Hearing this, the village head stood up and walked a few steps in the house with his hands behind his back. He was very restless, and there were dozens of officials sent by him. It can be seen that there was a plan before he came.

Do you need dozens of people to catch these unarmed civilians? Could it be that…

The village chief had a bad premonition that there was almost no reason for the official to arrest people. In case, it would be more difficult to imprison all the clansmen in Heishui Village than to be imprisoned.

When you are in prison, you know that you will get out one day, and you have a hope and a thought in your heart, get out and be free again. But in Heishui Village, it was different. When I raised my head, there was a big sky above my head. I was desperate inside, and living became a torment.

"What should we do, we can't just watch Uncle Qin Wu's family being taken away!"

The villagers wiped away their tears and looked sad. On New Year's Eve, every family said goodbye to the old and ushered in the new. How could such a thing happen!

"Embolic rash?"

It's normal for Xiaowa to have a little problem. The village chief hasn't heard of it, so it's probably not a serious problem.

There is only such a precious little grandson in Uncle Qin's family. If you take people away, you will kill them!

They resisted fiercely and refused to obey. The officials didn't care about that, and tied them up directly, ready to take them away.

"Village Chief, if we don't stop it, it will be too late!"

The eyes of the villagers were red. Now, the whole village is waiting for a word from the village chief. As long as he gives orders and says that people must not be taken away, they will copy the guy and fight with the officials!

The village chief was a little hesitant, considering the consequences of doing so in his heart. If he confronted the officials, assuming they couldn't catch them this time, they would bring more people back. At that time, Qin Wu might not be the only one who was arrested. Uncle's family.

"Let me think about it first."

The village chief rubbed his forehead, in a dilemma. If he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and ignored him, he would chill the hearts of the clansmen and think that he was timid and fearful.

"We don't have time to think about it!"

The villagers urged that if it was too late, the whole family would be taken away. The ancestors of the Qin family were framed and the whole family was demoted to the northwest because they were too upright and could not see the treacherous villain who caused the chaos.

There is a family motto in the Qin family, no matter what you do, first ask yourself, and be worthy of your conscience.

They are from the same village, from the same clan, they are the closest people. Now that their relatives are in trouble, can he stand by and watch?

Even if he knows that such an approach is not advisable, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, but he still insists, at worst, the worst result, the whole family will enter Heishui Village together, and there will be a companion!

"Go, call the people in the village, we can't let the officials arrest people!"

The words of the villagers touched the village chief, he secretly sighed that he had considered too many gains and losses, why bother? Take a step, look at a step!

"Haitang, I wanted to have a good talk with you, but now I can't."

Xu looked at the red firecracker in his hand, put it on the small cabinet beside him, and quickly packed the package, in case...

"Officials came to arrest people because the embolus had a rash, so they suspected symptoms of infection."

Li Haitang said that since she is a doctor, she just happened to be able to take a look at it. If it was just an ordinary rash, she could explain it to the official.

"But, you are pregnant now, what's wrong with that little embolus..."

Mrs. Xu frowned, and when she heard that Li Haitang was the doctor, her eyes showed hope, although the light dimmed again. The Qin family can't be so selfish. After all, Li Haitang is just a passerby, so he might be implicated.

"I have a measure."

Li Haitang shook her head, and looked at her savage husband helplessly. After coming out of the Northland, she thought that the journey would not be smooth, but there would be great gains, for example, subduing those lovely bandits in Sunset Mountain.

The people and officials of Qin Village robbed people, the city gate caught fire, and the fish in the pond were affected. If they offended the other party, she would not be spared.

They are all on the same boat, so there is no connection.

"Madam, I will accompany you."

Wu Fu put down his chopsticks, stood beside Li Haitang, and followed the village chief's family out.

The villagers ran out to deliver news from door to door, and they all copied the things, hatchets, and sticks, and rushed to Uncle Qin's door.

Among them was a tall man, holding a **** pot in his hand, and his posture was funny.

"What are you doing with the pot?"

Wu Fu brushed past him and asked curiously.

"My family only has a chopping knife, which was taken away by my father, and the rolling pin, which is held by my mother."

The man was a little embarrassed, he took a step back, because all the things he needed were taken away, he thought about it, and decided to take the biggest pot in the house, and when they were fighting, he directly put the pot on the official's head.

"It's a very creative approach."

Wu Fu looked at the branch in his hand and let out an admiration, why didn't she expect it!

Uncle Qin Wujia was at the west end of the village, there was a commotion at the gate, Xiao Shuanzi hid behind his grandfather, his eyes were red from crying, he was pitiful.

"Hey, I've never been out of the village, how could I get sick?"

Little Shuanzi backed away and howled, don't want him to be caught by the bad guys!

From a distance, Li Haitang couldn't see clearly, the little boy had no rash on his face, he might have been running around the village all day, with a red face, a shaved head, and a small braid in the middle.

"If you have a rash on your hand, you have to be taken away. This is the meaning of the superior!"

The leading official took off the water bag from his waist, took off the mask on his face, and gulped down a big mouthful of water.

It's really bad luck, being sent to arrest people, who knows if it will infect them! Before coming, everyone made full preparations, masks and gloves, plus hats, and were fully armed.

"My mother said that when I was two years old, I had rashes on my hands!"

Xiao Shuanzi yelled loudly, it has been several years, if it is an infectious disease, how can the family members be fine!

The folk customs in the Northwest are more sturdy than those in the North. The sturdy little baby cried loudly, but the voice of defense was not weak, and it went straight to the point.

When the officials heard the words, they couldn't answer a sentence, but this was the meaning of the superiors. They were following orders and there was no need to discuss it.

They only took Qin Wushu's family away, and didn't mention arresting the whole village. They were kind enough.

"If you don't believe me, you can go and find out if the people in the nearby towns have all been thrown into Heishui Village!"

The official only wanted to arrest people early and go home for the New Year, and said slyly, "Being affected by this little kid, do you mean you want to go to Heishui Village too?"

Where is Heishui Village? It is much darker and more complicated than you think.

The people who went there were blinded, desperate, resentful, and full of killings. Every once in a while, a few corpses were thrown out at the place guarded by the officials at the entrance of the village. Those who disobeyed would die.

Hell is worse than hell, "Do you think that those who are sick deserve sympathy?" The official pouted, those people have no bottom line, if they are unhappy, they burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of evil.

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