What Xu said was not unreasonable. The villagers all said that Li Haitang was for their villagers. If he was retaliated against, Qin Village would never ignore it!

"Don't worry, everyone, I will send someone to deliver a message."

Li Haitang knew what was going on in her heart, but the villagers didn't know it. They could say these words, which proved that they were all kind and righteous, and made her feel that she was not meddling in her own business.

Wu Fu and Madam Yu didn't say a word, as servants, they didn't care much about their master's affairs, and the two of them were more concerned about eating and drinking.

This trip brought some supplies from Qin Village, which is enough to eat and drink for a few days.

Before the appointed time, the couple returned to their room, and as soon as they entered, Xiao Lingchuan hugged his wife.

After she became pregnant, she only grew a belly. He hugged her with one arm, and it was a little difficult. There was a long silence, and the couple spoke at the same time.



Then the two looked at each other, and said in unison, "You speak first."

"Let me go first."

Li Haitang smiled slightly, there was a tacit understanding between the husband and wife, how could she not understand what the savage husband was thinking, what he wanted to say was not to let her take risks.

There is only one chance, and I took the initiative to come to the door. After passing this village, this shop will no longer exist!

Their goal is the old blacksmith, not only because of the opponent's blacksmithing skills, the old blacksmith was once a member of the Xiao family army!

After the entire family of Xiao's family was copied and killed, the old blacksmith also disappeared.

"My master has been looking for him for more than ten years."

Xiao Lingchuan sighed, everything in the past was different, and the Xiao family army that used to be no longer existed.

He has a lot to do, including looking for his father's subordinates, who can build the best weapons, which is too important to his side.

However, this is his responsibility, not the lady's.

The lady is pregnant, and she will give birth soon. Heishui Village is full of people suffering from infectious diseases. If there is a mistake, he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Xiao Lingchuan didn't want his wife to pay so much and take great risks to go.

"Husband, you have to trust me on this."

The reason why Li Haitang readily agreed was due to his own considerations.

First of all, leprosy is not easily contagious, even if it is face-to-face, the chance of contagion is very low, not to mention, she is a doctor and will take protective measures.

As for other infectious diseases, if it is plague or the like, if you get it, you will definitely not survive now. According to her guess, the most common disease in Heishui Village should be leprosy patients.

If there is no medicinal material, the bones of seriously ill people will be cold, not to mention, if they want to enter Heishui Village, the officers and soldiers guarding them will not agree.

Li Haitang didn't dare to take risks. What she said was the conclusion she came to after her own analysis.

Xiao Lingchuan didn't want to implicate her, but he didn't know that the husband and wife were one body, and she had such an identity. The two of them were in the open, but secretly, there were many villains who wanted to harm them.

"Husband, things have to be resolved, it's better to do it as soon as possible, but I'm really not interested in these things."

Li Haitang grabbed the savage husband's chest, well, it was hard and easy to touch, but her body became heavier and she didn't dare to think about it at night, so she slept obediently.

It was difficult to turn over, and I had no other thoughts at all.

Hugging on the road during the day, sleeping soundly at night, and dawning again, the husband and wife hug each other, touch and kiss is a daily routine, but they don't go any further, everything depends on Xiao Lingchuan's restraint.

Power is a good thing, but it can also bind people and drag them into the abyss.

If the two are just ordinary people, maybe they don't have to travel around and live a peaceful life.

"Okay, when the dust settles, I will accompany you back to the mountain."

Xiao Lingchuan also hates scheming, but so what, if you don't take that step, you will fall into a passive position and let the other party strike first.

The couple were talking when there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Li Haitang opened the door and saw Xu's worried face. They are both from the Northland, so they hit it off. Xu was afraid that something happened to her. People who don't live in the Northwest for a long time will definitely not know. Heishui Village is a terrifying place. place.

I have never heard that the government took the initiative to send people to heal the people in Heishui Village. If there is no conspiracy, who will believe it!

It must be the little boss of the official post, who has a grudge against everything yesterday, and is now talking sweetly to deceive people.

The more Xu thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

"Even if we don't go, we will be arrested."

Outsiders don't know the inside story, but Li Haitang knows it. The officials only discovered the old blacksmith's hiding place, and they didn't dare to get him out, so they blocked the news and sent people to sneak in. Otherwise, the old blacksmith would get sick, and the other party would not be able to Send a message as soon as possible.

"The ointment you gave Xiaoshuanzi is very effective. The rash on Xiaowazi's hands has scabbed over, and it doesn't itch. Uncle Qin Wu asked me to help, thank you very much."

Mrs. Xu sighed, believing that Li Haitang is a person with real skills, but it is a pity that there is really nothing in the village that can be sold, and the other party is not short of money.

"It's just a little effort."

Li Haitang waved her hand, but she didn't do anything, just happened to meet her, and she did a little favor, so she didn't deserve the other party's repeated thanks.

From the side, she could see that the Northwest was indeed poor in resources and lacked a doctor, and those with great abilities were unwilling to stay in such a barren place.

It is recorded in the travel notes that the northern land became dependent on barbarians, barbaric and uncivilized. It can be seen that the writer of the book has no knowledge. He left the person in the desert for a few days to feel it. After the person figured it out, he realized the value of life.

It didn't take long, and when the appointed time came, the officials reappeared. The leader, whose surname was Geng, had been very convinced of Li Haitang since yesterday. He rode a horse along the way and followed the carriage, chattering, Looking for something to say.

"In the northwest, the water and soil are a bit poor. Like me, my ancestors took root here, and I have long been used to it."

Little Boss Geng said as he walked, seeing that there was no movement in the carriage, he would not feel cold, and could continue with a cheeky face.

Wu Fu took a peek through the gap in the car window, and then looked at his wife, "Will the medicine powder from yesterday have any after-effects? For example, love to talk nonsense..."


Li Haitang almost spit out a mouthful of water, anyway, after Liniang used it, she kept talking nonsense.

The medicine was given by Tassel, and she was not very clear about the specific effect of the medicine. When she thought of the flamboyant pink horse driving the carriage, she felt that if it was more truthful, it could not be regarded as a sequelae.

"If you have any ideas, you can say it directly, without going around the corner."

The savage husband doesn't like to talk too much, and it is estimated that his ears are suffering at the moment, so Li Haitang had no choice but to step forward and rescue Xiao Lingchuan from the fire and water. She guessed that the little leader surnamed Geng was asking for something, and then he was too embarrassed to open his mouth and went back and forth in circles.

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