Li Haitang nodded. She felt that she was having an academic discussion with a doctor without any other color, so she asked for advice seriously without blushing.

She also knows what frequency is appropriate, and the husband and wife are gradually exploring.

Mammy Yu was the first to serve the wife of a wealthy family. However, the main family has concubines and maids, and she is not interested in pregnant women. On the contrary, the wife is sensitive and has strong needs.

"This is a bit."

Li Haitang nodded in agreement. She had heard similar questions in modern lectures, and experts gave answers. When it was her turn, she experienced it herself and found out that it was the case.

It's okay now, she's afraid that she won't be able to satisfy her husband, seeing him endure, she will also feel uncomfortable.

"How long did it take for the master's last intercourse?"

Nanny Yu is someone who came from here, and she was married before. Later, the man fell into the river and drowned. She became a widow at a young age, and was kicked out of the house as a broom star. By chance, she sold herself as a slave, and started as a maid To a senior nanny.

Stumbled all the way, tasted all the ups and downs, now, Nanny Yu thinks about it.

Since Li Haitang doesn't dislike her, she will try her best to serve her, otherwise she will have no face in the future to live in the new owner's house.

"a whole night."

Li Haitang paused, struggled for a while, and finally revealed his privacy. There was a little pride in her heart, that the savage husband is strong.

"a whole night?"

Nanny Yu was getting up to pour tea, when she staggered, the tea was skewed and spilled on the table, her eyebrows twitched, thinking she had heard wrong.

A normal man is no longer very good for a quarter of an hour, and the master she used to serve, after taking the medicine, barely survived for half an hour.

However, taking medicine for a man is not good for the heart. Every time after intercourse, the body feels like it has been washed with water.

There are still elders in Kyoto who died on the bed after taking medicine in order to serve their concubines.

Among men, the favorite is to compare. When Xiao Lingchuan said this, Nanny Yu must think that this person is bragging and does not write drafts, but when Li Haitang said so, she stared and froze.

a whole night? What time is that? Nothing wrong with it?

Nanny Yu feels old and frightened, that's not okay! If this is the case, the couple cannot share the same room and must sleep in separate rooms, for the safety of the wife.

Xiao Lingchuan didn't know that he was being targeted by Nanny Yu.

"Ma'am, you can't use your body to cater to the master. You are a genius doctor who cures diseases and saves people, but this old slave has decades of experience... In short, you must listen to advice."

Nanny Yu chatters endlessly, especially during intercourse, you must not hit your stomach, it is best to use the side position, but it should not be too long, no more than half an hour.

If she was not satisfied, she had to think of other ways. She went back to look for it, and there was a pamphlet about it at the bottom of the box.

"Actually, I have them too."

Li Haitang was shy, so she gave the booklet to Nanny Yu. In the end, the two discussed together and settled on a few simple and labor-saving positions, as well as a few stunts that the ladies in Kyoto are using.

The two whispered in the room, and Madam Yu left after noon.

Xiao Lingchuan stood at the door, leaning on the wall with one hand, very curious, what did his wife say to Nanny Yu, and when Nanny Yu left, she gave him a rather weird look, wasn't he really careless?

"Hey, it's really nothing."

Li Haitang didn't dare to look at her savage husband, and the topics in the boudoir were not too private in Daqi, and the women in the village would talk privately when they got together.

Of course, you must talk to someone who is reliable and strict, otherwise if you meet someone with a big mouth, the whole village will know about it.

The husband and wife were chatting, and there was a crisp shout outside the door, "Haitang, is Haitang here, come out and greet her, your best sister is here!"

Needless to say, the only one who can be so shameless is Miss Zhang.

Li Haitang stood up, opened the curtain and went out, and saw Zhang Ruyi wearing a blue floral jacket, sitting on the donkey cart, and the donkey driver in front was her husband Lu Yuanqing.

Lu Er's blushing blushed, clutching a whip in his hand, he rubbed his hands together, wishing he could tuck his neck into his collar, and his scholarly temperament disappeared without a trace.

"Tsk tsk, as soon as I came to the border town, it was so cold, I felt that I was much younger."

Zhang Ruyi jumped off the donkey cart, and took out a wooden box wrapped with layers of quilts and straw from the frame of the cart. Inside were the greenhouse vegetables that Second Aunt Chen entrusted her to deliver.

Only leeks. Eggplants, cucumbers and beans have just set fruit, and they will have to wait for a while before they can be picked.

"What does the cold weather have to do with your youth?"

Li Haitang put her hips on her hips and looked at the sky speechlessly, but she was very happy that the two of them could come to the border town.

Husband is back, and old friends come to see her in the border town. It is lively and lively. In the evening, we will have a meal of leek dumplings. Everyone eats, drinks and chats. They are living happily.

"As soon as I arrived in the border town, I was as cold as a grandson. I am not young anymore!"

The first time Miss Zhang opened her mouth was a joke, matched with Lu Er's dumbfounded expression, Li Haitang almost laughed out loud, talented!

"Come in quickly, it's warmer inside than outside."

Li Haitang moved slowly, Zhang Ruyi stepped forward to help, ignoring Xiao Lingchuan and her husband Lu Yuanqing, they entered the door affectionately.

The two who had been forgotten looked at each other, nodded to each other, and went to the stove to warm up first, so as not to be in front of them.

"If you don't come, I have to go back to Lucheng tomorrow."

When Li Haitang mentioned that he was going to do business, Zhang Ruyi complained about it. The two also mentioned a partnership before, but they couldn't find a way to make a fortune. Because Li Haitang was pregnant, they were temporarily stranded.

"Okay, when you get rich, I'll come to your house to eat and drink."

After drinking a cup of hot tea, Zhang Ruyi felt better. The gate of Lucheng was closed, which made her very depressed.

After the gate of the city was opened, she immediately ran away from home and came to join her good sister in the border city. When she heard that Tassel was there, she happened to order some strange and deceptive medicine.

"You ran away from home with your husband?"

Li Haitang pointed out the window, and if he wanted to leave, he didn't have to drive a donkey cart, so he appeared in such a strange shape, right?

"The donkey cart was borrowed from the tenant. I don't know how to drive it. I fell down several times. It is a stubborn donkey. Only Lu Er's idiot can conquer it. I have no choice but to bring a coolie."

Zhang Ruyi pointed at her little jacket with a proud expression on her face. She saw that all the daughter-in-laws in the village wore it like this, so she also asked her mother-in-law to help make one.

In the midst of chaos, she traveled in a high-profile way, in case she was robbed.

"Look at your belly, it's grown quite a lot."

Miss Zhang touched it with her hand, as if a basin had been dug into her belly, this feeling was very novel.

"It's been more than four months, and if it takes so long, the bean buns will come out."

Li Haitang counted the days, the confinement period was just in time for the beginning of spring, the ice and snow melted, and it was neither hot nor cold, which was better than the scorching summer. Nanny Yu's concept is similar to modern times, she is allowed to wash her hair and face, but she cannot be exposed to the wind, and let her stay in confinement as long as possible, the reincarnation consumes the most, so she must take care of it.

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