Ye Xuan'er felt bitter. She realized that she missed a move, made a wrong move, wasted all her efforts, and was exposed. She wanted to say that her purse was replaced with herbs, but how could she explain that she knew medicine but didn't know herbs?

No matter how you say it, it is unreasonable.

"Dani, why are you here, it's cold, you can't go out now."

When Ye Xuan'er saw Dani in the crowd, she quickly changed the subject. She looked pitiful with tears, as if she had been wronged, and pointed the finger at Li Haitang.

"Miss Ye gave you a small gift, but you don't even know what it is, why do you hold on to it!"

"That's right, you don't have a tire slip, are you okay?"

Some people defended Michelle Ye, others immediately agreed, that's a defense, the method is exactly the same as that of Heihu.

Li Haitang didn't want to argue with these fools, so she wanted to ask, if something happened, who would be responsible?

"It's killing people, it's killing children and killing offspring."

Li Haitang folded his arms and looked at these disapproving people coldly, but it was not his own business to rush, and it didn't hurt his back to stand and talk.

What they think, she can't control, but it makes her unhappy, sorry, this matter is endless.

Anyway, she didn't mind offending people at all, because she was about to leave the three-acre land of Heishui Village, and there was no possibility of coming back in the future.

"Miss Ye didn't do it on purpose!"

A thick-backed man choked, but he was an outsider, and he was not from their area. Miss Ye was her own. Even if it was not pleasing to her eyes, she lost the baby, and caused trouble, they would still take care of her!

"I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

Li Haitang casually took out some powder from his fingernails, not to mention, thanks to Tassel, this powder is not poisonous, but it will turn the hair pink.

Hehe, aren't you protecting Ye Xuaner? Ye Xuan'er said that she is proficient in medicine, so in the future, she will slowly treat the pink hair monster.

A person with pink hair, such a miraculous species, being locked up in Heishui Village is enough to make people novel for a while.

"Miss Ye really didn't do it on purpose."

Dani was supported by her mother before she could take a step. Her voice was not loud, but she was extraordinarily powerful, "Because she did it on purpose!"

"You girl, what are you doing!"

Dani's mother, the middle-aged woman who came to see Ye Xuan'er before, scowled and blamed her for being ignorant, how could she slander Miss Ye in front of everyone.

"Mom, I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth."

Regardless of her mother's obstruction, Dani told the truth, "Miss Ye is lying when she says she doesn't know those two herbs!"

"How is it possible? Miss Ye never lies!"

Now, the villagers were shocked. If outsiders slandered Ye Xuan'er, they would not believe it. The problem was that they were from the village, that is, from our own people.

Moreover, Dani is an extremely honest person, and she will not be bribed to make false statements.

"I didn't lie, my mother knows."

Dani directly uncovered her scars, "I'm pregnant, and I used this to abort my baby!"

There are still medicinal herbs at home, as well as the leftovers from her drinking, and these herbs are all given by Ye Xuan'er, wouldn't it be ridiculous to say that she doesn't know them?

These words deceive fools, even fools don't believe it!

Everyone's complexion turned blue for a while, then paled for a while, which means that they are not even as good as fools!

"But, he is a newcomer, why does Miss Ye want to harm him?"

The villagers were somewhat incapable of accepting it, because in their eyes, Xuaner Ye was really a fairy who had no desires and desires, and would not eat the fireworks of the world. Because of the verbal agreement back then, she was willing not to marry for life, unless she found a fiancé-in-law.

This kind of person really can't find a reason to harm a pregnant woman, it doesn't make sense!

"That's because you were all deceived by Ye Xuaner!"

Dani couldn't vomit, and she was very emotional. Now, her mother didn't stop her, because she was shocked by these words.

Li Haitang was also a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect such a coincidence to have a magical assist.

Since there was someone more convincing than her, Li Haitang voluntarily backed down and wanted to hear about Michelle Ye's great achievements.

She just said, if you often walk by the river, there is no one who does not get your shoes wet. Besides, no matter how perfect it is, it cannot be guaranteed to be liked by everyone.

"You are an unmarried girl, and you have a secret womb, and you have the nerve to say that it's Miss Ye's fault!"

The man is playing tricks on Dani, no matter what mistakes Ye Xuaner has made, he shouldn't make trouble in front of outsiders.

Heishui Village is chaotic, but in Heihu, there are not many people who can ignore women's reputation and force them to have fun. Therefore, Dani has a baby in order to get married, and she is despised and ridiculed by others.

"You're so good at saying that!"

Dani was not angry, she had just given birth to a fetus, and her body couldn't stand the cold wind, Wu Fu went to the house because of her strength, found Heihu's quilt, and put it on Dani.

"I am like this, I have to thank Miss Ye!"

Dani smiled, but the laughter was miserable, piercing through people's eardrums, and it was worse than crying. Even outsiders could feel the sadness in her heart.

She had fallen in love with Hei Hu since she was a child, but Hei Hu only had Ye Xuan'er in his eyes.

Dani made two pairs of shoes and gave them to Hei Hu, hoping that he could take a look at herself and stop being obsessed.

All of this was seen by Ye Xuan'er, she looked down on Dani very much in her heart, and when she found an opportunity, she talked to Heihu.

"That day, they were by the river, and they didn't even see me on the other side."

The two were chatting, Hei Hu expressed his distress, and Ye Xuan'er came up with an idea to make people completely give up. The easiest way is to marry someone else and lose their reputation.

After finishing speaking, she felt that she had slipped her words again, indicating that she was joking!

After thinking about it, Hei Hu really made sense. He was afraid that Dani would pester him and make Ye Xuan'er unhappy, so he even sent his brothers to force her!

Afterwards, nothing happened.

Dani was on guard at first, but she really didn't expect that person to use force. She thought that if someone offered her a kiss, she just didn't agree!

How ironic, when she found out that she was pregnant, she begged Michelle Ye so hard that if she could save the baby, Dani could not marry in this life, but she couldn't live without someone.

Now that what happened, she admits it, she only blames her own bad luck, and she doesn't mean to resent anyone.

Anyway, even if she told her mother, she would not believe her, she would suspect that Dani's ears were not good and she heard it wrong.

Who knew that there would be such an opportunity tonight, so she wouldn't hold back and must speak out!

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter, as long as everyone don't trust Ye Xuaner so much, she is not a fairy, but a murderous ghost!

"That's right, the boss asked me to do it."

From behind the crowd, a man came out, it happened to be his turn to patrol the surroundings today, just to ensure the safety of Michelle Ye. He really thought that Dani was pregnant, and Ye Xuan'er killed their child!

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