After going out for a few days, Zhang Ruyi rested her chin, and went to Licheng tomorrow, and she couldn't leave right away. Yuehetang opened, no matter what, she had to stay, otherwise Ma Bihe alone would not be able to support the place.

"Haitang, we will separate when we arrive in Licheng tomorrow."

Hearing that those missing women wanted to go back and think about it, Zhang Ruyi didn't say much, but she knew in her heart that this was a sure thing, and she had such a good future, she could prove herself and help others, so a fool would refuse.

The rescue team needed more than a month of training, and was delayed in Licheng for a few days. This time was enough time for the group to return to Lucheng.

"No, I don't worry."

Without even thinking about it, Li Haitang immediately refused. If they came together, they had to go back together.

Zeng Duanxiu is still hiding in Licheng, acting secretly, what if Ruyi is in danger?

"Do you think he is still the son of the Zeng family? Now he is just a lost dog."

Zhang Ruyi pursed her lips, with a contemptuous look on her face, she is not stupid, when she arrives in Licheng, she will live in the back office of the magistrate.

The new aunt is a person who knows how to make a show, and the uncle Xia Zhifu owes her because of Xia Jixiang's actions.

Furthermore, there is Ma Bihe in Licheng, and Zhang Ruyi is not alone. After Yuehetang opened, she and Ma Bihe returned together, and had a companion on the way.

Li Haitang thought for a moment, the date of Yuehetang's opening had not yet been decided, she must choose an auspicious day, if the time was not in time, she really couldn't stay in Licheng for too long.

"Then send you to the prefect's back office first, and then we will leave."

It is impossible for a group of people to take the waterway immediately, and they have to book a boat ticket, especially if they are all women, it is very inconvenient to sit in an ordinary cabin and be with a group of cargo.

After discussing with everyone, and starting tomorrow, Zou Guang took his things and went out.

This trip may take a year and a half, and there may not be time to come back. The house at home will be handed over to the little old man to help take care of it. Zou Guang will visit the neighbors around and say goodbye to each other, thanking the villagers for their care for so many years.

After dinner, the sky was dark. Looking at the distance from the seaside, the sea and the sky were the same color, and the sunset dyed half of the sky red, which made people feel a lot broader.

There were many kids chasing and laughing at the beach, Li Haitang, Zhang Ruyi and a group joined in, picking up some shells and pebbles.

There is an open jar made of glass at home, which can be used as a fish tank. These shells and pebbles are used as landscaping tools, and I will raise a few koi in the future.

I heard from Nanny Yu that if Xiao Baozi sees more living things, his eyes will become more and more flexible.

"Hey, it stands to reason that I'm almost done recuperating, why haven't I conceived yet!"

Zhang Ruyi was a little anxious, sometimes when the husband and wife hugged each other, she couldn't help but mention this, which made the family nervous.

She had a stomach cold and vomited before, and she just didn't come to the little day, so she thought she had it, and she was happy for nothing. Seeing that both Li Haitang and Lan Yi had buns, she became even more anxious.

However, the more anxious she was, the less she had. Little days came as scheduled every month, and she was extremely depressed.

"Ruyi, you are only one year older than me, why are you in a hurry?"

Li Haitang couldn't figure it out. She gave birth to a baby earlier because she couldn't bear to see the savage husband alone. In addition, she just happened to catch up and experienced some ideological struggle before she could slowly enter the role.

Women in Daqi generally give birth in their teens, and their bodies are not yet fully developed. This is one of the main reasons why childbirth is dangerous.

"You all have babies, so I'm in a hurry."

Zhang Ruyi thought about it for a long time, but couldn't come up with a suitable reason. In the end, she could only attribute everything to her own desire to follow suit.

The two sisters were gossiping, when they saw Xiaowazi running towards the same place with his calves, shouting as he ran, "Hurry up, hurry up, there's something exciting to watch!"

The rest of the kids made a fuss and dispersed.

Not far away, several carriages came, which looked more like a convoy of wealthy people, and their direction happened to be the gate of Yingying's courtyard.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Li Haitang was still concerned and walked forward with the children.

Sure enough, several carriages stopped at the gate of Yingying's courtyard.

When Yingying heard the noise, she thought it was Dr. Li who had come, but just as she went out, her expression changed when she saw someone coming.

She talked with her sisters about the way out given by the divine doctor Li, and sure enough, no one objected, and everyone thought that if they went to Daying in the north of the city, it might be quieter than in the fishing village.

Avoiding is not enough, sooner or later one day you will face it, it is better to work with Dr. Li, at least you can learn a craft.

"Call the red carp out!"

These days, carp is a sign of auspiciousness, and the name red carp is not unusual at all.

On the carriage, under the maid's parturient, a woman stepped down, and the other woman looked at Yingying sullenly, with contempt in her eyes.

Tsk tsk, growing up like this, and losing his innocence, being able to live is considered courageous.


Seeing the visitor, Yingying was very on guard, she didn't dare to be too rude, because the visitor was Hong Li's mother.

Before the red carp was taken away, she was the daughter of a rich family. Her family had more than a dozen grocery stores in Licheng, and also formed a caravan to sell goods to the south. She had a lot of money.

Originally, Red Carp talked about a family who was involved in the case of the missing woman because of her disappearance.

Red Carp has been tortured, but she is still very innocent. She thought that her parents and sister would definitely accept her, but as a result, she couldn't get in through the gate of the house.

Her sister Hongzao yelled at the courtyard gate, saying that she is a broom star and should die so as not to hurt the family.

Unable to enter the door and unable to return home, Red Carp had to go to Yingying and settle down in the fishing village.

She is soft-tempered and doesn't have any ideas, but when she is with her sisters and cherishes each other, she doesn't stumble and gets along harmoniously.

"Don't dare to be, I don't have such an ugly and disgraceful niece."

The woman spat, and didn't give Yingying any good looks at all, and immediately yelled, "Red Carp, you little bastard, get back here!"

What crime did she do? She gave birth to two daughters who lost money before she had a son. When the son was in his teens, he had to find a reliable brother-in-law for him.

The red carp was taken away, everyone around the family knew about it, it was fine if she couldn't get married, and Hong Zao was also involved, the good marriage she had hoped for would not work out right now.

She has no control over whether the red carp lives or dies, but if Hong Zao can't marry a good man, how can she help her son in the future? That's her sweetheart!

In the past few days, she has been looking around with red dates. When people meet, the first thing they say is to ask about the red carp. She loses face and still has the face to live. It seems that her family doesn't care about fame at all. That's it, the people who met each other didn't succeed, and they got ridiculed for nothing.

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