The bandits looked at each other and saw that there was a precious stone inlaid on the golden hairpin. Although the color was average, it was at least worth hundreds of taels of silver.

They regretted it a bit, they might as well take someone to see a doctor after the robbery, the woman in front of them is a fat sheep!

But they are bandits, although they are in the business of robbing houses and houses, they have their own rules. As a man, spitting is a nail.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Our brother wants to find a doctor, so we can't delay."

The golden hairpin was a bit heavy, and the bandit held it in his hand, fondled it reluctantly, gritted his teeth, and wanted to return it to Li Haitang.

"Listen to me first."

Li Haitang shook her head, but didn't take it. She had a big belly, and the bandits didn't think she was a threat. Usually, they wouldn't let anyone get close.

"You brother, alcoholism."

Li Haitang took the person's pulse, and then quickly looked at the lower eyelids, coupled with the seemingly absent smell of alcohol, he immediately gave the diagnosis result.

After she finished speaking, she touched her lips with her hand, and used the scientific name herself, while people from Daqi didn't even know what alcohol was.

"What alcohol?"

When the bandits heard this, they were stunned and almost threw out the bed board in their hands. They knew that there were foxes and snakes in the mountains, and they even heard that wine could also become a spirit. It was terrible!

"I'm talking about the scientific name. Simply put, your brother can't drink alcohol. He reacted to this, which caused a coma."

Li Haitang was really impatient, but she had to fool her. Whether she could go up the mountain depended on these two bandits.

"Are you a doctor?"

The bandits listened, it seemed like that, since there was a Lang Zhong, they didn't have to run too far, and they didn't have to go too far to get sick.

Severe alcoholism can cause shock, respiratory and circulatory failure, and sudden death. Moreover, once the vomit blocks the esophagus, the risk of death from suffocation increases.

"Yes, I can help him, but I also need your help."

Li Haitang pressed the patient with his hands, first performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and then touched his stomach, "Did he not eat anything last night?"

"Yes, he is a scholar, unlike our brothers, we all eat meat."

The bandits curled their lips, as long as people can be good, everything is easy to talk about.

"He's a little dangerous now. If you're looking for a doctor, you might as well go back to the mountain and wrap it on me. However, I also need your help to lift my husband up."

In fact, it wasn't that serious, Li Haitang purposely emphasized the point so that the other party could regard him as a lifesaver.

This is considered a trick of hers. Just now, he added some drug powder to the scholar to ensure that he would not wake up for a while.

"Carrying that big guy?"

Bandit brothers are supporting the wall. They are still far away on the mountain. The weight of the big guy is almost twice that of the scholar, and they will get cramps from exhaustion.

And to help carry her husband, what about the eldest cousin?

"Wu Fu, you carry him behind your back."

The scholar only weighed one hundred catties. Wu Fu usually collects more firewood on the mountain than this weight. She easily carried the person on her back, and even turned it upside down.

Bandit brothers think this combination is unreliable, and want to go back on their word.

"You may have heard my name, I am Li Haitang, that is, Doctor Li."

Li Haitang really had no choice but to rely on her name, she didn't expect the other party to know. After all, this place is quite far from the Northland.

"You are Dr. Li? That's great!"

The bandits laughed and threw down the bed. Their boss has always wanted to see Dr. Li, but they couldn’t find someone to treat her. If she were Dr. Li, I can only say that there is nowhere to go if you break through the iron shoes. Take effort.

"This cannot be impersonated casually."

Sunset Mountain is a den of thieves for ordinary passers-by. She has no real skills, and she dare not take the initiative to go to the door to fool you. Li Haitang showed his medicine box and made up a random reason.

Because of seeing a doctor, offending someone, being hunted down, and her husband being poisoned, as long as Sunset Mountain can do a favor, she will definitely remember it.

"Leave this to us, Doctor Li, don't worry!"

When the two bandits heard the name of Miracle Doctor Li, their backs didn't feel sore, and their legs didn't feel weak anymore. They just tried to shirk, but they quickly lifted Xiao Lingchuan to the door, and covered them with another layer of quilt.

To keep warm, Li Haitang added another layer, and she followed closely behind, carrying her medicine box.

Sunset Mountain is very high, and halfway through the climb, Li Haitang lost her strength. She gritted her teeth and persisted. Seeing that she was pregnant and unable to move, the bandits took out a firecracker and lit it crackling.

In the silent night, the sound of firecrackers was particularly loud.

About the time of a cup of tea, a group of people came in front of them, everyone was carrying something in their hands. Seeing the two of them, they almost twisted their noses.

"I'm talking about Li Shortlegs, Wang Ermazi, you two idiots, the transmission signal in the middle of the night, could it be that there are lackeys from the government?"

Firecrackers are used as communication tools and should not be used lightly.

The leader was a tall man with a black face, who looked suspiciously at Li Haitang and rubbed his chin with his hand.

Li Haitang glanced at it, and sure enough, one of them was out of proportion, with short legs, and one had pockmarks on his face.

The nicknames given by these bandits are also very down-to-earth, and they specifically pick up their shortcomings and pierce their hearts.

But this kind of thing is also kind of cute, and it dilutes the tension of Li Haitang entering the den of thieves a lot.

"Who are you?"

The leader is the boss of Sunset Mountain, and there are hundreds of bandits under him, which is really a big force.

"Everyone calls me Miracle Doctor Li."

Li Haitang pointed at his savage husband, and made up the nonsense again to make up for several loopholes.

The bandits didn't pay attention to how she got here at all. When they heard her name, they immediately became overwhelmed!

It turned out that the legendary doctor Li with ghostly hands and a Buddha heart was here, and she was still a beautiful woman.

The bandits expressed their warm welcome. That's right, the genius doctor can be invited, and everyone gave Li Kuantui and Wang Ermazi thumbs up.

In this way, the eldest cousin behind Wufu was forgotten.

Li Haitang couldn't move, the bandits shouted to go back to the mountain, they didn't know where they got a small sedan chair, asked her to sit on it, and carried it in directly.

She reckoned that the things in Sunset Mountain, nine out of ten, came from robbery.

"Hurry up, clean up the two rooms, it's getting hot, and carry the doctor Li's husband up to the kang."

When the boss spoke, the bandits were very active, and everyone was very curious, how the miracle doctor Li's husband was poisoned, or the poison of the golden snake, how would the doctor Li save it.

"Brother, please prepare some hot water for me."

Li Haitang clasped his fists together, and then explained to Wufu that the scholar is not serious, so use some rice vinegar to let the wine go first.

"Ma'am, I'd better stay and help you..." Wu Fu stomped her feet and glanced at the scholar. She even carried her on her back. She was still an unmarried girl, what if she was raped by this scholar?

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