Mrs. Jiang has always been in awe of Mrs. Li, not only because Mrs. Li is cruel, but also because of her shameless means, she can cheat money with no conscience, and push the girls in the village into a pit of fire.

Since it is ill-gotten wealth, it must be spent quickly.

Lurking at home, Mrs. Jiang secretly paid attention to where Mrs. Li hid her money, and roughly calculated the amount of money.

Before leaving, she planned for a long time, and finally picked a day to do it, and directly got a thousand taels of silver, real gold and silver, which was heavy.

It's just an ordinary villager who hid so much money and got rich!

As a collusion, the blacksmith prepared a carriage in advance, and rented a yard in the border town, and lied to the outside world that they were husband and wife.

Li Dahe has become a dead ghost, and Mrs. Jiang doesn't want to be a widow. What's more, under the same roof as Mrs. Li, she can't get any oil, water or money, and her life is very tight.

Mrs. Li only thought about his son, Li Dajiang, and herself. Regardless of whether others lived or died, she didn't like her grandchildren much.

"Didn't you take away a lot of money?"

Li Haitang sneered, and quickly understood Jiang's idea, but she was not a soft persimmon, not to mention that she had no feelings for the Li family, so it was useless to say anything.

"It's all gone, only one tael of silver is left, and the family has to buy rice and noodles."

Jiang really had no money in his hand, otherwise he would not have thought of taking the risk of touching porcelain. Recently, when he went out at night, he did not meet the fat sheep, and returned empty-handed again and again.

The only one tael of silver in my hand has to be kept for the New Year's flowers.

The two countries went to war, and the price of goods rose. One tael of silver, some meat, some rice noodles, could not eat for many days.

In short, in March of the next Yangchun, the snow will melt in the border towns. Before that, there was no place to go to work.

All the money in the family was taken away by the blacksmith. At the beginning, the Jiang family had a lot of money and didn't care about the three or five taels of silver. The blacksmith went out for a day.

Sometimes at night, I just come back drunk, reeking of alcohol.

If she persuaded him a few words and made him angry, he would be beaten up. The two children in the family cried, and sometimes the blacksmith even beat the children together.

Life can't go on, Jiang wants to take her children away, but she is shocked to find that the money she secretly hid is gone!

The blacksmith used old tricks to steal the money from her, and went to the casino to gamble. When she found out and went to find someone, she had already lost only a few copper coins.

The blacksmith's eyes were red, and he wanted to borrow usury to make a comeback.

Gamblers have this kind of mentality, thinking that their luck will not continue to be bad, and maybe they will turn around and become rich after turning over their fortunes.

Thousands of taels of silver were gambled to the point that there was nothing left, and she hid the last silver. Jiang had no money and couldn't find a job, so he had to find another way.

"The money should have been given to the daughter-in-law. It is Mrs. Li's ill-gotten gains."

Jiang made a point of reasoning, saying that it was not easy to take care of her children alone. For many years, she had lived in the village and rarely saw Li Dahe.

"Your mother is different. She doesn't do any work, just like everyone else."

There was resentment in Jiang's heart, she knew that she shouldn't say this, but she couldn't hold it back.

Li Haitang was speechless, her own mother was originally a lady of everyone, a daughter of a high family, how could she be comparable to a woman in the village? Really overwhelmed.

She couldn't comment on Li Dahe's actions, in short, it was a bad debt, but Li Dahe found a woman outside and raised a child, it's not very kind.

"I know you are very rich now, give me some, don't say that I am your stepmother, my children are also your younger siblings."

Jiang shi observed Li Haitang's attitude and looked disgusted, so she moved out her children, regardless of their face, as well as Li Jinhu.

Anyway, that brat Li Jinhu and her children are the same father.

In terms of blood, they are the closest relatives.

Li Haitang was very disgusted by which pot Jiang did not open and which pot to lift, and what the other party said, both inside and outside, had the meaning of threatening her.

"At the beginning, I was going to marry Li Dahe, but your mother got pregnant and inserted a pot in the middle, making Dahexi a father and robbing me of my marriage."

Although the villagers didn't know about this matter, after so many years, Li Haitang's appearance made people have vague guesses.

Hearing this, Li Haitang just thought it was funny. Back then, the marriage was a transaction. Li Dahe collected money and acted as a heartbreaker. What does it have to do with her mother? He can't, there are others, mother may have a better life, and don't need to die of depression.

Moreover, as mentioned in the mother's letter, Li Dahe made the decision after discussing it with his family members. Jiang Shi was dumped, so he didn't resent Li Dahe, but instead hated her mother. This is very unreasonable.

Mrs. Jiang was brooding over the events of the year, nagging, and withdrawing money with open mouth.

"Your children are neither my father nor my mother, how come they are my younger siblings?"

Li Haitang didn't want to be taken advantage of, and wanted her to pay, sorry, no, not even a copper coin.

"That's fine, I'll tell you about your scandal, you're a bastard, and your mother is a slut..."

When Mrs. Jiang heard that she had no money, she immediately became angry and cursed. She wanted everyone in the border town to know that the divine doctor Li they worshiped was a bastard, and her mother was even more lewd and unchaste, and she wanted to steal his man!


Li Haitang slapped Jiang Shi, not to mention that she was a junior offender, mother Ruan's letter was full of the pain of being raped by Li Dahe, especially after giving birth to Li Jinhu, she was in such pain that she couldn't bear to live.

Whether as a woman or soon to be a mother, Li Haitang can understand Ruan's difficulty. Her mother is a strong woman and cannot tolerate anyone's slander.

What is the Jiang family? After Li Dahe died, he first took his children to Lijia Village to make a high-profile confession, and then stole the Li family's money and eloped with others.

Now that I have no money, when I go out to touch porcelain, I slaughter her as a fat sheep, thinking that she is weak, or for the sake of face, I can only swallow my anger?

Li Haitang is soft-tempered and kind-hearted most of the time, but once someone violates her bottom line, she will immediately turn her back and become cold-blooded and ruthless.

Jiang Shi, just stepped on her minefield.

"Ma'am, let's go home."

Xiao Lingchuan sent the people to the carriage, extinguished the lantern, and didn't even look at Jiang Shi.

"Okay, you guys, you are so arrogant that you have no king's law. If you have the ability, you will trample on my corpse!"

If Mrs. Jiang didn't come with money, she wouldn't get anything. The veins on her forehead were twitching. She immediately made a "big" shape and lay down on the ground to prevent the carriage from passing by.

This silver must be given today, and it cannot be given less!

The gate of Lucheng was opened, and I heard that Li Jinhu's little boy is in Lushan Academy, and he spends a hundred taels of silver every year. Her sons and daughters ate bran swallowed vegetables at home, and Li Jinhu's son still had Shunian and servants to serve him, it was not fair! Li Dahe must have hidden money for that brat!

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