchuan's dark face took a while to disappear, and then he came out from the door.

Li Jinhu stood up immediately, with a look of admiration on his face, blinking his starry eyes, "Brother-in-law, you are at home!" Great, I haven't seen my brother-in-law for a long time! Li Jinhu rubbed his hands nervously. His brother-in-law is the best. He can hunt in the mountains. He cooks delicious food and is skilled in martial arts. thumb, very

It's envy.

"at home."

Xiao Lingchuan continued to make a bad face, there was no other way, he couldn't be happy after being disturbed by this matter, he stared at Li Jinhu, and then said, "Let's go, let's find a place, and I'll test your achievements in half a year."

"Okay! Brother-in-law can give me advice, of course it's good!"

Li Jinhu immediately stood up, happily following Xiao Lingchuan's buttocks.

But when he came back, he was ashamed and bruised.

"Jin Hu, where have you been rolling around? Hurry up and wash up, you are an uncle, if you see bean buns like this, you will definitely be disgusted."

After Li Haitang finished speaking, he ran to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

There are many servants in the family, and she is not missing one, but she wanted to surprise the savage husband, so she went to the fire for her, and specially made endive peanuts.

"Sister, I'm going to wash up now."

Li Jinhu gritted his teeth, thinking in his heart, it really hurts, but his brother-in-law is so powerful, and he is under his brother-in-law's hands, so he can't make it through!

After studying for half a year, it was a bit frustrating to get such a result, but he would not regret it if he chose this path in the first place!

He has to work harder, and he won't feel anxious after a few good words from others.

Xiao Lingchuan repaired Li Jinhu, and felt better, but he must not let his wife see, otherwise, he would definitely be kicked off the bed at night.

The last big dish, boiled fish, was served, and Xiao Wuzi and Lu Mu also arrived.

Li Haitang set up a table on the grape shelf and asked Mother Lu to take a seat. Seeing that she was in a good mood, he poured another glass of Baihua wine for her.

Baihuajiu is not high in alcohol content, and its taste is full of aroma. The women in Licheng like to drink it, saying that it can beautify the skin.

"Yuehetang should be open, maybe Ruyi is on the way."

Li Haitang saw that Lu's mother was not enjoying the food, so she quickly helped her to pick up some food, and then called the little five sons to his side, and asked for warmth.

Little Wuzi was doing well in Zhuangzi, and Lu's mother had nothing to do, so she made him a few small gowns, and Little Wuzi wore them differently.

Usually I often run outside and go to the bushes, and the little Wuzi cuts several holes in his clothes, and goes back holding his mouth, feeling distressed, Lu's mother is skillful, and he can mend it in a few strokes.

"Alright, Ruyi can still talk with me when she comes back."

Lu's mother always felt that she was a commoner and didn't want to take advantage of Zhang Ruyi, so she never asked for a servant.

There are several tenant helpers in the family who come to do work occasionally.

She found that she desperately wanted to find someone to talk to, and she was too lonely.

"Haitang, Ruyi is not here, you tell me the truth, it makes me feel a little bit better."

After the meal, everyone sat together and chatted, and then Lu's mother expressed her concern. She saw that her daughter-in-law Zhang Ruyi was very resentful for her delay in conceiving. Could it be that there is something wrong?

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. If she really can't give birth, although she will be quite disappointed, she can understand.

Then adopt one early, and hold it here since childhood, so that you can't be a white-eyed wolf when you grow up, and find your biological parents.

Mother Lu thinks a lot, but it's hard to say. Today, I just got a chance to be alone, so I just asked Li Haitang. As a mother-in-law, she has always regarded Zhang Ruyi as her own daughter. This has nothing to do with her status as the magistrate's daughter. It's just that poor Ruyi lost her mother when she was a child, and was framed by her stepmother. Life is hard.

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