Li Haitang was dumbfounded. Was there a misunderstanding? She was not surprised by Xiao Taohong's identity.

Being able to sneak into the dungeon and let Liusu do things, her status in the black market is not low. She has long seen that the Dequan class in Kyoto has a backer, otherwise, just like Xiao Taohong, an actress with such beauty, has long been seen by the rich and powerful In, in the bag.

But Xiao Taohong is not the case. He got mixed up in the capital and was coveted by the rich ladies, but he never heard of anyone who raped him. It can be seen that either his identity and background are amazing, or there is a super powerful benefactor behind him.

If the black market is behind it, then everything makes sense.

The whole class of De is collecting money crazily every year. Where did the money go? The black market can use De Quanban as a signboard to make money, secretly doing some shady things.

She didn't dare to think about how deep the water was behind this. It has nothing to do with her anyway.

Did Xiao Taohong take a fancy to her? Li Haitang smiled wryly, this is impossible.

"Liusu, since you know his temper, you know this is a joke."

This kind of person has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, so easily emotional, he would have died more than a hundred times.

If Xiao Taohong cares about her, it is very likely that she is one of the prey, or a novelty and interesting person, nothing more.

"Haitang, you don't believe me?"

Tassel was even more shocked than Li Haitang, Xiao Taohong was so obvious, using Tianshan snow lotus as a meeting gift was not enough to express her heart?

That Tianshan snow lotus is priceless, even if the black market is as rich as the enemy, they will not give it away, let alone Xiao Taohong's decline is better.

"Of course I believe you."

Li Haitang is very calm, she doesn't think she is particularly outstanding, and she is quite self-aware. Xiao Taohong's letter was written with frivolous words, which seemed to be teasing her.

As for Tianshan snow lotus, she would get angry when she mentioned it.

"That's because Xiao Taohong was afraid of being targeted and killed, so she just dumped it on me to save trouble."

Li Haitang took a deep breath, the matter was over, she didn't want to worry about it, the other party obviously took her as a target, and her wild husband didn't show up in time, so she and Liusu might not be able to escape unscathed when facing black and white.

Did Xiao Taohong love her? It is clearly a capitalized "pit"!

Liusu nodded, it seemed reasonable to say so.

She covered her face with one hand, mourned for Xiao Taohong in her heart, and wanted to go to the hero to save the beauty, but in the end, she fulfilled Xiao Lingchuan again, making the relationship between husband and wife go further.

Liusu thought, the saddest person here should be Xiao Taohong, who didn't please her with money or effort.

Obviously caring about a person, missing him to the point of madness, wanting to do something, not wanting to be inferior, lowering his status, showing his liking in arrogant and evil ways, sure enough, very perverted.

No wonder Li Haitang couldn't understand, if it was her, she would have prepared a glass of poisoned wine and sent Xiao Taohong directly to the west.

"What does Little Taohong like about me? I'll change it!"

After Li Haitang finished speaking, she burst out laughing, she was already married, she was a married woman, and she had a good relationship with the savage husband, and she hated being sabotaged the most.

Liusu reminded her that she didn't admit it, but secretly became vigilant.

Xiao Taohong's personality is extreme, both good and evil, it is really difficult to deal with, she decided to explain everything to her husband tonight, so as not to cause a estrangement between the couple because of irrelevant people.

"As for Yun Jinghong's injury, I really have nothing else to do."

Liusu is very worried, she still has the last resort, using Gu worms to detoxify. Implant the Gu worms into Yun Jinghong's body to take drugs, and then get them out.

But there are deviations in this method, and once there is a deviation, it is a death, it is better to cut off an arm.

"Lisu, have you ever heard of bone scraping to cure poison?"

Li Haitang only said four words, Yun Jinghong's injury could only be left to Liusu, she was unable to do physical work because she had enough energy to spare.

"I seem to understand."

Tassel is an expert, and the method is feasible, but it may not be able to clean up all the remaining poison, but at least the existence is not fatal, just take the detoxification pill slowly.

"I heard from your maid that you are going to Lucheng?"

The topic was changed, and Li Haitang didn't have any opinion on her because of her concealment. Liusu heaved a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart was let go.

She doesn't have a man, sisterhood is her most important thing.

"Yeah, I'm going to make a fuss and open a jewelry shop."

Li Haitang talked about his lofty ideals. In the future, if the little buns don't like medical skills, they can choose to do business. If they have money, everything will be easy.

"Then I, as an aunt, can't be empty-handed. I have to prepare a meeting gift for Doubao now."

Liusu felt Li Haitang's pulse, and felt the shape of her stomach. There is a high probability that it is a son.

Li Haitang didn't pay much attention to Xiao Baozi's gender, but she also felt this way, not to mention that she could tell from the pulse. Many nights, she dreamed that there was a fat baby under the tree, looking up at the red carp on the tree.

I asked a fortune teller to interpret the dream, and the husband said that the dream is auspicious.

"Anyway, fortune tellers can't do it really well. They give money all kinds of compliments, saying that I am Wangfu, Wangzi, and I am a rich man."

Li Haitang spoke modestly, and felt a little proud in his heart. Who doesn't like being praised, even if it's bullshit, it can make him happy, and the money is worth it.

"Well, then I'd better marry Yun Jinghong."

Liusu tilted her head, lowered her eyes in deep thought, and said a word out of nowhere.

"Does this have anything to do with General Yun?"

Li Haitang was at a loss, thinking about this possibility. An unmarried man and an unmarried woman, living together in the same room all day, maybe a little strange spark can be sparked?

"The fortune teller said I was Kefu, so I have to find an enemy to marry."

Tassel looked serious, not like telling a joke at all.


Li Haitang laughed immediately, rubbed her heart with her hands, and silently mourned for Yun Jinghong for three minutes. It was the first time she saw such a weird reason for marriage.

However, for the sake of the people in the North, for the stability of the army, and for the integrity of Daqi's territory, Li Haitang still wanted to speak his heartfelt words as a representative of the people, and asked Tassel to let Yun Jinghong go.

If you have to restrain yourself, you'd better bear with it and wait until the war is over.

"Haitang, you are too bad!"

Liusu couldn't help herself, and laughed out loud, and the two sisters got closer again, without being troubled by her identity at all.

"Where is my fault, I am thinking of the common people, so I have to be this villain who beats mandarin ducks!"

Li Haitang continued to tease, and told Liusu that this is a secret, don't tell Miss Zhang, especially at this stage.

"Didn't Ruyi have to find someone to tell his fortune and ask for Kefu's means?" Liusu laughed again when he thought of Lu Er's stunned man who was sadly reminding him.

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