On Sunset Mountain, Li Haitang drank chicken soup all night. After returning to her room to wash up, she accompanied her husband to the lobby for a meeting.

Wu Fu was left to take care of Wu Qi, very reluctantly, now, the scholar will rely on her even more!

Seeing her following behind, Li Haitang looked anxious and hesitant to speak, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will not decide on your own in your future marriage."

"Thank you ma'am!"

The words hit the point, and Wu Fu immediately grinned and returned to the room with peace of mind.

Hundreds of people crowded the lobby, all brothers of Sunset Mountain.

Li Haitang did not belong to the cottage, but she cured Wu Qi, and was admired by everyone, who sincerely regarded her as one of their own.

She originally thought that although she really wanted to subdue the bandits, but the other party felt repulsive, she would find an excuse to withdraw, so as not to be so ignorant, annoying, and have a counterproductive and self-defeating effect.

Unexpectedly, the bandits cheered happily, Wang Ermazi and Li Kuanleg stood on the high platform, as if they were talking about cross talk, one was joking, the other was joking, and they spoke of Dr. Li's medical skills superbly.

"You said that the embroidery needle pierced into the flesh and sewed up the wound, and the blood on Wu Shusheng's chest stopped bleeding."

And like this, you are not afraid of tearing the wound, as long as you don't make big moves, apply ointment, and the wound will heal after a while.

"Miraculous doctor Li is really amazing!"

When everyone was robbing, they heard the merchants in the past talking about it, and they kept it in their hearts. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. In the future, Miracle Doctor Li will definitely become famous all over the world. They are really lucky!

Otherwise, Wu Shusheng asked that there would only be a dead end. They let the valley go into the mountains, and they couldn't help but blame themselves. Although all this was approved by the boss, they added fuel and oil, and they didn't understand the situation, but they said a lot of good things to the vicious person .

Wang Ermazi also regretted it. When talking about the scene at that time, the atmosphere suddenly froze.

"Boss, that **** can't kill herself!"

Someone uttered a voice from below, and everyone immediately responded in a hurry. If there is really someone in their hearts, he is injured and bleeding, and there is a small wound on his body, and he will feel distressed. How can he draw his sword to face each other?

All of a sudden, it was pierced into the chest, leaving no room for it.

Wu Shusheng is also very fateful, the position of his heart is different, and he met Dr. Li again, which saved his life.

"If she doesn't die, what will happen after knowing that she killed someone?"

The fool was just waiting for revenge. Master Gu was a sheep herder in the village back then, and it's not just luck to be able to have the current social status.

Li Haitang felt that it made sense. When she saw Gu Dajiao, she was disgusted the first time. Usually, few people would make her disgusted.

I still remember when I met Liniang in Sishui City. At that time, Liniang was still thinking about men, and she had a little thought for the wild man, so she tried every means to get close.

If you are angry, you will be angry, and you will drink a jar of vinegar. If you hate it, then there is nothing.

"I'm afraid it's not good."

Xiao Lingchuan was protecting his wife, and the couple talked in a low voice. According to logical analysis, Gu Dajiao managed to escape down the mountain, so how could he wait to be jailed?

Moreover, she thought that Wu Qi was already dead, so she would not leave behind.

"Our brothers are engaged in the business of robbing houses and houses, and the official will definitely not care."

Not only that, they sent people to the Yamen to sue the officials, and they would definitely be arrested. The magistrate's term of office is coming soon, and he hasn't made any achievements yet. They are the best stepping stones.

"Hey, money is the truth. The Gu family is not short of money. We can't get anything if we buy the county."

Li Kuantong lowered his head, he remembered that he spent several years in prison for no reason, for no reason, in order to defend his sister-in-law who was related to him, and he felt very sad.

With a full mouthful to eat, who wants to fight against the government?

They don't want to, and they don't want their loved ones to be unable to hold their heads up.

Although they are entrenched on Sunset Mountain, they don't have to worry about food and drink, but their foundation is weak. The savings of the brothers are not much, and most of them can't be called daughter-in-law.

Those with a family and a family live in the back mountain, and it takes a day to go down the mountain to buy, and it takes a day to go back and forth.

"Let's not talk about this first, the Gu family knows brother's temper, and treats friends with loyalty. He has been with the Gu family for many years, and we haven't even asked for a pancake!"

One of them interrupted, and he pointed out that it is precisely because the two parties have a little understanding and put themselves in another place. After Master Gu learned the ins and outs, he would probably ask the yamen for help.

At least, the huge family wealth must be protected from loss.

"No matter what kind of person Master Gu is, he is a father and will not care about his own children, and Gu Dazuo is still an only daughter."

Everyone said something to you, and everyone talked about it, and they were not very optimistic about the situation.

However, the bandits are **** men after all, and they still think too simply. Before the meeting was over, the guards at the mountain gate hurriedly reported back and forth. Support thousands of officers and soldiers.

A total of more than a thousand people attacked Sunset Mountain, and there was hardly any time for them to breathe.

This time, Li Haitang was also stunned.

"We have a brother's relative who runs errands in the yamen, and usually does a little work of delivering food and water. In the past, if there was any disturbance in the yamen, that person would come to report the news."

Song Qingyang's face was heavy. Although they had grasped a ray of sky, after breaking through the barrier, the route up the mountain became much easier.

What's more, the manpower dispatched this time is several times that of the past, and there are well-trained officers and soldiers. If this is the case, it will be difficult for them to fight.

The fate of being caught is miserable, they must not be free!

If they can't fight, there is only one dead end. What they are worried about is the innocent family members of Houshan.

"Master Li, we must not implicate you in this matter."

Wang Ermazi rolled up his sleeves, **** it, he hasn't settled with the Gu family yet, but as they thought, the Gu family beat him up and colluded with the government!

Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, they always felt that Dazuo was sincere to Wu Shusheng, so they returned their sincerity.

This is, even leading people into the mountains and taking a road that they themselves know. Unexpectedly, the world is impermanent, and they were betrayed in a blink of an eye.

"What are you talking about, Gu Dajiao hurt someone, I'm a witness!"

At the critical moment, Li Haitang didn't back down. She had long thought that some parents and officials in Yurou Township were not pleasing to the eye, and if she had the ability, she would be sent to jail. Who is afraid of anyone? She has her own savage husband, and she is not afraid of anyone!

"We can't implicate Doctor Li!"

In the back mountain, there is a small road, but only one person can get off at a time. Song Qingyang means to send people there first and leave from the back mountain.

"No need."

Xiao Lingchuan waved his hands, he just sat there, not angry and majestic, but he carried an aura that no one dared to offend, just two words, but strangely, it gave the bandits confidence. The light in Song Qingyang's eyes flashed, perhaps there was still room for turning around.

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