Song Qingyang was still young, so he didn't feel defensive, so he followed Aunt Osmanthus. After entering the city, he didn't go to the restaurant, but went to the teahouse.

"She fed me, ate a piece of cake, and coaxed me that the restaurant is busy at the moment, take a break, and then go there."

Uncle Chen works in a big restaurant and earns two taels of silver every month, and then there is a little oil and water. In short, the family does not farm land, and the cost of food and clothing is always the best.

His parents once guessed that from the way the two talked and acted, they were not like ordinary people.

"After eating the pastry, I don't know anything."

When they woke up again, three days later, they had already left the city in a carriage, and they did not know how far they had traveled.

Sitting in the carriage, with wind leaking everywhere, Song Qingyang curled up in a corner, feeling a little bad.

When Aunt Osmanthus saw him crying, she immediately changed her expression, slapped him, and threatened him that if she didn't obey, she would be sold as a tooth, and she would never see her parents for the rest of her life.

"and after?"

Li Haitang heard movement at the door, opened the curtain, and walked face to face with Xiao Lingchuan.

"Husband, why did you get out of bed? You haven't cleaned up the poison, and you have to stay in bed to recuperate."

Li Haitang held the big hand of her savage husband, and said softly, "This is a minor operation, don't worry, I can do it, and it will be over in a while."

"I know, so I'm here to help."

Xiao Lingchuan was worried that his wife would be too tired, and the bandits would be a little stupid, and they would lose the chain as assistants, wasting his wife's time.

He has previous experience and can handle it.

After drinking a bowl of green porridge, he has regained his strength, and he can barely make it down the mountain.

"Husband, please sit down for a while."

Li Haitang moved a handful of silver with a soft cushion on it, handed it to the wild man, and then continued the topic just now.

The husband and wife cared about each other and flirted with each other. Song Qingyang felt uncomfortable. At his age, he had even touched a woman's hand. Thinking about how wronged he was.

His mother forced a marriage, but he wanted to get married, but when he saw a woman, he wanted to dodge and marry her back home. Would it be a display for others?

As a result, everyone in the village thought he had a hidden physical illness, and he couldn't hold his head up even more.

Doctor Li's husband is not an outsider. Song Qingyang made up his mind. He only found out later that Uncle Chen and Aunt Osmanthus were engaged in human trafficking.

He has been a human trafficker and abducted children a lot.

Kidnapping is easy to start, give a few candies, and a fool will be hooked, with almost no cost.

After being abducted and trafficked, they were sold to other people and made a fortune from it. They accumulated a lot of money and land.

However, if you do too many evil things, there will always be retribution. A few years ago, Uncle Chen was hit by a falling tile for no reason.

Misfortune happened, he thought, maybe it was God's arrangement, so he ended the business and moved to live in their village with Aunt Osmanthus.

These past few years have been peaceful, but as he grows older, Uncle Chen prefers Xiaowa, especially him, who has a tiger's head and a tiger's head.

Just because of his father's words, the two of them had evil intentions and took him away directly.

Song Qingyang woke up in the carriage, it was snowing heavily outside, he only remembered the deep marks on the shaft of the carriage.

He remembered where his home was, but even if he ran away, he had nowhere to go and no money in the winter, and if he met someone bad, he would have to be trafficked again.

"How did you find your home then?"

It's not easy to be so smart at only a few years old.

Li Haitang remembers that in modern times, there was a program called "Wait for Me", and countless volunteers participated in looking for abducted children.

The parents of those children, mostly because of negligence, fell into self-blame for the rest of their lives, and some even suffered from depression and committed suicide.

Human traffickers are really wicked. No wonder that Uncle Chen cut off his children and grandchildren. This is God's punishment!

"This matter is not over yet."

The process was very tortuous. In short, they went to Yongdeng Mansion thousands of miles away, where no one knew them.

With him, the couple's life became more lively, and they treated him well like they did in the village from the beginning.

After all, it was not their own. Gradually, the two had a quarrel, and he became a punching bag and the target of being beaten.

Song Qingyang was bruised all over his body and was thrown in the woodshed, often hungry.

About a year later, a fierce quarrel broke out between the couple. It probably means that Aunt Osmanthus was caught stealing men outside, and was caught by Uncle Chen.

"You trash, I can't always be a widow!"

Aunt Osmanthus scolded Uncle Chen and poked at the sore spots, but Uncle Chen said that the wild guys outside would definitely not do it, so it would be better to raise a godson so that he could help out in the future.

This person refers to Song Qingyang.

When he was seven years old, he was almost as tall as a ten-year-old child, so the couple became malicious again.

Li Haitang rubbed his forehead, how tortuous is this, have you been molested? These two are devoid of conscience!

The specific details cannot be described, Song Qingyang is dragged down by Aunt Osmanthus to wash in the clean room every day, and then...

"For more than half a year, Aunt Osmanthus went out again to find someone to make fun of. Uncle Chen hacked him to death in a rage."

Aunt Osmanthus was lying at the gate of the courtyard, dying with resignation. Song Qingyang saw the whole process.

Uncle Chen was still angry, and inserted another wooden stick.

After the murder, Uncle Chen escaped with his bundle. Song Qingyang was rescued when his neighbor found out and reported to the police.

Later, the kind people in the Yamen entrusted a caravan to send him back to the village.

His mother's hair turned gray in a hurry, and she cried until she almost lost her eyesight, and now her vision is a bit blurry.

That experience was so unpleasant, he only talked about it with his mother, and he never leaked a word of it in front of his relatives.

Say it, shame on you!

"There are so many wonderful things!"

Li Haitang is really drunk, Daqi has strict ethics, why are there so many people who steal men and have affairs?

Obscene little baby, my God, this is modern, and it will take a long time to shock!

Since this is the case, Song Qingyang is afraid of women, and it is understandable. With such a large shadow area, nine suns cannot illuminate it.

"Doctor Li, do you have a good idea?"

Song Qingyang was covered in sweat and asked nervously.

It was the first time he said this to someone, and after he finished speaking, he felt a lot more comfortable.

Li Haitang pondered, this is difficult to get out, she has seen many cases, girls who were raped at a young age, even after many years, still dare not stand in the sun, there will be fear, low self-esteem, all kinds of complicated hearts.

Some people thought they could conquer everything, but finally left quietly.

Changing the victim to Song Qingyang, coupled with the experience of being beaten and trafficked, made it even more difficult.

Li Haitang didn't expect the situation to be so complicated, and he didn't know it. Usually like this, she needs to have a period of psychological counseling, but the matter of men and women is not suitable for her. Although she is a genius doctor, some questions are not so easy to ask.

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