It's just a trip down the mountain, but it's a trivial matter. Although frostbite is not a serious problem, if it is not treated in time, it can still leave many hidden dangers.

"Lan Yi, you are pregnant now, so I will leave the work to Ji Qiu."

There are only husband and wife in the family, and Lan Yi is a virtuous person, and they live happily ever after.

Living in the village, he is not a wealthy landlord, nor is he interested in finding a maid to serve him.

Li Haitang still remembers the scene when Sun Xing got married, the village scrambled to see the bride, as well as the maids brought by the bride, there were many discussions and words of envy.

From their point of view, having someone to serve them is the way a rich person should live, instead of digging food in the soil all day long, exhausted, but unable to save a few taels of silver.

"I just can't take it easy."

Lan Yi is very embarrassed, she was bought by his wife since she was a child, and has been with her young lady for many years, serving people with tea and water, after getting married, relying entirely on Ji Qiu to take care of her, she will not be used to it.

Ji Qiu dotes on her, she can't take everything for granted and act like a domineering. Besides menial tasks such as sewing and mending, men can't do well either.

Before the two of them could say a few words, the door was pushed open, and Ji Qiu stumbled into the door with a chill all over his body.

Xiao Lingchuan glared at him coldly, thinking in his heart, he's really worthless, being manipulated by women, but he completely forgot about himself, even worse than Ji Qiu, Li Haitang's calf cramp made him break out in a cold sweat.

"Sister-in-law, is this your white radish?" Ji Qiu didn't hear clearly and ran out the door. To take a shortcut, he ran to the house of the best neighbor with whom he had never been on good terms. He seemed to hear that the request was one of them. In desperation, he threw out a few pieces of silver and bought worthless green radishes, carrots and white radishes. The other party saw that he wanted radishes for a meeting.

, Suddenly conscience found out, and gave him another carrot.

"That's right, you can save the rest for Lan Yi to make pickled radishes."

Li Haitang was embarrassed, took the white radish, and went to the kitchen to find the knife.

"Ma'am, let me come."

Xiao Lingchuan took the kitchen knife, and according to what his wife said, he cut the white radish into two, and left the cut pieces on the fire to roast. Wait for the section to be dried by fire, and then cut into slices.

"Lan Yi, don't be afraid of being scalded, just stick the broken part on your frostbitten hand, repeat it several times and you'll be fine."

Li Haitang was only in charge of directing, sitting on a chair drinking tea, admiring Ji Qiu's appearance around the blue clothes. Ji Qiu is not bad, he has a future, he can be trained a bit, and he will definitely be a wife slave.

The group agreed to go to the temple fair of the God of Wealth Temple tomorrow morning. Without Zhang Ruyi as a pistachio, she and Lan Yi are a bit boring.

Lan Yi has been a servant before, and he is very respectful to others, or he can't let go. Deep in his heart, there is always a kind of servility that cannot be shaken off. Zhang Ruyi comes from a different background. People are all the same, what you think is what you think.

"The uncle and the lady had a quarrel. After dinner, the uncle drove away in the donkey cart, and the lady went after him."

Lan Yi had a bad experience. He was afraid that Zhang Ruyi would go on the road alone, so he hurried to chase after him. In just a quarter of an hour, his hands were frostbitten.

Ji Qiu wanted to blame Miss Zhang, but in Lan Yi's heart, Zhang Ruyi always had an irreplaceable position, so he could only hold back and went to the mountain to ask Li Haitang for help.

He felt guilty for letting a five-month-old pregnant woman visit for no reason. Fortunately, his brother and sister-in-law were generous and would not argue with him.

"Are you fighting again?"

Li Haitang wasn't surprised at all, he was used to it, since the first time the couple met, they had been arguing for a long time. The last time they had a quarrel, they almost got divorced. of.

"Well, Ji Qiu is cooking in the kitchen, and the lady asked my uncle to help, but my uncle said that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen."

This is the reason, Miss Zhang was humiliated, she was very annoyed immediately, a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, why doesn't he stay away from the dining table, he doesn't even eat, does it mean that he wants to cultivate immortality?

Hearing such vulgar remarks, Lu Yuanqing argued hard, a good wife and husband rarely cause trouble, so he found himself a troublemaker. Don't talk about being virtuous after you get married, at least you have to put on a show outside.

The previous agreement was written in black and white, and Zhang Ruyi's fingerprints were made, and she became confused and refused to admit it at all.

You glanced at me, I said nothing, and refused to give in to each other. In the end, for some reason, it was related to Xiaowa. Lu Yuanqing didn't say a word, but after the meal, he drove the donkey cart and left.

Lu Er has learned to be smart. There is no food seller in the town at night, and he can't go to the city in the middle of the night, so he has to find an inn to stay.

Endure first, eat and drink enough, and then have the strength to go on the road and fight Zhang Ruyi to the end.

"Maybe it's just for show, and the young couple will come back together later."

Li Haitang wasn't worried at all, she saw that it was getting late, and she was tired after tossing around, so she asked her husband to carry her up the mountain.

Leaving the day after tomorrow, going out to sleep tonight, she is full of plans, and there is another day, she is really not in the mood to waste it on outsiders, she can't wait to be with Xiao Lingchuan all the time.

"Husband, I still have some soft cotton cloth that I brought home last time, let's make something for the bean buns together."

Li Haitang suppressed the sadness in the center, smiled, and held the hand of the savage husband.

He said that he could not accompany her for the New Year and would rush out to accompany her to give birth. Although this was an extremely important promise, Li Haitang did not dare to believe it.

The plan hasn't changed quickly, and no one can tell what will happen tomorrow. It's like last year that the couple talked about staying together every year to watch the new year and getting old. This year, one of them will miss the appointment.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where he is, because he is always in her heart.

"do what?"

Xiao Lingchuan was in a difficult situation. He saw a high-end grocery store that also sold baby walkers with small buns. He could make one tomorrow when he had time.

The bean buns won't be available for a short time, and it seems to be too early.

"Make diapers."

The corner of Li Haitang's mouth curled up. Making diapers is simple, just cut two pieces of soft cotton cloth and sew them together. It takes a lot of work to sew up a savage husband, so cutting it must be no problem.

She said nonsense, "Husband, I want Doubao to know that his father cares for him in every possible way. After he was born, his father made the first diaper by himself."

When the bean bag is no longer used for diapers, wash it and dry it in the sun, and leave it for the glutinous rice **** and rice cakes below, and so on.

"it is good."

Xiao Lingchuan twitched his eyes, unable to raise any objections.

The couple went to the storeroom to hold the cotton cloth, and they did it as soon as they said it. Xiao Lingchuan didn't need to draw a line, but drew it with his hands, and cut it down with a pair of scissors. They were neat and the same size.

"It's better to make another rattle." There is still fur at home, which is just enough to make a drumhead. This is simple and can be made in a while. If Doubao is crying, use the rattle to coax him to sleep, and Xiaobaozi can calm down for a while.

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